Thursday, March 31, 2016

Software to Rent – WDR News

Buy or rent?


Good software costs money usually. Sometimes you pay a few euros for an app, such as small games on a smartphone, for professional software but sometimes sometimes even hundreds of euros. But increasingly we have the choice: Buy or Rent? You pay a monthly or annual fee for the right of use.

Why the trend to rent?

a monthly rental is a much lower barrier to entry, the costs are low and transparent. You can try a software or app and always book in the cloud-principle functions to which you need, and the unsubscribe what you no longer need. This means more flexibility. At the same time binds the customer even more to the suppliers, who would want to change rental software must operate high cost: Often, at least parts of your data is stored on the cloud servers of providers and not on your hard drive, so you can access it from any computer. Since a change does not fall so easily.

What are the benefits to the rental of software or Apps?

There are several advantages: First, you can right software for rent only for a certain period, as long as you need them. The acquisition costs are low. A special software for image editing or video editing, for example, can easily cost several hundred euros in the purchase – or you pay 20 euros a month for the rent. That may be worth. When in doubt, even, to find out if the software is durable for a bit. Those who rent software automatically uses always the latest version normally. That’s when purchased software is usually not the case: since it is entitled to protection updates, but not to new versions with new features. Those who rent a software or app, automatically always gets asked the most recent version available. In addition, one can find many rental apps on multiple computers running.

How many computers can sold or leased Apps are used?

In general, one may use purchased software on only one computer, sometimes two or three. Since one in rental software always has an online connection, you must also log so, the provider of the software more control over and is therefore also more generous. You may install the software on multiple machines and use.

What benefits are they connected to the purchase of software?

It has only one-time costs that are higher, but only once. Who uses a software version three, four or five years without updates, the saving at a purchase software generally. In addition, you are no data from the hand and uses no cloud provider’s services. The purchase of software is so discrete. Some apps like Outbank, a popular banking app for tablets you but no longer gets in the purchase, but as a yearly subscription.

Which method should choose a member?

This is not least a question of taste. But very often it is cheaper to rent the software. Microsoft Office costs in the rent from 70 euros a year, in return you get Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Outlook as a package – and can use the software on five computers and mobile devices are running. The purchase of a package usually costs at least 150 EUR – for one computer (!). If you rent, so is more flexible and saves money. This applies similarly to other suppliers. However, it adds the manufacturer with more data. Who does not like, should prefer buying

status:. 03.31.2016, 11:00


The most dangerous software in the world: Criminals love this tool – CHIP Online

The result: Of the 15 in 2015 most commonly exploited vulnerabilities infected 13 in the Flash Player. Who uses the plug-in and does not keep up to date, is therefore higher than average risk of becoming a victim of an attack. The other two vulnerabilities related to Internet Explorer and the Flash counterpart Microsoft Silverlight.
The fact that the Flash Player is such a popular target for attackers, is also due to the wide distribution. Although the plug-in is increasingly less important on the Web, it belongs on countless systems remains the standard.

are problematic especially old versions of Flash: At least once a month Adobe released a security update that includes all known vulnerabilities. Since the vulnerabilities in this moment even publicly, develop appropriate programmer attacks. Within a few days this land attacks in the exploit kits and take users to target, use an unpatched Flash version.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Software problems: Why is it annoying to Jenniffer called zero – THE WORLD

Jennifer zero knew what she was getting into when she accepted her husband’s surname – her husband had warned , But the housewife and mother from the US state of Virginia suggested that caution to the wind. Now they must live with the consequences: regular computer problems.

If zero, for example, wants to buy a ticket online, it does not work on most pages, she told the BBC. The reason: For computer is not zero any name – in the IT, it stands for an empty field in a database.

websites with online forms therefore regularly complain about their surnames: This field should not be empty. For the labeling of an empty field actually is the word “zero” used, not the word “zero”, which is in English is the number zero.

The handle to the phone does not always help for zero-name. “I am asked why I call, and then when I try to explain the situation, told me: ‘This can not be,’” said the BBC zero.

And the problem is not limited to online ticket purchases: Also on the site of the US tax authorities would not accept her surname. And when they as a substitute teacher was working on call before the birth of their child, the software should inform them of inserts refused.

zero must therefore frequently to Telephone access. “I feel that I things always have to do in the traditional way,” she said.

Stephen O also has problems

zero is not the only name that leads to computer problems. Some people would, for example, only a single name, instead of first and last name, reports the BBC on. Or her last name consists of just a single letter.

The “New York Times” reported, for example, in 1991 to be called from the ordeal of a South Korean who had the misfortune Stephen O. This led to problems with banks, credit card companies, video stores and automobile financiers -. All because of IT problems with the last name

But the other extreme is a curse are: for the Hawaiianerin Janice Keihanaikukauakahihulihe’ekahaunaele fought that her full name appears on her US license – and won. At the end of the software the government computer has been updated to allow this, the BBC reported.

The “borderline cases” be less

Even names that are completely normal in one culture, may elsewhere cause problems. Thus pushed, for example, the programmer Patrick McKenzie with his name in Japan on problems. The name is simply too long for many Japanese forms – in most forms it therefore contributes only “McKenzie P” a

Especially by increasing globalization. software development is increasing awareness of such Edge cases – to German borderline cases – such as programmers call. Especially in the World Wide Web Consortium, the standardization body of the Web, such issues are discussed.

“I think the situation is better, partly because is a growing awareness in the community, “McKenzie told the BBC. Until but all the software adapted to unusual name, is zero probably still need to frequently pick up the phone.

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Software security at SAP – data theft made easy – Sü

SAP makes programs that utilizes almost every company in the world to process sensitive information. The software for years had a major security hole.

From Max Hägler and Hakan Tanriverdi

It’s a big word that the hacker Andreas Wiegenstein has used for this threat: Skyfall. It sounds like a great calamity. The sky is falling, as almost in the same James Bond film. In fact, the matter Skyfall potential had to much damage – in digital heaven as it were. Over several years, all of the German software company SAP customers were affected by a serious vulnerability that was supposed to be so obvious to experts such as the blue sky. But just remained undetected until Wiegenstein and his colleagues raised the alarm. Weighing stone is one of the good guys, those hackers called White Hats . He makes his Heidelberger company Virtual Forge gaps attention and earns his money. “The vulnerability is critical”, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) confirming its realization. From an incident “very high priority”, also speaks Gerold Hübner, SAP security chief. After now all the gaps are filled, this case can be traced.

SAP know many just hearsay, it is the people not as present as Microsoft or Facebook, but equally important. With SAP software companies are completely controlled: The personnel administration, the products in the camps, the accounting, the Online Store, the travel expenses. Virtually all major corporations and large institutions in the world to use parts of this software: Coca-Cola, NASA, Daimler, Pfizer, General Motors, BP and RWE, to name a few. Half of all global financial transactions passing through SAP programs. SAP from the Palatine Walldorf is the global market leader for such software that is much more complex than a writing program on the PC or any iPhone games.

Of course, SAP programs shall be kept up to date, and the computer specialists in-applying companies need from time to additional programs for new features. With SAP updates on the Service Marketplace are handled, a website with programs that can be downloaded by clicking. This works much like an app store. And here’s the security issue: the update process. For years he was especially simple, thereby also specially dangerous because SAP had this process not always protected. Attackers would be injected to this update process and can install malicious software to retrieve sensitive customer information: about human and financial data, plans, documents and orders or chemical formulas. Everything just what is stored and processed in the SAP system. Six years was open this gate. Although this method only the best hackers do something, but the BSI announces: “. Such a gateway makes it simple, that is undisputed” This seems to be the name Skyfall, the name for which is Wiegenstein decided not to be misleading.

Perfect a program from being secure ever, it is too complex

data be sent on the Internet, are open by default, like a postcard. Hackers can therefore tap data traffic and possibly intercept data packets, equip them with malicious software and smuggle in foreign companies. Such an attack would have been possible even with SAP Downloads, says Sebastian Schinzel, IT professor at the University of Münster, of the Skyfall gap with uncovered: SAP it turned its users freely to waive Encryption who know even ordinary users the small castle in the Internet browser window displays about when communicating protected by his e-mail provider. Without protection hackers could observe the requests and can replace new software products from SAP by altered. to not use “https”, the technical term, that was the first problem. “A relevant step was thus unencrypted” says Wiegenstein. Normally modern computer systems noted also such manipulations because downloaded software packages are provided with a digital signature, so a signature: If the Windows PC or Mac invites a new update, the computer checks whether the software was published by the manufacturer and not has been changed. But here was the second problem: “The Signature at SAP is not automatically considered” says Professor Schinzel. That you’ve actually overlooked – “until we were just made aware,” says SAP security chief Hübner. He was on a business trip in Nice, when he learns of the German researchers at October 15, 2015 from the case. Several hundred people working for him, consider at any stage the software programs on vulnerability, and this he committed repeatedly external security experts as Wiegenstein. Such people have a different perspective, see mistakes that escape their own programmers. Perfect hedge nevertheless can be nothing that white Hübner, which applies to all software programs from any manufacturer. Especially as the most important SAP software from 319 million lines of code there. Errors creep in as a necessarily. Always therefore involves the most extensive minimizing risks. Rasch looked Hübner So the first documents on the computer through – and forwards them immediately to Sid Rao continued, the head of the ready-hour SAP Security team. “On October 22, we then notify our customers”, on 30 October, the first updates were then were delivered to fix the gap, says Hübner. This was “very rapidly, applicable in such cases, of course, not the eight-hour working day.” Only two weeks ago then, in mid-March, reported Wiegenstein and his two colleagues at a security conference in Heidelberg in the art of the case. The hacker pride dictates restraint so that the gaps can not be used by malicious hackers.

Edward Snowden documents show that the NSA exploits those vulnerabilities

But it was fast enough in the face of a gap that has existed for six years? Is it not possible that was broken at this time in some groups? “To our knowledge there have been no attacks on this job,” says Hübner. It admits that it does not exclude, but there was absolutely no evidence. Good settings for virus scanners could detect any tampering in the downloaded software packages with great certainty, the SAP-man believes. “A very interesting” case, however, says Joris van de Vis, also white-hat hacker who earns his money by SAP and to make their customers reveal security holes. But, says of de Vis: “It is not the most critical vulnerability.” The conditions are so high that there are few attackers who are able to exploit the vulnerability: mainly government intelligence agencies. Also BSI and security researchers call Schinzel especially intelligence as a possible attacker. In the documents of the whistleblower Edward Snowden appeared films, where such attacks by the American secret service NSA are described.

The sensitivity of the case, both for SAP as well as the industrial world and in Germany, shows because no DAX company wanted to talk about the gap. Only the Telekom subsidiary T-Systems, the SAP systems running for a third of the DAX companies, explained: They had noticed the vulnerability, but not classified as particularly serious. What probably is also the fact that T-Systems always pays attention to encrypted connections and checks the downloads signatures. How widespread this behavior when the total of 300 000 customers of SAP, is unclear. When sat together computer scientists in Heidelberg two weeks ago, turned university professor Schinzel the question: Who checks the “digital signature” on downloads? Nobody answered.


Electronic Tax Return: Tips on matching software – N24

Until May 31 the tax office wants to see the tax return. But as it often is several hundred euros back, it’s worth it to be faster. Many rely on software.

Many go to law?

in the spring to the tax office, pick up a pack forms on gray-green paper and book a weekend. Then be retrieved collected receipts in shoe boxes or folders and entered in the tax return

Faster than with pen and paper, it is but the computer -. Either with purchased software or the free Elster program of financial management. Time can be saved as by the pre-filled electronic tax returns. Their basic idea is that the tax office some information, such as address, bank details or number of children present and others like income tax and health insurance are received electronically. To use it all, but you have to be registered once under and have applied for an electronic certificate.

“But the tax authorities do not know everything”, warns Markus Fischer of the Stiftung Warentest. Therefore, no one should simply hand the pre-filled statement, but to supplement it by the information, allow easy save taxes. “These are, for example, travel costs, expenses for child care or craftsmen.”

Anyone who uses the software of financial management “needs to know where the information to be made,” explains Fischer. “Elster does not help one in the tax return, whereas commercial software has this claim.” . As with the help apps insist their basic idea is, the user to ask the right questions

The fact that this difference can cost money, shows a test of the “Computer Bild” (issue 6/16): reader sat under the supervision of the computer and entered their tax data. “Allen reckoned Elster a lower tax refund than the commercial programs” summarizes “Computer Bild” editor André Hesel together the result. Another Magpie criticism: “Some data has been entered incorrectly due to lack of user guidance.” In addition, purchase programs experienced Packages about checking account out -. Not Elster

“Elster is not intuitive to use,” confirms “financial test” expert fisherman. Who is but already become sooner finished the forms come with Elster clearly and save time and paper. So fewer documents must be sent to the authority about transmission by electronic means. And if the digital statement has arrived in time to the tax office server, missing documents may also be submitted later.

Who’s afraid to bring electronic perhaps rashly false information on the way, can continue to print the completed with control software forms just read, think again about sleep and even proposed still personally at the tax office. Both can also be combined, explains André Hesel. The data could be sent digitally to the tax office without a certificate, and a compressed tax return on paper, we then refilled. However, in this case, not the electronic submission, but the receipt of the paper declaration to the tax office is crucial for the deadline.

On the skills of an accountant is the opinion of fishermen and Hesel not approach even the best software. Worthwhile the Consult the professionals is especially true when it comes to commercial or self-employment. Many homeowners who feed with a photovoltaic system power, is about not aware that this meant business income, says Anne Kathrin Wernsdorf, Speaker in Steuerberaterverband. And self-employed offers an accountant addition business advice.

“However, is considered by many workers that a tax advisor about the amount costs, he saves” says editor Hesel. “Anyone who is unsure what he is doing and write in need, can also contact a Lohnsteuerhilfeverein” adds Fischer. United are the two in another point: It is worthwhile almost always to make a tax return. For those who have it not yet convinced Fischer has a peace of mind: “If you voluntarily file a tax return, and there is still a payment, you can even withdraw.”

The price of the control helper on PC is approximately between 15 and 40 euros. Who wants to save that sum this year and once again use the program from 2015, will be disappointed.

On the one hand respect the provider that they produced results can be characterized as a tax return in 2016 only with the current software. And besides, there is every year changes, which concern not only individual groups, but all taxpayers, emphasized André Hesel of the “Computer Image”.

With the making of the declarations of the job of the purchased software is still not over: Many programs can analyze the electronic tax return. Discover errors, matching sample letters are provided for many individual cases that simple opposition to the tax office may be charged explains Hesel. “Some programs are more than 200″.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

New Software: Check Bürgerämter patience of Berlin soon to be more – THE WORLD

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Bürgerämter Check patience of Berlin soon more

the patience of Berlin must know no boundaries. A new software should solve the problem elle long waiting times for a civil official appointment. But just exacerbates the problem only.

 The patience of Berlin must know no boundaries. A new software should solve the problem elle long waiting times for a civil official appointment. But the very exacerbates the problem only

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Photo: AP software problems lead at the Berlin municipal offices, as here in Neukölln, to extremely long waits

For months get Berlin only after several months of waiting period an appointment in public office, to register or to apply for a new card. More staff and a new software should help. Now this new software from the districts cause further considerable problems view. The Councillor for Citizen Services in Lichtenberg, Andreas auditor (left), criticized on Tuesday: “The software does not work There are failures, and faulty processes, certain operations take longer now than before..” So the whole by timed working’m confused.

The Senate sees this differently. A spokesman for the Interior Administration, which is responsible for the development of new software, said: “First of all it is not a software problem, but rather caused by the different borough IT infrastructure.” In the best of authorities German states: “It must be stated that the functionality for reporting, passport and identity cards are present and leads to misunderstandings only individual process steps.”

What these” misunderstandings “exist and between whom they occur – plus there is no explanation. Granted are merely “Performance Printing Problems”. These and only in the “second range”. The spokesman for the Interior Administration pointed out that the previous software was ten years old, and therefore had to be replaced because of “modernity and comfort”.

Set is the indefinite future. “Moreover, in the long term there is the possibility that because of modernity of the IT system VOIS some services completely or partly can be found online and thus discharge into the municipal offices can be achieved.” When we are not told.

examiner looks contrast to the queues in public offices and its overburdened staff who can not get through the new system, the hoped-for support. “Mal missing forms, then the system input data can not remember already, then does not the connection to the EC card payment device.” So much would last longer than before. “Some futures customers waiting more than two hours.”

are so satisfied citizens with German Amtsstuben

              Whether relocation, marriage or Car Registration: Always is at the transition to the authority. The Federal Statistical Office wanted to know how pleased the Germans with the services of the offices really are Source:. N24


Note reading software Capella Reader 8 is replaced by the new touch mode – Heise Newsticker

Capella Reader 8 brings for the first time with a mode for touch screens.

The free sheet music reading software Capella Reader runs in Version 8 for the first time on Mac OS. In addition, the developers have the program donated a new user interface and made it fit for touch screen operation.

While a new version of the music notation program Capella has still not located, the developer has capella software-AG its free sheet music reading software Capella Reader updated to version. 8 She now runs on both Windows from Vista and Mac OS X 10.7.

The new version brings a control mode for touch screens. So to navigate, for example with the new function “animated leaves” by swiping through the score. Alternatively, it works well with the mouse; a separate desktop mode there continues. The user interface has been updated and is expected to provide an outlook on the design of the upcoming Capella version.

Capella Reader 8 opens in addition to the in-house file formats Cap and Capx also Midi and Music xml files, these displays and plays from them – on request only selected voices. It uses version 8 to the new SoundFont technology back, with which you can then assign each audio track of a piece of its own sound. The scores of individual voices can be selected and printed out. Capella Reader is now available on the developer’s website for free download.

The new features of Capella Reader 8 in picture and sound.



Hacker attacks: blackmailer software is rampant in the network – Stuttgarter Nachrichten


By Daniel Gräfe "2016-03-29 07:20"> 29th March 2016 – 07:20


hacker attacks k & # XF6; can meet every Internet user Ransomware is the sch & # XE4;. Lethal software called the h & # XE4; frequently in Anh & # XE4;. Nts of emails is hidden when they ge & # XF6; be opened, the data encrypt & # xFC; sselt Photo: dpa

 Hacker attacks can meet every Internet user. Ransomware is called the malicious software that is often hidden in attachments to emails. When they are opened, the data is encrypted Photo:. Dpa

A wave of ransomware software rampant in the country. It encrypts data. To decrypt it, the cyber criminals demanding money. For companies in the worst case rests production.


Waiblingen / Stuttgart – Horst Häfele by CID Waiblingen sometimes wonders how innocently circumvent entrepreneurs between Waiblingen and Aalen with information on their company. Two dozen ads were received in mid-February of entrepreneurs and self-employed. They complained that cybercriminals have encrypted their data. Instead appointments, billing or production programs a ransom demand appeared on the screens. Only if you will transfer almost 400 euros, the data would be decrypted. “One or the other had entrepreneurs not saved the data,” says Häfele. “I also suspect that having one or other paid -. Although we advise against it”

ransomware is the blackmailer software cyber scammers called in technical jargon, which can meet every Internet user. The software is often hidden in the attachments to e-mails. If opened, the Trojan starts to encrypt the data. The fake mails are made more professional and often seem to banks, customers or friends to come. And even when visiting an infected website, the user can capture the Trojans. It is no longer just to sleazy side – even side of banks or media are often counterfeited. “The malicious software is changed regularly by the perpetrators, so even current antivirus software can not provide complete protection,” says the State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) Baden-Württemberg


When you LKA is concerned. While ransomware has long been in circulation, but since the beginning of the number is much higher. More than 300 reports of the blackmailer software Locky were received, says Tim Frenzl by the Department cybercrime. “Last year there were a total of 700 cases. We have already reached almost half. “However, the statistic is only an approximation, since the ads would not be covered uniformly. In addition, another ransomware Trojans in circulation, which are not covered in the national statistics. The figure is likely also why be higher by a multiple. The Bochum IT security specialist G Data currently has about 30 active program families. Besides Locky especially the programs CryptoWall and TeslaCrypt are widely


When in doubt, the production may be shut down

When detectives Waiblingen Locky first appeared on 18 February on. Within a few days wobbled the 25 ads – also because Häfele immediately warned of the threat. “So massive, it has never been,” he says. Almost exclusively small and medium enterprises between Waiblingen and Schwäbisch Hall signed up, including from measurement technology and plant, paint shops, brokers, a furniture store. The two largest companies property damage of around EUR 30 000 was created – output fell one or two days out. “They had fortunately saved the data,” says Häfele. Just as the two towns is also concerned. “Not every small company has a current back-up – that is suicidal,” criticizes Häfele. “The weak point is always the staff. For example, if a secretary opens an attachment and spread of Trojans in the complete system. It is often only in training and IT invested when the child fell into the fountain “


Not only that makes the investigators concerned. Also important infrastructures are increasingly affected – such as authorities and hospitals. In Neuss in North Rhine-Westphalia had to be postponed by an encryption attack operations, doctors had no more access to electronic medical records. Overall, the LKA North Rhine-Westphalia in the past three months counted nine attacks on hospitals, were used in the encryption Trojans.

“If a hospital must set the emergency care if a municipality does not have access to their data or and companies are threatened in their existence, then makes me very worried, “says LKA director Uwe Jacob. The systems to make sure again was also difficult because the malicious software to gain all rights in a system and thus can take control.

IT Experts call for strategies for the real thing

also therefore urge IT professionals companies, authorities and institutions to develop comprehensive strategies for the real thing. They should train staff effectively secure data security vulnerabilities quickly and report the incidents to the police. Above all, the careless handling of security software is on the criticism. “90 percent of successful attacks on companies found vulnerabilities instead,” says Thorsten Urbanski of G Data. “Although there was already at the time of the attack by the manufacturer an update to close the gap.”

Yet would the blackmailer Software Ships usually en masse, says Urbanski. The blackmailer would rarely know the users of e-mail addresses. But that could change. The criminals could exercise with targeted attacks pressure and require more than a few hundred euros. the case of a US hospital that paid the equivalent of about EUR 15 000, to view the encrypted data back to became famous. Even companies could be targeted blackmailed says Urbanski. “Especially in Baden-Württemberg is worth it – you think but only to the expertise of the SME.”

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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Prerelease version of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS launches new software installer – Heise Newsticker

Ubuntu are on their own application installer and pivots on a Gnome project program to. The Kubuntu Beta brings the KDE user interface plasma 5.5. A 16:04 version of Edubuntu it should not be: the developers lack the time

A new Software Center is one of the biggest innovations planned for Thursday, April 21 desktop version. Ubuntu 4.16 LTS. The Ubuntu team has released beta versions, so those interested can test this and other Linux distributions for the upcoming Ubuntu generation.

Some testers will search in vain for an installation option for AMD’s proprietary graphics driver. The missing fact and is up to the release of 16:04 no longer retrofitted because AMD soon abandons this driver. For now, the company therefore does not care to make timely Catalyst compatible with the new Ubuntu

Application Installer from Gnome project

.  Gnome software in the beta of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
Gnome Software at the beta of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Magnification & # XF6; & # xdf; ren
As the old and Ubuntu software Center also provides specific new a surface on the app stores reminiscent of Apple and Google. The new program is no new development, but gnome-software . The Workstation Edition of Fedora uses promoted by the Gnome project program for over a year to install applications.

The installer of Ubuntu and its Unity user interface, however only differ in details from the previous versions. Anyone who wants can now move normally left positioned taskbar (Launcher) in the bottom of the screen. The 16:04 kernel is based on the beginning of January it woks bennen Linux 4.4, but includes a few hand-selected changes from the Linux recently released 4.5.

Beta Download Ubuntu and its variants

 The Ubuntu installer and the Unity Bedienoberfl & # XE4; che were hardly ver & # XE4; changed
The Ubuntu installer and the Unity user interface have not changed much. Magnification & # XF6; & # xdf; ren
the announcement of the beta and the release notes contain details on the pre-release versions of the main versions of Ubuntu that you releases.ubuntu over .com can download.

The team behind other variants of Ubuntu distribution family have released beta versions. This includes Kubuntu, which focuses particularly on applications and desktops of the KDE project. The beta of Kubuntu 4.16 LTS uses plasma 5.5 as a user interface.

Also Lubuntu (desktop environment: LXDE), Mythbuntu, Ubuntu Gnome, Ubuntu Mate, Ubuntu Studio and Xubuntu (Xfce desktop) have released beta versions of 16:04 LTS versions. From Edubuntu, which is specially tailored for use in schools, universities and other learning sites, it will however be no version 4.16: The drivers not found enough time to develop an 16:04 output and instead focus for now on the maintenance of published two years ago version. (thl)
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Friday, March 25, 2016

The best Eastereggs: Well hidden software fun – CHIP Online

Even Wikipedia has a hidden “Easter Egg”. In the English Wikipedia entry on “Easter Egg” is right above an image of rabbits to see. Track the views of the rabbit and click there -. Already appears a nest full of colorful eggs
Of course, there are still some such “Easter Eggs” which are hidden in the network. What they are and how to find them, learn in our photo gallery. Have fun exploring!


Microsoft experienced debacle Software “Tay”: She praised Hitler –

This experiment with artificial intelligence went horribly wrong: Microsoft has a short time to remove from power his chatbot software “Tay”. Users enticed the program by tricking masse to racial gaffes -. Microsoft a debacle

Microsoft has a chatbot software having to take power after a short time after people they by tricking masse to racist gaffes could mislead. When on Wednesday program named “Tay” should be maintained with the aid of simple response algorithms on Twitter appears a conversation with people, but also from conversations learn. User controlled “Tay” to praise, inter alia, Adolf Hitler, to deny the Holocaust and offending mark.

Microsoft deletes Tweets of “Tay”

Much of this tweets later deleted. After a few hours the machine announced via his Twitter account “@TayandYou” she had to go to so many conversations and sleep went from the mains. Microsoft stated in “Tay” would be made “some adjustments”. While the software rediscover some of their answers were unreasonable and reflected the comments of people resist that interacted with her.

According to information of the site “Buzzfeed” who had conducted an interview with the leading developer before the start “Tay” had indeed filter against obscene language. But the team underestimated clearly the destructive power of Internet users in political issues and their inventiveness. Thus, a simple proved “Speak to me!” a safe event. You could “Tay” thus bringing to repeat all possible slogans

chatbot of comedians spiced

“Tay” should the network initially simulate the personality of a young woman be aligned and as a target group on Internet users aged 18 to 24 years. For this, the software has been beefed up, among other things with slogans of comedians, it was

The idea of ​​Chatbots is not new. 50 years ago, the first time the program “Eliza” had caused a stir. It was able to maintain a conversation by putting together matching phrase to recognize keywords. With the progressive development of self-learning machines and artificial intelligence chatbot apply now but, among other things as a promising model for communication of companies with customers. So developed for Facebook’s Messenger concierge services with artificial intelligence, which is currently still taught by humans.


Software for tax return: Why Elster is worse – THE WORLD

Many go in the spring to the tax office, to a pack pick forms on gray-green paper and book a weekend to write in shoe boxes or folders collected documents in the tax return. Faster than with pen and paper, it is but the computer -. Either with purchased software or the free Elster program financial management

time can be about the save pre-filled electronic tax returns. Their basic idea is that the tax office some information, such as address, bank details or number of children present and others like income tax and health insurance are received electronically. To use it all, but you have to be registered once under and have applied for an electronic certificate.

“But the tax office does not know everything “warns Markus Fischer of the Stiftung Warentest. Therefore, no one should simply hand the pre-filled statement, but to supplement it by the information, allow easy save taxes. “These are, for example, travel costs, expenses for child care or craftsmen.”

Elster makes many mistakes

who uses the software of the tax authorities,” need to know where the information to be made, “explains Fischer. “Elster does not help one in the tax return, whereas commercial software has this claim.” As with the help apps insist their basic idea is, the user to ask the right questions.

The fact that this difference can cost money, shows an attempt at ” computer image “: readers sat under the supervision of the computer and entered their tax data. “Allen reckoned Elster a lower tax refund than the commercial programs” summarizes “Computer Bild” editor André Hesel together the result.

Another Magpie criticism: “Some data has been entered incorrectly due to lack of user guidance.” In addition, purchase programs experienced Packages about checking account out -. Not Elster

“Elster is not intuitive to use,” confirms “financial test” expert fisherman. Who is but already become sooner finished the forms come with Elster clearly and save time and paper. So fewer documents must be sent to the authority about transmission by electronic means. And if the digital statement has arrived in time to the tax office server, missing documents may also be submitted later.

Digital and paper simultaneously

who’s afraid to bring electronic perhaps rashly false information on the way, completed with control software forms can continue to print, read carefully, think again about sleep and even proposed still personally at the tax office. Both can also be combined, explains André Hesel.

The data could be sent digitally to the tax office without a certificate, and a compressed tax return on paper will be submitted later. However, in this case, not the electronic submission, but the receipt of the paper declaration to the tax office is crucial for the deadline.

On the skills of an accountant comes in the opinion of Fischer and Hesel even the best software can not zoom. Worthwhile the Consult the professionals is especially true when it comes to commercial or self-employment.

Many homeowners who feed with a photovoltaic system power, is about not aware that this meant business income, says Anne Kathrin Wernsdorf, Speaker in Steuerberaterverband. And self-employed offers an accountant addition business advice.

“However, is considered by many workers that a tax advisor about the amount costs, he saves” says editor Hesel. “Anyone who is unsure what he is doing and write in need, can also contact a Lohnsteuerhilfeverein” adds Fischer. United are the two in another point: It is worthwhile almost always to make a tax return

Many programs check for errors

For those who are of not convinced Fischer has a peace of mind: “If you voluntarily file a tax return, and there is still a payment, you can even withdraw.”

the price of the tax aid to the PC is approximately between 15 and 40 euros. Who wants to save that sum this year and once again use the program from 2015, will be disappointed. On the one hand respect the provider that they produced results can be characterized as a tax return in 2016 only with the current software.

And besides, there is every year changes, which concern not only individual groups, but all taxpayers, emphasized André Hesel of the “Computer Image”. With the making of the declarations of the job of the purchased software is not over yet: Many programs can analyze the electronic tax bill

Discover, error for many. individual cases matching sample letters available with which simple opposition to the tax office may be charged explains Hesel. “Some programs are more than 200.”


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ostergrüße: free software for original Easter Cards – COMPUTER BILD

Thanks to the free software of COMPUTER BILD create original Easter cards quickly and easily.

D he searches for a suitable gift for Easter is for many people a real challenge: It should be something personal as possible, not too expensive and of course meet the tastes of the recipient. Rarely meet gifts of the rod all the criteria. So why not make a clever gift itself

“Easter Raffle: Clean Up” sectionHeading prizes worth over 10,000 euros from

gift for Easter

How about a greeting card or an individually designed voucher? COMPUTER BILD has the best free programs for you: With Ashampoo Photo Card and the Office Templates for Word, Outlook & amp; Co. comes each at his own expense – plus it’s free!

Greeting Cards free with Ashampoo Photo Card

using the free program Ashampoo Photo Card create examples

with a few clicks creative surprises for your loved one. The program includes more than 90 templates: among other things, different colored Easter eggs and the Easter bunny ears. For occasions such as birthdays, marriage and moving designs are offered. The free full version is exclusively prepared COMPUTER to download. To permanently use the program for free, register with your e-mail address at Ashampoo

“Download. Ashampoo Photo Card – Free Download full version
» Guides: Create greeting cards with Ashampoo Photo Card

Office templates for Easter

time is short and a failed Ostergruß need as quickly as possible from? No problem: With the free Word & amp; Outlook templates for Easter you master this challenge easily. The free package includes more 220 templates for word processors such as Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer and LibreOffice Writer and 70 templates for Outlook. To give your cards that extra something, round about 140 fonts and over 200 clipart the creative package of Franzi from sensible. To quickly and easily presentable results on paper or to conjure up on the screen, the Template Package brings its own user interface with: From the free pattern files can be easy to open and edit. Likewise, you bind the fonts with a few clicks in Windows, a

“Download: Free Word, Office & amp;. Outlook templates for Easter download
»Guides: Office templates for Easter

All Newsletter Overview


make tax return online or via software –

On May 31 is the deadline for filing the tax return. Who wants to try and pay neither tax advisor, nor want to fill out the forms completely by hand, takes with software and online solutions a helpful alternative.

In the past had to taxpayers to dig through a pile of forms and all data laboriously enter manually. Today it is far faster at the computer – either with purchased software or the free Elster program financial management

time can be saved as by the pre-filled electronic tax returns.. Their basic idea is that the tax office some information, such as address, bank details or number of children present and others like income tax and health insurance are received electronically. To use it all,

you have to but once registered under and have applied for an electronic certificate.

How do you make your tax return?

“The IRS does not know anything” warns Markus Fischer of the Stiftung Warentest. Therefore, no one should simply hand the pre-filled statement, but to supplement it by the information, allow easy save taxes. “These are, for example, travel costs, expenses for child care or craftsmen.”

At you have to know what you are doing

Anyone who uses the software of the tax authorities, ” needs to know where the information to be made, “explains Fischer. “Elster does not help one in the tax return, whereas commercial software has this claim.” . As with the help apps insist their basic idea is, the user to ask the right questions

The fact that this difference can cost money, shows a test of the “Computer Bild” (issue 6/16): reader sat under the supervision of the computer and entered their tax data. “Allen reckoned Elster a lower tax refund than the commercial programs” summarizes “Computer Bild” editor André Hesel together the result. Another Magpie criticism: “Some data has been entered incorrectly due to lack of user guidance.” In addition, purchase programs pointed to packages around for Account Management -. Not Elster

Online solution is not intuitive

“Elster is not intuitive to use,” confirms “financial test” expert fisherman , Who is but already become sooner finished the forms come with Elster clearly and save time and paper. So fewer documents must be sent to the authority about transmission by electronic means. And if the digital statement has arrived in time to the tax office server, missing documents may also be submitted later.

Who’s afraid to bring electronic perhaps rashly false information on the way, can continue to print the completed with control software forms just read, think again about sleep and even proposed still personally at the tax office. Both can also be combined, explains André Hesel. The data could be sent digitally to the tax office without a certificate, and a compressed tax return on paper will be submitted later. However, in this case, not the electronic submission, but the receipt of the paper declaration to the tax office is crucial for the deadline.

Commercial or self should not Accountants renounce

comes to the skills of an accountant in the opinion of fishermen and Hesel even the best software can not zoom. Worthwhile the Consult the professionals is especially true when it comes to commercial or self-employment. Many homeowners who feed with a photovoltaic system power, is about not aware that this meant business income, says Anne Kathrin Wernsdorf, Speaker in Steuerberaterverband. And self-employed offers an accountant addition business advice.

“However, is considered by many workers that a tax advisor about the amount costs, he saves” says editor Hesel. “Anyone who is unsure what he is doing and write in need, can also contact a Lohnsteuerhilfeverein” adds Fischer. United are the two in another point: It is worthwhile almost always to make a tax return. For those who have it not yet convinced Fischer has a peace of mind: “If you voluntarily file a tax return, and there is still a payment, you can even withdraw.”

What control software costs

the price of the tax aid to the PC is approximately between 15 and 40 euros. Who wants to save that sum this year and once again use the program from 2015, will be disappointed. On the one hand respect the provider that they produced results can be characterized as a tax return in 2016 only with the current software.

Aside from giving it every year changes, which concern not only individual groups, but all taxpayers, stressed André Hesel of the “computer image”. With the making of the declarations of the job of the purchased software is not over yet, however: Many programs can analyze the electronic tax return. Discover errors, matching sample letters are provided for many individual cases that simple opposition to the tax office may be charged explains Hesel. “Some programs are more than 200.”

For more exciting news on our digital home.


Electronic tax returns: take Which software? – Verivox

dpa / tmn | 03/24/2016

 Berlin / Hamburg – Every year many people go to the tax office and get the forms for tax returns in paper form. But there is another computer. This requires a purchased software or the free program Elster financial management.

time can be saved as by the pre-filled electronic tax returns. Their basic idea is that the tax office some information, such as address, bank details or number of children present and others like income tax and health insurance are received electronically. To use it all, but you have to be registered once under and have applied for an electronic certificate.

 Missing values ​​complement

 “However, the tax authorities do not know everything”, warns Markus Fischer of the Stiftung Warentest. Therefore, no one should simply hand the pre-filled statement, but to supplement it by the information, allow easy save taxes. “These are, for example, travel costs, expenses for child care or craftsmen.”

 Who uses the software of financial management “needs to know where the information to be made,” explains Fischer. “Elster does not help one in the tax return, whereas commercial software has this claim.” As with the help apps insist their basic idea is, the user to ask the right questions.

 Elster leaves something away

 That this difference money can cost, is an attempt by the “Computer Bild” (issue 6/16): reader sat under the supervision of the computer and entered their tax data. “Allen reckoned Elster a lower tax refund than the commercial programs” summarizes “Computer Bild” editor André Hesel together the result. Another Magpie criticism: “Some data has been entered incorrectly due to lack of user guidance.” not Elster

– In addition, buying programs experienced Packages about checking account out.
 “Elster is not intuitive to use,” confirms “financial test” expert fisherman. Who is but already become sooner finished the forms come with Elster clearly and save time and paper. So fewer documents must be sent to the authority about transmission by electronic means. And if the digital statement has arrived in time to the tax office server, missing documents may also be submitted later.

 Fill out and send by post will also

 Who’s afraid to bring electronic perhaps rashly false information on the way, can the filled with control software forms continue to print, read exactly once sleep on it and even proposed still personally at the tax office.

 Both can also be combined, explains André Hesel. The data could be sent digitally to the tax office without a certificate, and a compressed tax return on paper, we then refilled. However, in this case, not the electronic submission, but the receipt of the paper declaration to the tax office is crucial for the deadline.

 Accountants Commercial irreplaceable

On the skills of an accountant is the opinion of fishermen and Hesel not approach even the best software. Worthwhile the Consult the professionals is especially true when it comes to commercial or self-employment. Many homeowners who feed with a photovoltaic system power, is about not aware that this meant business income, says Anne Kathrin Wernsdorf, Speaker in Steuerberaterverband. And self-employed offers an accountant addition business advice.

 Wage tax clubs for workers

 “However, is considered by many workers that a tax advisor about the amount costs, he saves” says editor Hesel. “Anyone who is unsure what he is doing and write in need, can also contact a Lohnsteuerhilfeverein” adds Fischer. United are the two in another point: It is worthwhile almost always to make a tax return. For those who have it not yet convinced Fischer has a peace of mind: “If you voluntarily file a tax return, and there is still a payment, you can even withdraw.”

More news from 24.03 .2016
