Friday, May 15, 2015

Pointless Software: These are the most annoying Microsoft features ever – ABC Online

Friday, 15.05.2015, 15:33
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For four decades writes Microsoft computer history. In this period, the Group had to reinvent repeatedly. Not all software applications found here invariably praise. On the contrary. Many walked us belonging to the nerve

The talking paperclip

drove in Germany the legendary paperclip Clippy under the name Clippit mischief. The little animated helpers stood at every conceivable opportunity assisting more aside. Its penetrance and its cuteness drove countless Windows users but also to white heat. The “Time” magazine counted Clippy 2010 on the 50 worst inventions in history -. Among others in addition to the highly toxic defoliant Agent Orange, have used in the Vietnam War the US soldiers

The shutdown menu

Clearly: A high-tech giant has to offer its high-tech disciples a high-tech farewell for his high-tech operating system, right? Schnöde can shutdown the computer but all. So Think Big! And choose to switch between users or lock logout or computer or restart or sleep mode or shutdown or runterschmeissen or what-do-as-I-still-everything!

The MSN Messenger Terror

The Chat precursor Instant Messenger was one of the first killer application on the Internet. The software could be SMS-like text messages through the web back and forth. No sooner had you typed the text, he popped already talking about the “Across the Web” on the screen. In addition to animated giant emoticons put the wobbly window the Messenger-terrorism on the crown. When you click on the button started the interlocutor of the Messenger frantically shaking.

The search dog Rover

The Office Assistant MS Bob Microsoft ventured a 1995 attempt to bring Windows 3.1 on PC novice users. The 100 dollar expensive software package that swallowed an eight megabytes of memory and its surface was a living room, turned out to be one of the biggest flops of the company’s history. Alone Rover, a yellow-colored dog, which led the user through the system, survived and later accompanied tail wagging the search to XP.

The update dramas

Was there a Windows version that could be easily bring up to date? Hardly. The window pops up with the unmistakable “It is-in-10-minutes-a-restart-required” message already brought millions onto the palm. Especially when you had left for a moment out of sight the computer and restart before the end of the countdown could not prevent in time. After all, you can move the warning at four hours since Vista.

In VIDEO: Of these five ideas Microsoft wants nothing more to do

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