Sunday, April 12, 2015

Top 10 From Software bosses The coolest bosses Souls & Blood Borne –


The coolest bosses Souls & amp; Bloodborne

If From Software released games, then you can on sweaty game sessions are pleased – or be afraid. Particularly crisp it is always when the gray fog appears on the horizon. Experienced Souls players know that is not often hides behind a boss. We caught the works of From Software from the recent past and compiled the ultimate top 10 coolest boss fights

space. 10: Storm King – Demon’s Souls

always interest us flying creatures in the spell. And so the first encounter with the Storm King is almost magical – until you realize that you have to mess with the cattle and the skate-like creatures are quite a few friends in tow. The fight requires a bit of brain power, nimble reactions, a cool head and sit still. Is transported up the gigantic monster on the hard ground of reality, it is a long way. In the truest sense of the word. But it is above all the sight when the Storm King flies over your head, providing extra makes this argument so

Seat 9: Klaffdrache – Dark Souls

The Klaffdrache is a pretty ugly fellow. It is understandable that you repent at the sight and continue your adventure. The Obermotz namely you can leave it all on the left on the way to the Schandstadt. But because you miss a hot little dance with the distant relatives of the eternal dragon. Also: The Dragon King Great Axe that gets you through the removal of the tail, makes perfect in the hands of powerful adventurers

Seat 8: Gehrman, the First Hunter – Blood Borne

Who Bloodborne not yet played out looking better times briefly away! The real final boss might not be as impressive as the two opponents on the previous courses, but the mood at Gehrman is a very special. It is the final act of a long adventure that takes a dramatic end to this dispute. The place, the music, the enemy, the entire setting – everything is just right. Oh yes: Gehrman is a fast-acting, nasty bitch with a huge sickle


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