Saturday, May 2, 2015

Retro synths and software tricks – c’t

W he wants to try an old synthesizer in the mold of MS-20 or Minimoog today, pay for a simulation the iPad just a few euros. But even if the digital conversions do not sound so bad, you obviously missing something that the yearning for the good old days arouses among musicians, where one was still finger-thick cables in large wooden cabinets. The younger generation has not even lived through that period of the 70s. But they can be happy, because real synthesizer with analog sound generation and colorful patch cords are back in fashion. The choice is likely to be greater than the time now, because now jump large manufacturers on the train. About the euphoria amazed even veteran scene professionals like Dieter Döpfer who zusammenlötet Synthesizer for more than 30 years: “I do not know what’s going on. I thought several years ago, the hype has reached its zenith – but that’s always on. So I now say nothing at all. “So saying, grinned and plugged a cable into its A-100 module.

But this is not just the Germans so: After Korg was unexpectedly successful with the MS-20 replica, will be the Arp Odyssey nachgeschoben. As before, the Japanese did not dare to recreate the synth legend in full size, but shrank the keyboard on a barely playable comfortable level. The (excellent!) Sound you can still change only directly to the sliders on the device. The MIDI interface of the Odyssey takes only note values ​​counter and dispensed so new-fangled gadgets like touch response – the connoisseurs like it halt authentic <"possible_gallery asset_position images" div class = id = "asset_26574">


Modern adopt as Roland, who extended his Aira series with synth modules that digitally produce their sound and can be reconfigured via software. Four modules for Euro racks are to come on the market in the summer at a price of 330 Euro: A (up to ten seconds long) Delay (Demora), a distortion (Torcido), a Bitcrusher (Bitrazer) and a chopper (Scooper). About a software editor can be in any of up to 15 virtual interconnect modules, including various filters, LFOs, and blenders. Thanks to Plug-out mechanism the interconnections remain active even without a computer in the module. Combining can be the Aira modules with analog modules of the new system-500 Series, the classic oscillators, filters, LFOs and VCA covers. As Central eurorack can act the modular version of Aira system 1m for 665 euros. This buttonless version of System-1 allows it to tap audio signal and control voltages of each area of ​​the synth and grind. He, too, can be reprogrammed with plug-out synths as the new Promars and now store 64 patches in the device.

Sound Driver

The new possibilities of digital technology for modular synthesizer should cheer the demand for handmade modules of small manufacturers who sometimes were demonstrating very quirky tone generator. So the small stand (Aufmacherbild) reminded the company Bastl instrument more like a Erzgebirge wooden dwarves manufactory. The name seems perfectly chosen wisely, because the creative Czechs combine traditional module synthesizer in the chic, unspoilt natural wood frame with such unusual concepts such as synthesizer-controlled stepper motors. The manufacturer uses modules to be controlled motors to include everyday items such as toothbrushes into musical action. An acoustic guitar was struck, for example via voltage-controlled solenoids. A nice touch was a piezo-controlled valve that controlled the flow of water and thus the drip rate in a bowl – so to speak, the first bio-analogue drum machine

Other manufacturers spice up their synthesizer hardware with software modules, so that they can be easily integrated into a DAW. Elektron showed an early version of his overbridge mentioned software plug-ins, with the leave the synths Analog Four, Keys and Rytm from the computer remotely. So you do not screw the sounds in the studio at the tiny monochrome displays, but can adjust all parameters and LFOs conveniently by mouse. Your analog sound transfer the modules on request directly via USB to the computer. The elder Sampler Octatrack not playing with overbridge unfortunately together.

Even traditional manufacturer Moog is now increasingly on software integration. So you deal now programmers who are working on about a plug-in for the Sub 37. However, it could still take until the end, until it will finish, told us developers Amos Gaynes. In Waldorf could meanwhile the beta version of the Drum Synth “Attack” on the iPad to try out its desktop version, thanks to its rapid exponential envelopes with sound designers still is at a premium. On the iPad sequencer and a vocoder phrases are added, the sings typed texts with electronic voice.

Control forced

The desire for greater control will satisfy even the software maker. Bitwig demonstrated at its stand, how many MIDI controllers the fledgling digital audio workstation Bitwig Studio cooperates. So the Berlin developer fit among other things the colorful flashing LinnStrument by Roger Linn to your DAW. Here you play all the sounds on a rubber mat and can be about with chords for each note individually change the pitch by pressure shift. Other new launches version 1.2, the beta phase starts soon. The new “Audition Browser” is context-dependent and should speed up the track and find similar sounds. Tracks can be grouped for clarity and collaborate. In addition, the surface on high-resolution displays will no longer seem so crumbly.

When it comes to controllers and Native Instruments opens its previously rather closed operating Equipment Park. Until now you could remotely control only Natives own Komplete collection with machine and Komplete Kontrol. The interface will disclose the Berliner now, so that other plug-in vendors their instruments and effects can make Controller fit for Natives. The Native Kontrol Standard (NCP), the manufacturer can then advertise. On presentation images you saw Arturia synth collection; whether this will actually support NCP, remains to be seen. All other plug-ins can be controlled via a standard MIDI machine and the Kontrol keyboards future. By appearing in May update Also the arpeggiator and the scale automatic KOMPLETE Kontrole should be recorded in the DAW.

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