Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Exhaust affair: Can Volkswagen solve its problems in Europe with software? – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


          IAA visitor with clean diesel?



For the first time in a major scandal involving an automaker, the software is brought into focus. Customers, professionals, communicators of the car world appear disoriented. The sensational recalls for defective cars circled far to mechanical issues, lack of driving stability in avoidance maneuvers of the “elk test”, frayed cables or fuel lines, or in the United States recently to faulty airbags or ignition locks.


Tobias Piller Author:. Tobias Piller, economics correspondent for Italy and Greece, with headquarters in Rome

Now, if in scandal involving Volkswagen provides software for the engine control at the center, the new top management can make it the hope that can be solved without major mechanical changes a part of the problem. It is through an updated program.



More and more design freedom

At the same time this scandal also revealed to the engineered software program but that in this manipulation likely intent must have been in the game. Modern technology allows the development engineers increasingly to prioritize performance and engine characteristics. Unless you need while maintaining high performance mechanics on something or on a piece of pulling power, comes more easily to good emission and consumption figures.


A developer who wants to clean the exhaust gases of diesel engines of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides must ensure not only additional filters or catalysts in the engine installed, but can be a piece weigh well over the program for the daily operation if the waste gases more or should be less clean. It is tended: Less exhaust gas will cost more energy


In the United States Volkswagen is accused of the catalyst for the removal of nitrogen oxides while driving entirely overridden in order to reduce the consumption of diesel engines in everyday use.


                                                                                                                                                                        © FAZ





                                                                                                                                                                               Infographics / So the software controls the motor car




The ever greater design freedom even away from the rough manipulation created by the technology of modern diesel engines. Are controlled to mainly the injection in combination with the air supply. The supplier Bosch – which provides the equipment, but not programmed – provides for the diesel engines now plants that inject the fuel with up to 2700 atmospheres pressure. At the same time can be a minute amount of fuel injected within an intake stroke in the meantime up to ten times. The injection times can be clocked at 0.07 to 5 milliseconds duration for breaks is the minimum time just 0.05 milliseconds. Prerequisite for exact dosing of fuel are fine nozzles with openings of less than 35 microns.


It is so rough that the large pressure brings more power, the large number of small injections reduces the diesel knock. Who can control the injection accurately, thus also affected the more or less complete combustion process and hence the exhaust gases. A late injection of more fuel leads the other hand, approximately every 1000 kilometers on incomplete combustion and a fire in the particulate filter, so there burn the stored Rußteile.


Fewer emissions, more power

Because the diesel engines in Europe could emit until recently much more nitrogen oxides than in the United States, consisting of the Volkswagen Group still hope that in Europe new software many problems can solve. The California regulation for cars with “ultra-low” emissions permits an output of 12.5 milligrams of nitrogen oxides per kilometer, the national American limit for normal diesel 44 milligrams.


In Europe, the diesel engine to be lower emissions of carbon monoxide and dioxide was credited why the limits for the emission of nitrogen oxide were more generous. For the respective diesel engines model years from 2005 to July 2015 far higher limit values ​​of 500 milligrams per kilometer were up to 2006 (after the Euro-3 standard) to 180 milligrams per kilometer until August 2015 (Euro 5). Since September 1st of this year the Euro-6 standard allows for new cars only 80 milligrams of nitrogen oxides per kilometer to.


Read more about

If now new software is to make the older diesel engines a little cleaner, however, this might cost a little performance or Consumption data deteriorate. It remains to be whether the data of the old Volkswagen then as far different from the promises of the prospectus that the manufacturer must provide for the clients for damages.


In the future, the question arises how far the engine, developers can afford to put only clean exhaust at the center. So far, the buyers of new models, the combination of lower emissions and consumption was offered along with more power in modified engines ever. Behind this lies the assumption that some customers could not convince them of a new vehicle, if the same poorer with lower exhaust emissions performance features.




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Climate Compatible diesel engine Schall und Rauch

Despite all the excitement around the exhaust gas scandal at VW: A Dreckschleuder is not the modern diesel engine. Not even fraud can not change anything. Therefore, he will have a future. More Lukas Weber

09/27/2015, 11:29 am clock | Technology Motor

action in America VW to 100 million for 6000 cars pay

In exhaust scandal, the first American district Volkswagen sued. Calls Harris County in Texas because of air pollution 100 million. In Wolfsburg, meanwhile, is the future of desiginierten Supervisory bosses in the game. More

30.09.2015, 09:47 clock | Economy



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Exhaust scandal

What problem Volkswagen with software

Tobias Piller

The VW group’s top hopes to solve a part of the exhaust problem with an updated software. For the future, it is all about, whether the industry is moving away from a long-held assumption.

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Rakers Computers: Sage HR Human Resources – your … – Tagesspiegel

10:15 clock <- inteaserpicposition: -1 -> <- self.position! : -1 -> <- classid: hcf inline-left -> <- position:! left -> <- text position: -> <- inisprint: false -> <- self.position eq 2 -> <- inteaserpicposition:!! -1 -> <- self.position: 2 -> <- classid: hcf inline-left -> <- position: left -> <- text position: -> <- inhaspic: false ->

Lingen (ots) – The System House Rakers – Computer and software since 1986 with software solutions for the business divisions partner of industry. The company’s long-standing partner and thus, inter alia, competence Forecast a specialized point of contact to solve your HR management tasks in the company everyday. With Rakers – Computer and Software and Sage HR You can also update your entire HR processes in the Sage HR depict Human Resources

The Sage HR Human Resources is an integrated and modular software solution that allows your processes in the. HR department can be safely and efficiently mapped onto a common data base. The solution is designed so that it can be tailored to different company sizes and expands as needed to other programs

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What makes the collaboration with Rakers -. Computer and Software and Sage HR is a comprehensive and personal support during and after implementation the software solution. In addition, the software is continually being expanded by an intensive exchange with companies of different sizes and industries, and adds new features. So the high practical relevance of the different programs will be ensured. In addition, special solutions, for example for industrial companies, public administrations, commercial establishments or social institutions are available that depict the specificities in human resources and support

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Thomas Plüdemann
Rakers Computers
Phone : +49 (0) 591-912 33 27
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TrueCrypt: New vulnerabilities in popular software crypto – ZEIT ONLINE


  1. Page 1 – New vulnerabilities in popular crypto software
  2. Page 2 – Green does not believe in bug-free code

On one side read

Almost exactly half a year had Matthew D. Green still good news for the many fans of TrueCrypt, a program to encrypt files and drives: “It seems as if TrueCrypt is a relatively well-designed piece of crypto software.” In a detailed investigation by the company NCC Crypto Services “no evidence of intentional built backdoors or any serious design flaw discovered” were, that would make TrueCrypt inherently insecure.

The good news was that for two reasons: First, the anonymous developers of TrueCrypt had abandoned the project in June 2014 and left the users only a mysterious warning, the software can contain security loopholes. The NCC audit seemed overcome the worst concerns.

Secondly, it was a great success for Green that this audit ever gave. The cryptography professor from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore had the project Open Crypto Audit launched, connected to a fundraising campaign that brought more than 53,000 US dollars to finance the two-step verification. From open source software like TrueCrypt it always is, anyone can check the code for vulnerabilities and backdoors – but somebody has to do it also halt. The campaign had shown that the users pay for it even when its software is important. And TrueCrypt was important to them because it worked across platforms, was free and just open source (although it does not officially open-source software is due to problematic Disclaimers).

But now has James Forshaw, a security expert from Google, discovered two previously unknown vulnerability in TrueCrypt, one of which is considered “critical”. Was the audit so sloppy that TrueCrypt users were falsely lulled into security – and if so, what they can do now?

Details about the two vulnerabilities are not yet public. What is clear so far only that they relate only to Windows users, and will only work if the attacker has access to the computer and secured with TrueCrypt files are currently open – which apparently also a remote access, such as a Trojan, sufficient
. >

Patrick Beuth

Patrick Beuth is an editor in the department Digital at ZEIT ONLINE. His profile page, click here.

could theoretically both vulnerabilities can be discovered in the audit, according to Forshaw the corresponding part of TrueCrypt codes became the first part of the study examined. However, both errors were easily overlooked. The fact that they have been overlooked in the second part of the audit, has a different reason: The attack scenario is not part of the Threat Model , to this type of attack, the software has not been tested. NCC should investigate whether encrypted files can be read by third parties if the user has just opened it rather. In practice this would mean: can approach a thief to the backed up data when he stole a secured laptop with TrueCrypt? Can prosecutors open a stored in the cloud and the cloud provider handed TrueCrypt container? The answer, according to the audit: This works most in extremely rare cases, due to minor errors in TrueCrypt Code.

In an e-mail to TIME ONLINE Green writes about the newly discovered vulnerabilities: “They show us that audits are not a perfect process slip are some vulnerabilities, no matter how well someone. looking. ” He therefore dismissed the year before a half out that TrueCrypt was not perfect. However, the review hopefully create additional confidence in those code that others use as a basis for their TrueCrypt Forks. This refers to projects such VeraCrypt that are based on TrueCrypt.


Exhaust affair: Can Volkswagen solve its problems in Europe with software? – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


          IAA visitor with clean diesel?



For the first time in a major scandal involving an automaker, the software is brought into focus. Customers, professionals, communicators of the car world appear disoriented. The sensational recalls for defective cars circled far to mechanical issues, lack of driving stability in avoidance maneuvers of the “elk test”, frayed cables or fuel lines, or in the United States recently to faulty airbags or ignition locks.


Tobias Piller Author:. Tobias Piller, economics correspondent for Italy and Greece, with headquarters in Rome

Now, if in scandal involving Volkswagen provides software for the engine control at the center, the new top management can make it the hope that can be solved without major mechanical changes a part of the problem. It is through an updated program.



More and more design freedom

At the same time this scandal also revealed to the engineered software program but that in this manipulation likely intent must have been in the game. Modern technology allows the development engineers increasingly to prioritize performance and engine characteristics. Unless you need while maintaining high performance mechanics on something or on a piece of pulling power, comes more easily to good emission and consumption figures.


A developer who wants to clean the exhaust gases of diesel engines of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides must ensure not only additional filters or catalysts in the engine installed, but can be a piece weigh well over the program for the daily operation if the waste gases more or should be less clean. It is tended: Less exhaust gas will cost more energy


In the United States Volkswagen is accused of the catalyst for the removal of nitrogen oxides while driving entirely overridden in order to reduce the consumption of diesel engines in everyday use.


                                                                                                                                                                        © FAZ





                                                                                                                                                                               Infographics / So the software controls the motor car




The ever greater design freedom even away from the rough manipulation created by the technology of modern diesel engines. Are controlled to mainly the injection in combination with the air supply. The supplier Bosch – which provides the equipment, but not programmed – provides for the diesel engines now plants that inject the fuel with up to 2700 atmospheres pressure. At the same time can be a minute amount of fuel injected within an intake stroke in the meantime up to ten times. The injection times can be clocked at 0.07 to 5 milliseconds duration for breaks is the minimum time just 0.05 milliseconds. Prerequisite for exact dosing of fuel are fine nozzles with openings of less than 35 microns.


It is so rough that the large pressure brings more power, the large number of small injections reduces the diesel knock. Who can control the injection accurately, thus also affected the more or less complete combustion process and hence the exhaust gases. A late injection of more fuel leads the other hand, approximately every 1000 kilometers on incomplete combustion and a fire in the particulate filter, so there burn the stored Rußteile.


Fewer emissions, more power

Because the diesel engines in Europe could emit until recently much more nitrogen oxides than in the United States, consisting of the Volkswagen Group still hope that in Europe new software many problems can solve. The California regulation for cars with “ultra-low” emissions permits an output of 12.5 milligrams of nitrogen oxides per kilometer, the national American limit for normal diesel 44 milligrams.


In Europe, the diesel engine to be lower emissions of carbon monoxide and dioxide was credited why the limits for the emission of nitrogen oxide were more generous. For the respective diesel engines model years from 2005 to July 2015 far higher limit values ​​of 500 milligrams per kilometer were up to 2006 (after the Euro-3 standard) to 180 milligrams per kilometer until August 2015 (Euro 5). Since September 1st of this year the Euro-6 standard allows for new cars only 80 milligrams of nitrogen oxides per kilometer to.


Read more about

If now new software is to make the older diesel engines a little cleaner, however, this might cost a little performance or Consumption data deteriorate. It remains to be whether the data of the old Volkswagen then as far different from the promises of the prospectus that the manufacturer must provide for the clients for damages.


In the future, the question arises how far the engine, developers can afford to put only clean exhaust at the center. So far, the buyers of new models, the combination of lower emissions and consumption was offered along with more power in modified engines ever. Behind this lies the assumption that some customers could not convince them of a new vehicle, if the same poorer with lower exhaust emissions performance features.




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Climate Compatible diesel engine Schall und Rauch

Despite all the excitement around the exhaust gas scandal at VW: A Dreckschleuder is not the modern diesel engine. Not even fraud can not change anything. Therefore, he will have a future. More Lukas Weber

09/27/2015, 11:29 am clock | Technology Motor

exhaust scandal Illegal VW software dates back to 2005

The used for manipulation software VW comes after information of FAZ.NET from the year 2005. At that time tried the German automotive industry to modern diesel engines in the United States to make presentable. More Holger Appel

09.23.2015, 13:32 clock | Technology Motor



Post via Email

Exhaust scandal

What problem Volkswagen with software

Tobias Piller

The VW group’s top hopes to solve a part of the exhaust problem with an updated software. For the future, it is all about, whether the industry is moving away from a long-held assumption.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sonos: Speaker provider makes software for selling point – N24

Software rolls up to the store’s hi-fi industry. A sign of the times. The multiroom specialist Sonos upgraded for its customers a new feature for better sound via online update after

In the competition between providers of networked speaker sets the US -Pionier Sonos software that adjusts the sound to the particularities of the premises.

The program for newly unveiled True Play there is initially available as an app for Apple’s iPhones and iPads. For the setting to give the speakers a few minutes a pulsating electronic tone again and the user has to move with the Apple device through the space. This is recognized as spread the sound waves bounce off the walls and.

The result is a noticeably improved sound, because the speaker is working on the basis of the calculation according to its position in space. It is precisely in the compact networked loudspeakers so that buyers do not necessarily advantageous placed commented Sonos manager Patrick Spence.

Overall’ll Software in the business and more important, he stressed. “In this area, the differentiation takes place.” Sonos was one of the first providers of networked multi-room music systems. The California-based company makes True Play initially for three of its speakers available, including a new version of the model Play:. 5 For the previous devices the function via software update will be installed from the network. Other providers use current rather on fixed preferences, such as whether the speakers are on a wall or anywhere in the room

In the new model of Play:. 5 also two microphones were installed, that are not immediately used, said Spence. In future versions of the software so that the sound quality could be improved directly on the device eventually. The user would explicitly warned when the microphones should be activated. Also voice control is a way for the future, even if the function is currently not planned. Per software is also adapted, whether individually a speaker or is used as a stereo pair of two devices.

With the rise of digital music from the Internet is also the device class networked speakers and more important for the hi-fi business. Before the Christmas business, bring the vendors with new models in position. The Play: 5 Sonos comes about against the model A6 from the Danish manufacturer B & amp; O to play, a brand of high-price provider Bang & amp; Olufsen. Also B & amp; O Play working on software for sound improvement, Brand Chef Henrik Taudorf Lorensen said on the sidelines of electronics trade fair IFA in Berlin. At Bang & amp; Olufsen generates the sub-brand now about a quarter of the business and is growing by around 50 percent a year.

Blog entry Sonos


Sonos: Speaker provider makes software for selling point – N24

Software rolls up to the store’s hi-fi industry. A sign of the times. The multiroom specialist Sonos upgraded for its customers a new feature for better sound via online update after

In the competition between providers of networked speaker sets the US -Pionier Sonos software that adjusts the sound to the particularities of the premises.

The program for newly unveiled True Play there is initially available as an app for Apple’s iPhones and iPads. For the setting to give the speakers a few minutes a pulsating electronic tone again and the user has to move with the Apple device through the space. This is recognized as spread the sound waves bounce off the walls and.

The result is a noticeably improved sound, because the speaker is working on the basis of the calculation according to its position in space. It is precisely in the compact networked loudspeakers so that buyers do not necessarily advantageous placed commented Sonos manager Patrick Spence.

Overall’ll Software in the business and more important, he stressed. “In this area, the differentiation takes place.” Sonos was one of the first providers of networked multi-room music systems. The California-based company makes True Play initially for three of its speakers available, including a new version of the model Play:. 5 For the previous devices the function via software update will be installed from the network. Other providers use current rather on fixed preferences, such as whether the speakers are on a wall or anywhere in the room

In the new model of Play:. 5 also two microphones were installed, that are not immediately used, said Spence. In future versions of the software so that the sound quality could be improved directly on the device eventually. The user would explicitly warned when the microphones should be activated. Also voice control is a way for the future, even if the function is currently not planned. Per software is also adapted, whether individually a speaker or is used as a stereo pair of two devices.

With the rise of digital music from the Internet is also the device class networked speakers and more important for the hi-fi business. Before the Christmas business, bring the vendors with new models in position. The Play: 5 Sonos comes about against the model A6 from the Danish manufacturer B & amp; O to play, a brand of high-price provider Bang & amp; Olufsen. Also B & amp; O Play working on software for sound improvement, Brand Chef Henrik Taudorf Lorensen said on the sidelines of electronics trade fair IFA in Berlin. At Bang & amp; Olufsen generates the sub-brand now about a quarter of the business and is growing by around 50 percent a year.

Blog entry Sonos


Speakers provider Sonos makes software for selling point – FOCUS Online

Tuesday , 09.29.2015, 16:08
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In the competition between providers of networked Speaker sets the US Pioneer Sonos software that adjusts the sound to the particularities of the premises.

That it on Tuesday presented the program True Play there is initially available as an app for Apple’s iPhone and iPads. For the setting to give the speakers a few minutes a pulsating electronic tone again and the user has to move with the Apple IPMENT through space. This is recognized as spread the sound waves bounce off the walls and.

The result is a noticeably improved sound, because the speaker is working on the basis of the calculation according to its position in space. It is precisely in the compact networked loudspeakers so that buyers do not necessarily advantageous placed commented Sonos manager Patrick Spence.

Overall’ll Software in the business and more important, he stressed. “In this area, the differentiation takes place.” Sonos was one of the first providers of networked multi-room music systems. The California-based company makes True Play initially for three of its speakers available, including a new version of the model Play:. 5 For the previous devices the function via software update will be installed from the network. Other providers use current rather on fixed preferences, such as whether the speakers are on a wall or anywhere in the room

In the new model of Play:. 5 also two microphones were installed, that are not immediately used, said Spence. In future versions of the software so that the sound quality could be improved directly on the device eventually. The user would explicitly warned when the microphones should be activated. Also voice control is a way for the future, even if the function is currently not planned. Per software is also adapted, whether individually a speaker or is used as a stereo pair of two devices.

With the rise of digital music from the Internet is also the device class networked speakers and more important for the hi-fi business. Before the Christmas business, bring the vendors with new models in position. The Play: 5 Sonos comes about against the model A6 from the Danish manufacturer B & amp; O to play, a brand of high-price provider Bang & amp; Olufsen. Also B & amp; O Play working on software for sound improvement, Brand Chef Henrik Taudorf Lorensen said on the sidelines of electronics trade fair IFA in Berlin. At Bang & amp; Olufsen generates the sub-brand now about a quarter of the business and is growing by around 50 percent a year.


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Exhaust scandal: Even 1.8 million VW Nutzfahrzeuge have the cheating … – ABC Online

Tuesday, 09.29.2015, 11:13
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VW admits one that even 1.8 million commercial vehicles the carmaker were equipped with exhaust-fraud software. The reports the AFP news agency.

More on the current development in the near future in the news ticker of FOCUS Online

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Valve explains software was to blame for Motion Sickness – Gulli

Kinetose, also referred to as motion sickness or motion sickness, many as a disincentive to try a virtual reality headset. However, according to developer Valve disease

would no longer be due to the hardware.

Software is loud Valve blame Kinetose


Kinetose arises when the brain moves be fooled that are not actually present. This results in many people more or less rapidly to nausea. Consequently, the developers of virtual reality headsets have been working hard to improve the hardware so that this motion is minimized or even eliminated completely Sickness at best.


The Entwickerlstudio Valve now commented on the issue. Provides Valve at an exhibition the coming VR goggles Vive before, then one often has to contend with the fact that many do not want to try the demos. After all, the visitors are afraid that it is evil to them. That was a big problem, because if the people in advance afraid to use a VR headset, how do you then sell it to them?


The Motion Sickness would no longer be due to the hardware. Valve believes that the software makes users sick. Developers should ensure that their software is designed so that it does not cause motion sickness. Besides, many design decisions are taken into account. What exactly are, that would not betray Valve. However, Valve is also true that the conventional Steurungsmethoden can cause you suffer from motion sickness. Therefore, the company continues with its own Headst Vive on the self-developed Lighthouse system. The player is scanned in the room and the software allowed him by a movement radius of a maximum of five times five meters. Again, this should significantly reduce motion sickness. / off


Monday, September 28, 2015

More than 2 million Audis drive with manipulation software – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



At Volkswagen subsidiary Audi 2.1 million vehicles are affected by the exhaust gas scandal worldwide. That said, an Audi spokesman on Monday in Ingolstadt. In Germany, therefore, nearly 577,000 cars of the company are equipped with the engine, in which the software is installed for the manipulation of exhaust gases. In North America, the number of affected cars was below 13,000, the spokesman said. In China there are no vehicles with the engine in question. The majority of the affected diesel cars come from Western Europe.


The engine in question was installed in the versions with 1.6 and 2.0 liters of displacement as a turbodiesel in the types A1, A3, A4 and A6, the TT sports car and the SUV Q3 and Q5.


They concern only to diesel engines that meet the emission standard EU. 5 Current engines that already comply with the applicable standard EU 6 were not affected as with the other Volkswagen brands. The engine, the internal designation EA contributes VW 189, was used in a number of the Group’s brands, as well as at Skoda.



Volkswagen had admitted to having tampered with emission levels in the United States with a prohibited software. Worldwide should be equipped with this software up to eleven million vehicles of the group.


On Wednesday Volkswagen Group CEO Martin Winterkorn had resigned. He had therefore the political responsibility for the scandal assumed which has battered the reputation of the world’s largest carmaker. As his successor, the Supervisory Board appointed the former Porsche CEO Matthias Müller. It is designed to promote education and to regain lost trust for Volkswagen.


VW leave three other board members

Meanwhile, according to the consolidated districts and three other board members have been on leave. The heads of development of the brands Audi, VW passenger cars and Porsche, Ulrich Hackenberg, Heinz-Jakob Neusser and Wolfgang Hatz have been relieved of their duties, said several insider told Reuters on Monday. The manager thus took over the technical responsibility for the exhaust affair. Several media, including FAZ.NET, had already last week reported on the imminent departure of the manager.

                                                                                                                                                                        © dpa

VW development chief Ulrich Hackenberg defends itself against his suspension.






                                                                                                                                                                               Ulrich Hackenberg
                                      VW development chief Ulrich Hackenberg defends itself against his suspension.




A According to insider himself Hackenberg, however, defends against his suspension. The manager was changed along with Winterkorn from Audi to Wolfsburg of 2007. He is considered the inventor of the modular system, which Volkswagen is currently introducing an increasing number of brands. Later Hackenberg returned to Ingolstadt, come up with new electric cars to help Audi on the jumps. Neither Audi nor VW and Porsche
wanted to comment on the Estimation of the three heads of development.


EU Commission is planning meetings with national regulatory authorities

The affair will also employ this week for the first time an EU Council of Ministers. The topic was set on Thursday on the agenda of EU competition ministers, it said on Monday from circles of the Luxembourg EU Presidency. The aim was “an open exchange on the recent events in the automotive industry”. There go “to an initial assessment of the consequences of the affair,” said an EU diplomat. Decisions are not planned.


The European Commission could give at the meeting to assess what measures in the workup may be needed, it said. A Commission spokeswoman said on request, there would be “a broad discussion” expected. They simultaneously announced that the Commission “for the first half of October” had used a meeting with the national regulatory authorities. She explained “to the status of the investigation” to the affair at the national level. An exact date will had yet been set.










Current course
Change – (-)
52 weeks high
52 weeks low


The scandal also leads to beginning of the week to further losses of VW shares. The preferred shares of Volkswagen slipped in the morning again by 5.45 per cent to around 101 Euro and fell in the meantime even below the 100 euro mark. Before high cooking of the scandal, the paper had been standing at 162 euros.




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Exhaust scandal

More than 2 million Audis drive with manipulation software

The exhaust gas scandal at Volkswagen expected to exceed the subsidiary Audi. According to Audi, are world-wide 2.1 million cars affected – one in four of them in Germany.

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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Emissions-related control devices: Daimler Sprinter calls for software update – NEWS



 Sunday, 27 September 2015


 Daimler gets 11,000 Sprinter in the workshops to bring software up to date. The concerns precisely “emissions-related control devices”. With the VW scandal that everything should still have nothing to do.



In the midst of the exhaust scandal at Volkswagen According to a press report 11,000 Transportation type Sprinter to optimize the software for “emission related ECUs” recalled Daimler. It is, according to Daimler-Mercedes Sprinter, which were delivered in 2013 and now have gradually become the premier investigation. The control units affected would “provided with an optimized software to nullify any inconveniences with authorities and testing organizations”, the Stuttgart automaker wrote according to a report of the “Welt am Sonntag” in a letter to 11,000 vehicle owners. According to the newspaper, the company denied the authenticity of the letters first, they later confirmed, however.

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The Mercedes van boss Volker Mornhinweg assured, the process had “nothing to do with manipulation of software”. Some of the diagnostic equipment for general inspection the inspector could not communicate with the systems in the vehicles. Therefore, among other things, emission values ​​were not transferred. The software for data transfer was therefore now updated Mornhinweg told the “Welt am Sonntag”. The wording in the letter was “highly misleading”, the sprinters owners would now be informed again about the precise state of affairs.

Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche assured, Daimler considered himself “principle to the legal requirements” and had “made no tampering with our vehicles.” A function, “which restricts the effectiveness of the exhaust after-treatment inadmissible, does not come at Mercedes-Benz to use,” Zetsche told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”. He acknowledged that the consumption information from the manufacturers are lower than in road transport is indeed the case. But this was because that the prescribed tests were taking place under laboratory conditions.


