Monday, June 15, 2015

Home equity study among software developers: More innovation through higher … –

Munich (ots) – Just in discussion <-! # # BNL topicId # 68 -> Angela Merkel and their high-ranking guests at the G7 Summit on the empowerment of women in developing countries. There are also in this country for action. So believes a third of German software developer that a higher proportion of women would increase in IT occupations innovation. At the same time 65 percent of respondents would welcome a greater diversity in the development team a lot. But where shall be chosen to make the male-dominated IT industry more attractive to women? 78 percent believe that girls should be encouraged at school in technical fields of learning more so that they could make a technical career choice later: This is where the software developers are unanimous. This is the result of a survey among German software developers, which was carried out in April and May 2015 from the Developer Week, one of the largest independent developer conferences in Europe.

software developers would be very happy if more future women would opt for a career in the IT industry. Thus, about 33 percent of the respondents think that a more women would improve the harmony in the development team, closely followed by the expectation that more innovations (32 percent) and more intuitive user interfaces (30 percent) are possible. Also suggested one in four that women would increase the effectiveness of the working group. When asked about the percentage of women within the company shows a clear picture: 72 percent of developers said they either have no female colleagues, or at most ten percent of the teammates are women

> The causes of gender imbalance in the IT industry, developers see in both the company itself and in the education system. 78 percent believe that a targeted technical advancement of girls already have to take place at school. The industry sees the need to offer information about opportunities and job description of a developer profession. After all, 69 percent of respondents believe that social prejudices are to blame, why women do not opt ​​for the professional programmer: on the one hand, women have fear of technology or software development dared not to, on the other hand is the image of the programmer in the Society rather unattractive.

“The prevailing shortage of skilled workers in the IT industry is partly the low proportion of women owed,” explains Florian Bender, project manager of Developer Week and initiator of the study , “To overcome this problem, a targeted early intervention for girls is essential.” Women who want to learn about the IT industry and the profession of software programmer, can of 15-17th In June 2015 to visit the fair of Developer Week in NCC Messe Nürnberg for free. The trade fair and the access to the Maker Spaces is free of charge, visit the conference fee

The study document with all results is available free for download. Http://

About the Developer Week (DWX)

The DWX is one of the largest independent developer conferences in Europe with more than 200 sessions, more than 150 speakers and an exhibition with more than 50 partners.

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Press <- - sh_cad_7!>:

Vera Vaubel Tel .: +49 (89) 98103987 E-mail: media consulting @ Vaubel media consulting GmbH

Regina Reitzer Tel .: +49 (89) 74117-128 E-mail <- - sh_cad_8!>: New Media Ulm mbH


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