Wednesday, April 27, 2016

LizardFS: Software-defined storage, as it should be – 119518.html Published: 27/04/2016 12:07

alternatives to expensive appliances are available in software-defined Storage few: it is often sufficient to interconnect standard hardware with software to a failsafe storage pool. Who it was not satisfied with solutions like GlusterFS, LizardFS should test.

A classic way to make space available, the acquisition of one or more storage appliances, the software and hardware interlock tightly together. However, these are not very flexible, not scalable and can not be so easily migrate to solutions from other manufacturers.

The situation is different from the software-defined storage (SDS): Here abstracted software the storage function of the hardware. Ideally, several legacy servers with hard drives or SSDs can be connected together to form a pool of devices, each system provides space and – depending on the solution – can take over different tasks. Scaling is possible by additional devices are added, flexibility is given by the independence from the hardware manufacturer and a fast response to growing demands. Normally, the software also ensures that data is stored failsafe on server boundaries.

Large selection and great differences

In the open source area there are already some solutions: The most famous are Lustre, GlusterFS, Ceph and MooseFS. Not all are equally good, and some are specialized, such as on Ceph and Object Storage. Especially in demand is the feature in which a SDS provides a Posix-compatible file system – from the perspective of the client to the distributed file system has the same characteristics as an ordinary locally used file system (for example, ext4).

Some of the available solutions are operated by large companies, such as Lustre, GlusterFS and Ceph. Others depend on a few developers or even no longer cared how MooseFS. The project operates in parts as dead or as a one-man project without long-term strategy and active community. This circumstance took some developers from Poland in Summer 2013 as an opportunity to create a Fork and actively develop it at GLPLv3 license: LizardFS was born.

LizardFS is called by its developers as a distributed scalable file system with enterprise features such as fault tolerance, reliability and high availability. The software is mainly developed by ten developers under the umbrella of the Warsaw company Skytechnology independently.

If you want to install LizardFS, the software can build from the sources or from the download page packages for Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and Red Hat relate. There is LizardFS since the past few months through various official distribution sources.

Components and Architecture

The design of LizardFS provides for a separation of metadata such as file names, locations and checksums of the actual data. To avoid inconsistencies and atomic actions on the file system level are possible, all operations must be funneled through a so-called master. He stops in front of all the metadata and is the central contact for server components and clients.

This may turn out a master, he can run -Pulley also in a “Shadow”. Here a master on an additional server is installed, but remains passive. The Shadow Master brings permanently from any changes in the metadata and therefore reflects the state of the file system in their own memory. If the master fails, the second system can switch over to the Shadow-master in the active role and provide further all participants with information.

The open source version of LizardFS however do not include automatic failover between the primary and theoretically any number of secondary masters. As an administrator, you should therefore either forced to switch manually or to build its own failover mechanism, as based on a Pacemaker cluster. However, since the switching of the master rollers consists only of changing a configuration variable and a reload of the master daemon, administrators should with experience can find its own solution in the operation of clusters quickly.

is managed, stored and replicated across the chunk server

The so-called chunk server for managing, storing and replicating the actual data responsible. Like all other components also, the chunk Server service is installed on any Linux system. Chunk servers should ideally have fast storage media (such as SAS HDs or SSDs) have and can use a file system to export as part of the storage pools. In the smallest case, a chunk server is running in a virtual machine and is for example, a 20 GB large Ext4 filesystem free.

All Chunk servers are interconnected and close their respective local file systems to a pool together. The data is split over a certain size in individual Stripes, then appear before the eyes of the client but still as a file.

The Metadata Backup logger collects similar to a Shadow Master always changes the metadata and should naturally run on its own system. Unlike a typical master of the metadata but does not keep in memory, but the local file system before. In the unlikely event of a total failure of all LizardFS master thus a backup for disaster recovery is available.

File Operations

In order for a system of LizardFS exported share can mount the package Lizardfs-client must be installed. A simple command ensures that the system mnt on a mount point, such as under /, can access the data that lie dormant in the Chunk servers. Once the user or an application on such a file is trying to access the installed LizardFS client contacted the current master. This is a list of chunk servers back, harboring the desired file. The client takes the list in reception and contacted after one of Chunk Server to issue an invitation to send the file. The chunk server responds concluded with the desired data stream.

If a file is written or modified on the LizardFS storage pool, the LizardFS client consultation must also stop with the master. It could be that an existing file was moved because of Balancing mechanisms or just still available chunk server has gone offline. Only when the master selects a chunk servers for writing and sent to the client, it sends its data to the target chunk servers in the next step.

This confirms the write operation and forwards, if necessary, a replication of the newly written data. This represents the chunk server ensures that a possibly set replication target is as soon as possible fulfilled. An answer to the LizardFS client signals a successful write. The client then terminated the just opened write-session by the master shall be informed of the just ended process.

Both the reading, and the writing operation of LizardFS client pays attention to a potentially configured topology. If it appears to the client useful preferred this location near Chunk servers over those that may be accessible only with a higher latency.

Simple, but allow users and administrators to keep sufficient Web GUI

track, LizardFS introduces the CGI server a simple but sufficient web GUI ready. This component can in principle be on any system with additional installed and provides an overview of all servers in the network, the number of files, the replication status and other important information.

Who also a support contract ends with the company behind LizardFS, can use the proprietary uRaft daemon. This tool is independent of LizardFS and offers based on the Raft consensus algorithm a mechanism for automated failover. Using Heartbeats all participating master daemon always choose from a wide responsibility. For this to work reliably, an odd number should for a quorum are to mastering available.

uRaft provides then with the help of simple shell scripts that the Master will each promote or demote. Who Runs with the uRaft daemon LizardFS, are the typical master and shadow rolls and leaves uRaft throughout the administration of the individual rollers. Moreover uRaft ensures the start and stop the master daemon, which administrators no longer allowed to use the init script for LizardFS master.

uRaft assumes that all master in the same network are and a floating IP can be moved with the respective primary master. The uRaft daemon is installed on each server on which a master service running.

All items are designed hardly demands on the underlying system. Only the master server should, depending on the number of files to manage, have more memory.

feature diversity and limits

LizardFS exhibits client view a Posix-compatible file system available which – similar to NFS – a Mount can be hooked command. While the server components necessarily presuppose Linux as the underlying operating system, may, in addition to Linux-based clients to access Windows computers on the network file system.

Naturally runs LizardFS ideally on multiple servers, where it plays for the functionality not matter if virtual machines or standard hardware used. All servers can occupy all or different roles, and specialization is partially useful. So should rather run on systems with much (and possibly fast) memory chunk server while the master server mainly manufacture requirements for CPU and memory. The Metadata Backup logger, however, can run along because of low demands on a small virtual machine or a backup server.

The data using predefined replication targets ( “Goals”) often replicated as required between the systems and are so redundant, while forgiving ago – turns out a chunk server, the data yet about other servers are available. If the defective system repaired and reintegrated in the composite, LizardFS automatically takes over the redistribution of files so that the replication targets can be met again. The Goals can be set by default to server-side; alternatively allows you also to the clients to set replication targets. For example, it is possible in principle, have an up mounted file system redundant, but to give the user the opportunity, for example, place temporary files only once in the storage pool.

The Chunk server can be fed with the topologies from its own data center, which is in the picture LizardFS whether the chunk servers are in the same rack or cage. Who configures topologies sense caused by replication traffic can thus keep behind the same switch or within a co-location, because the topologies are also propagated to the clients.

LizardFS about data center boundaries operate

If you want to operate LizardFS about data center boundaries, topologies can also use as a basis for Georeplikation and show LizardFS which Chunk servers are located in which data center. The clients that access the storage pool of LizardFS, can be induced thus, RZ local Chunk servers against preferred distant. In addition, users and applications do not have to strive for their own replication. If the topologies are configured correctly, the Georeplikation just fall out behind the data is automatically synchronized between two or more locations.

The clearances provided by LizardFS can be hooked in principle by all network participants. If you want to restrict this access, but may for example be limited to a read-only export or assign ACLs based on network domains and / or IPs. The award of a password is possible. coming possibly from an LDAP or Active Directory – – At this stage, further restrictions, for example, to specific user groups, are not provided.

The configuration file for the LizardFS-export is very similar to the known NFS file / etc / exports and accepted partly known by NFS parameters.

LizardFS supports archiving

Who can access many different systems or users on LizardFS volumes can enable quotas and thus limit the use of memory. Because users of Samba and Windows shares are accustomed to popular trash, can be such a turn for LizardFS shares. In the trash moved files are then once not deleted and remain in the chunk servers are, as long as the derivative has not yet been configured exceeded. Administrators have the ability to mount LizardFS shares with a specific parameter, which then manage access to the virtual wastebasket. Unfortunately, however, lacks the option to give users even access to previously deleted data.

Another way to reproach files that provide snapshots. There is a command to duplicate a file in a snapshot. This action is particularly efficient – the master server copied once only the metadata. Only when the newly created file from the original is different, the corresponding blocks will be modified in the Chunk servers.

To archive files, LizardFS suitable way also – thanks to the replication-Goals and topologies files can be designed so that a copy of them always land on a desired or set of Chunk servers. It is thus conceivable that a group Chunk servers have tapes (LTO) as storage media because LizardFS can address them natively. If desired, LizardFS can therefore ensure that certain data is always kept on tape and can be read when needed it.

is a previously mentioned Web GUI available for monitoring a LizardFS environment. Since this but a classic monitoring can not replace, LizardFS provides for virtually all administrative tools that allow about querying states, a special output format, which can be easily read by checks. One connection to Nagios or other monitoring tools is therefore nothing in the way. Thanks to backward compatibility to an older version of MooseFS also many modules or plugins can be used, which can be found on the Internet to monitor MooseFS. Resourceful Managers write their own checks.

More Chunk server for more storage increases

If the demand for storage space, more Chunk servers can be added. It is also possible to remove existing chunk server, as long as the data thereon be otherwise held. If one chunk server LizardFS provides autonomously for a re-balance and just provides clients accessing alternative chunk server as data resources.

Similar to the chunk servers can incidentally also scale master server – meet two Master about because of the location no longer needs, can be more easily added taken.

If administrators want to store their data not only fail-safe and fault-tolerant, but also protect from prying eyes, additional measures must be taken. Although LizardFS shares files under circumstances in several stripes. But this often is not enough to meet the requirements of security and privacy. Since innately no encryption mechanism is built, LizardFS Admins must ensure that the level is encrypted under the exported from Chunk servers filesystem. This may involve the use of self-encrypting hard drives or via LUKS encrypted file system containers.


Since LizardFS the “client” data presented as a classic storage, it can in principle be used wherever space is needed. However, sensible is used when the data should be kept, for example, redundant or alternative to traditional, expensive and inflexible storage appliances is required.

Who contemplates the use of LizardFS into consideration, however, should keep in mind that typically multiple servers are connected together to form a large pool. This can not always be guaranteed that contiguous data, such as a database, to be stored on a single chunk server. The administrator can through topologies exert influence on locations (for example: a copy of the rack 14, another copy in the rack 15), but this is – depending on the application scenario and configuration of LizardFS – not necessarily a guarantee of fixed locations is <. /> p>

It is possible that an application of their data across multiple chunk servers (and optionally rack or even data center boundaries) writes. There are situations in which are then delayed by increased network latency read and write operations. Depending on the application, this leads to longer response times of the application used. Typically therefore avoids for example, to be written large and heavily used databases in a distributed file system. For most other applications however LizardFS suitable problems.

Even as a storage pool for a render farm or media files suitable LizardFS because all clients simultaneously access different chunk servers and thus can exhaust the performance of each participating server. Less well known is the possibility of using LizardFS as storage for virtual machines. claims to Skytechnology is also working on a better integration in VMWare to make LizardFS interesting than cloud VM storage.


The author has been working for some time with SDS technology and testing a LizardFS environment under a Pilotierungsprojekt. The several month long test run is based on the available time of starting for Debian 7 LizardFS version 2.6 and provides the verification of the software under production-like conditions including various tests, including failover, before. Although

The tests described here cover only a portion of the possible events, but to show that the solution works in principle and can handle error cases. The behavior of LizardFS in this case acts comprehensible usually, though sometimes a bit sluggish.

One of the test scenarios was restarting a Masters in order to provoke a change in the master role to a different node in another data center. The concurrent read access of a client has been interrupted during master change for nearly two seconds was then continued, however. So in such cases it is important that the accessing application can deal with such delays and the master change is performed as soon as possible.

Another scenario envisages that clients know the RZ-Chunk local server and they prefer when reading over the chunk servers from another location. During a read operation by an RZ-local client chunk servers are disconnected in the same location with which the client related data without noticeable delay of the chunk servers in the other location. Once separated from the mains Chunk servers in the same data center were available again, the client automatically swiveled back and read the data back from the original node.

These tests have shown a limit: In LizardFS Goals are set, which state how many Distributed File System is to hold a file. As a rule, is at least as many to clear more Chunk server on, so that this target can be met. When are through testing, reboots, crashes or other failures, however, too few chunk servers online to meet the target for a new file immediately, the LizardFS master refuses to write. In this example, only two Chunk servers were available at a Replication Goal three. A LizardFS developers confirmed this behavior and announced an internal discussion on this topic.


LizardFS must be measured in SDS-area with many competitors, some with Ceph or GlusterFS. Ceph is primarily a to Amazon S3 API compatible object store, but can also block devices or a Posix-compatible file system ( “CephFS”) provide. The latter is more an overlay over the object store as a robust file system. Manufacturers write itself on its website that CephFS currently primarily aimed at the early adopter and any important data should be stored on it. Since Ceph has its focus on the object store functionality, it can not be considered a direct competitor to LizardFS.

GlusterFS provides on paper nearly the same functionality, but has long been on the market and enjoys accordingly much prestige in the SDS community. GlusterFS offers many different operating modes that offer various levels of reliability and performance depending on the configuration. It offers these configuration options at the volume level while LizardFS defines the replication targets per folder or file. Both variants have their advantages and disadvantages: In GlusterFS the administrator when creating the volumes have to decide on a variation, while the type of replication is always amendable at LizardFS.

For security-conscious system administrator GlusterFS provides the ability to encrypt a volume with a key. Only the server that can demonstrate the correct key, are then able to mount the volume, and to decipher. Both GlusterFS and LizardFS run on Linux clients as FUSE module in user space.

While LizardFS the data must be written only once on a chunk server (then replicate the chunk servers to each other on) accepts at GlusterFS the client replication: The write operation is done on all participating GlusterFS servers in parallel, so that the client needs to ensure that replication has completed successfully throughout. This ensures on writes for slower performance, but does not fall otherwise significant.

While LizardFS the client always presented a master, GlusterFS clients can specify multiple GlusterFS server when mounting the volume. This may have recourse to other GlusterFS nodes a client in case of failure of the first given server.


In addition to the usual fixing of bugs and improving performance and stability, the makers of LizardFS see also better integration with VMWare before. Apparently, there are still no plans for the integration of data encryption, but a protocol rewrite is planned, which can in principle form the basis for new features such as encryption.


Like to update Ceph users win LizardFS also wants in not exactly dated future also provide an S3-compatible API. In the long term it will probably be possible to use LizardFS as Object Store. It remains unclear as to when LizardFS to provide this functionality. For the development of a larger user group and a SPARC port is planned.

Other minor improvements are extended ACLs, order-based quota, better logging behavior on Windows clients and minimal Goal Settings included. The latter has long been desired by the community, and to ensure greater reliability and data security.


LizardFS positions itself as an alternative to GlusterFS and is now operated in setups with several hundred terabytes as SDS solution. The project offers many interesting features and should be sufficient for most needs. Moreover, it can keep data in sync between multiple data centers. An alternative to Ceph is not because LizardFS can not provide object store.

for improvement there is in the external communication (roadmap, documentation, community work), the software versioning – small version change on a time, a major release – and in technical detail: An SDS should already bring a native encryption for communication between the nodes and data and ensure that write operations continue even when many Chunk servers are offline.

It is a pity that the company behind LizardFS reserves the daemon for automatic failover paying customers and the community provides no equivalent available. Although there are indications in the Community as a Pacemaker cluster for automated failover can provide. But here there is a lack of clear instructions, scripts and recommendations by the LizardFS-makers.

For those looking for an alternative to GlusterFS or simply a functioning SDS, LizardFS but should be interesting. The future will show how serious their announcements mean the developer, as with respect to the implementation of an S3-compatible API, and if ten active developers can lift a project with such ambitions in the long term.

About the Author

Valentin Höbel works as a Cloud Architect for nfon AG from Munich. In his spare time he works on open source technologies and reported in online and print media about his experiences. Recently he helps free Build a community forum for LizardFS to facilitate other users to share on this project

Blog:. Http://
> Twitter: (vah)

Synology DSM 6.0 brings Btrfs and snapshots of NAS systems
T-Com offers solutions for secure data communication
patents: Red Hat uses GPL for countersuit
Distributed file systems: Mark Shuttleworth invested 1 million dollars in Ceph
network and storage: Linux Foundation founded Fast Data project
(02/17/2016, 119186)


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Free Software Foundation: GitHub and SourceForge come with hosting … – Heise Newsticker

The two established do code-repository services apparently not even meet in the slightest degree the ethical criteria of the nonprofit organization for free software. Better contrast cut from GNU Savannah and GitLab.

The Free Software Foundation has been studied in the code repository services Savannah, GitLab, GitHub and SourceForge, how they the ethical standards of the GNU Project match for such software project management services. As a hosting platform, which is to certify an excellent conversion of standards, however, is only the GNU Savannah own produce.

The only other acceptable management platform GNU projects GitLab is considered. When GitHub competitors of freely available JavaScript code was welcomed; as negative, however considered that GitLab not use the free browser extension for Mozilla Firefox browser LibreJS and also favors poor licensing practices, such as the omission of licenses.

“Unacceptable” for GitHub and Sourceforge

Very bad, namely to be unacceptable, GitHub and SourceForge come away. They appear to meet not even in the slightest degree the lines suggested by the FSF criteria. Both are down cleaned that they do not use the standards of GNU and Free Software Foundation under free JavaScript and would function important components of the services only with proprietary JavaScript. They are also criticized for not all features in all countries equally work, some do not even stand in some countries. At least with GitHub striving for more openness is perceived after recent GPLv3 was incorporated in the selection of licenses.

The GNU Ethical Criteria for code repositories were presented last year and to the code repository check services on its commitment to privacy and openness users toward. (ane)


France refused help from | Had Israeli software Paris assassin … – IMAGE

Who were the assassins of Paris? And deceived the terrorists before her own death in order to enter Europe?


France refused help from | Had Israeli software Paris assassin … – IMAGE

Who were the assassins of Paris? And deceived the terrorists before her own death in order to enter Europe?


Monday, April 25, 2016

Criminals manipulated Swift software –

The spectacular hacker attack on the Central Bank of Bangladesh could provide an aftershock in the global financial world. After Reuters information succeeded the cyber criminals who looted $ 81 million from the central bank a few weeks ago, may penetrate into a software of the international payment system SWIFT. This is suggested by findings of security experts of the British arms company BAE Systems towards.

The experts told Reuters they had probably made a malicious program find that the hackers had used in their attack. Thus they had the Swift customers Software Alliance Access manipulated. So did the cyber thieves cover their tracks and delayed the discovery of rape. Swift is a linchpin of the international financial system. It is an international cooperative of 3,000 financial institutions based in Brussels. You should ensure that payments go safely and smoothly.

existence of the software confirms

A Swift spokeswoman confirmed the existence of a malicious program, intended to lead to customer software. She announced to submit even this Monday a software update that will turn off the malicious program. Furthermore, should a security warning to financial institutions go out. However, the spokeswoman stressed the malicious program had no effect on the data exchange platform of Swift, who made use of 11,000 banks and other institutions worldwide.

The affected software Alliance Access other hand is being used only by some institutions.

Unprecedented attack

Adrian Nish, who heads the danger Enlightenment ushers in BAE has never seen by his own admission a cleverly thought follows action by cybercriminals. BAE also wanted to inform the public in a blog on its own findings yet on Monday. This should include technical details are presented, the banks should help to prevent similar attacks.

The malicious software was indeed tailored to the Central Bank of Bangladesh, it said in the draft BAE announcement, has read the Reuters , But: “The general instruments, techniques and methods that were used in the attack, it could make the band possible strike again.”

The unprecedented cyber-attack on the Central Bank of Bangladesh in early February occurred. The unknown thieves caused fraudulent transactions total $ 951 million, but most of them were blocked. $ 81 million were directed to accounts in the Philippines and passed there at casinos. The largest part of this amount will continue to miss. As a consequence of the attack of the Fed Chairman had to resign.

traces blurred

The Bangladesh authorities go so far assumes that the hackers broke into the central bank computer and there access procured the Swift system. According to their view of the computer of the central bank showed serious safety deficiencies. However, the investigators Swift had a responsibility to, because the payment system operators have apparently not advised of the problems.

The experts at the BAE group, for the cyber security is a big business, came to a different conclusion. Accordingly, the vulnerability is in the Swift software that is located on the central computers. The malicious program named “Evtdiag.exe” have served to cover up the traces of hackers, by information on the fraudulent transfers were corrupted or lost. The desired objective was, the cyber robbery to conceal until the perpetrators have brought the stolen funds in security, explained Nish. As the transactions were instructed exactly, but remains unclear.

(Reuters / chb)


Software understands language better than their developers – Heise Newsticker

The US laboratory of the Chinese search engine Baidu has developed a speech, the Mandarin sometimes more accurately understood as a human being. The most developers themselves do not speak Chinese.

Baidu has become a leading provider of voice software – and is Google and Apple depend. The magazine reports Technology Review in its current issue 5/2016 (on newsstands now or order here).

China has the best conditions for a triumph of voice interfaces. With 691 million users smartphones there are much more widespread than conventional computers. But thousands of different characters make text input on touch screens frustrating cumbersome.
Baidu has made particularly impressive progress in speech recognition. This also people in other countries are likely to benefit. “I see language technology close to the point where it is so reliable that they are easily exploited, without thinking about it,” says Andrew Ng, Stanford professor and chief scientist of Baidu. A powerful language technology would also facilitate the interaction with any other devices, believes Ng – about with robots or home appliances.

Last November the Baidu lab in Silicon Valley has reached an important milestone: a new voice recognition system called Deep Speech 2. It is based on a deep neural network and learning based transcribed by millions speech examples of how audio signals to the appropriate words related. Now Deep Speech recognizes 2 spoken words in Mandarin and sometimes even more accurate than a man – although it is phonetically very complex. Even more impressive appears these benefits if you know that only a few of the Californian developer speak Chinese at all. So Deep Speech 2 is basically a universal language system that learns as good English, if you put in front of him enough examples.

Most speech requests to Baidu’s search engine are simple and reflect the weather or air pollution. The system is most impressive unerringly. To cope with more complicated questions, Baidu has launched its own voice assistant named Duer last year and integrated into its main app. He can, for example, tell users the early days of cinema films or reserve a table in the restaurant. Sometime should Duer be able to live a meaningful conversation and to respond to new information in it. For this, a research group in Beijing wants to use neural networks as Deep Speech. 2 In addition, Baidu has set a team that analyzes the requests for Duer and corrects errors, so that the system learns and gradually better. (grh)


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Frustration among users of business software is increasing –

The German software users in companies are dissatisfied. In a survey, the enterprises the pricing of providers give consistently bad grades. They also complain about the complexity and lack of transparency. The user groups share the criticism.

For the manufacturers, the result is not very creditable. The Federation of IT users VOICE surveyed its members how satisfied they are (completely satisfied) with the license pricing and policies of the major software vendors on a scale of 0 (completely dissatisfied) to 10th And all manufacturers performed poorly. The majority is taken between three and four index points. In the study, customers of SAP, Microsoft , Oracle and IBM to their estimate of topics such as ERP software, business intelligence / data warehouse databases and Security befragt.



in the survey 63 user companies involved. Overall VOICE counts more than 400 member companies. The association sees itself both as a network and exchange platform for the IT users and secondly as a product-neutral overarching advocacy. At the license pricing software provider he particularly criticized the complexity. The license models are hard to see through, says Patrick Quellmalz, of the Service derives in VOICE. “The license prices vary greatly from user to user and from country to country,” said Quellmalz. On top of that are very different, the metrics between the different software providers.

 Andreas Oczko is in the German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG ) as a board f & # xFC; zust r the topics Operations, service and  Support & # XE4; constantly (image: DSAG) Andreas Oczko is in the German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG) as head of the topics Operations, service and Support responsible (image: DSAG).

Andreas Oczko has recently criticized the complexity of license management for SAP in a ZDNet article. So there license packages for specific applications, named-user licenses for different user groups and database licenses and reporting licenses about Business Objects. “In 2001 there was felt at about the 50 to 60 license materials. Today we are alone in the on-premise sector in 1000, “Oczko, the (DSAG) is in the German-speaking SAP user group responsible as a board for topics Operations, Service and Support reported.

” And to understand the price list, it would sometimes be helpful to have a doctorate, “Oczko adds. The users expect little so that the situation will change. In the VOICE survey, 84 percent believe that the complexity in the coming years will even increase.

Transparency and communication behavior deficient

Another point of criticism Enterprise users is the lack of transparency. “If something changes in the price or license design, this is not communicated to the users generally,” says Quellmalz. And changes are very common. Quellmalz reports a software provider who performed 500 adjustments one year

Also, this allegation can sign DSAG spokesman Oczko:. “. As an SAP customer you learn of changes only through specific demand” He criticized also that SAP strengthened to tend to tie up various software programs to packages together. So one must mitbezahlen for modules that are not really needed.

In the VOICE Federation of IT users eV created & quot first time this year; Satisfaction Index & quot; cut the large & # xdf; s software provider in the license pricing consistently not good (chart: VOICE). In the VOICE federation of IT users eV first created this year “satisfaction index” cut the major software vendors in License pricing consistently not good (chart: VOICE).

the feeling to pay too much, other users, for example, the SAP rival Oracle know. “The procedure for the named user licenses is incomprehensible,” says Dietmar Neugebauer, CEO of Deutsche Oracle User Group (DOAG). “A company has to license all potential Oracle users – those who could work with the system at some point.” The same applies to devices such as printers or scanners

Also, the increasing availability of cloud services. the license jungle not made manageable. “Basically, apply to the cloud services of big providers SAP, Oracle, IBM and Microsoft licensing models similar as for the on-premise sector,” said Quellmalz. Of greater flexibility could be no question. “The services are charged per month and there is a one-year notice period,” said Quellmalz. Previously also offer none of the major vendors, a pay-per-use concept.

For the company, the complex and non-transparent licensing policy is not only annoying. They also cost human resources. According Quellmalz all teams are busy to take care of license management in many companies. An employee often suffices for

 Dietmar Neugebauer, CEO of Deutsche Oracle user group (image: DOAG) Dietmar Neugebauer, CEO of Deutsche Oracle user group (image: DOAG)

impotence in Germany it to change

the opportunities of German companies something, but are low. “The German branch of the US software providers have in this matter no own decision-making power,” explains Quellmalz. “For example, therefore, a company with its requests for changes at Microsoft Germany achieve little.” This problem also knows DOAG man Neugebauer: “Oracle Germany is mainly responsible for the sales. Our influence in this country are therefore very low. “The users of products from Walldorf feel the same way now. “SAP is subject now global regulations,” said Oczko. “. SAP is listed on the US stock exchange and frequently acts therefore as a US company”

Also, the degrees of freedom of the sales people on the SAP side are not as big as before, says Oczko: “You can hardly decide anything arbitrarily. “In addition to the decision-making power but they lack experience also. “Often the salespeople speak the wrong people in the company,” says Oczko. The reason is his opinion that the market is rapidly anwachse and are therefore needed in a short time more sales specialists. “And the need to care for increasingly more customers and overlook a strongly growing product portfolio.”

Competition not for the benefit of the user companies

This issue will probably will not be so easy to solve. With regard to the other issues raised in the survey subjects voice, however, has a clear vision towards the software vendors. “We call for simple and transparent license agreements and metrics,” says Quellmalz. In addition, users should be involved in the discussion of new licensing models. As a further point VOICE requires better documentation and the free provision of detailed license information.

The interest in improvements in the subject licenses is large. According VOICE give 70 percent of corporate users 10 to 30 percent of their IT budgets on software licenses. In almost half of the companies surveyed (45 percent), this IT budget 2-49 million euros.

“While rising IT budgets this year moderate,” reports Quelmalz. “But when you consider how great addition to personnel and equipment Aufwänden the fixed costs block, have to bear the user annually, leaves little room for innovation. The cost of the applications already used can users hardly room to move. “

One reason for the often opaque licensing provides Quellmalz competitive behavior. “Often it is the software vendors to enforcing its own new products by customers and demarcate their own ecosystem against the competition.” In a region where the change of the competition for the customer a considerable effort and during the migration phase also brings a substantial risk that seems to work.


Blackmailer software more frequently on computers Brandenburg – Lausitzer Rundschau

Potsdam computer alarm: In Brandenburg attacks pile on computer blackmailer software. According to the State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) there were last year 27 ads – 24 more than in 2014.

For the head of the LKA-determining region cybercrime, Denny Speckhahn, this is only the beginning. “Especially attacks on smartphones will increase, who are online 24 hours.”

According to the authorities, 14 cases have been registered since December of last year, in which computers infected with the malicious software “Tesla Crypt” were. Only eight attacks targeted computers by state authorities.


Linux knowledge: Inxi – information on hardware and software – Computer Base

Inxi is a small, useful command line tool that displays information about the hardware and software to parameters of a Linux computer. It is available in Debian and its derivatives, in Arch, Fedora, Mageia, Mandriva, openSUSE and other distributions, but can also be installed manually.

Inxi is for about eight developed years and originated from a similar script that had created a user for the distribution Sidux. Since the tool is constantly evolving. It now displays an exuberant variety of information on hardware and software. To not get cluttered displays a lot of information, the user can control the information on switch. It can be queried selected individual hardware components, the same level of detail can be adjusted respectively.

Inxi installs quickly

First let’s determine whether Inxi in the respective distribution in the archives is available. In Debian or derived systems extends to a apt-cache policy inxi or applicable in the new notation, the apt since version 1.0: apt policy inxi . The result, if successful, output similar to this:

  apt policy inxi inxi Installs: 2.2.33-1 installation candidate: 2.2.33- 1 version table: *** 2.2.33-1 500 500 unstable / main amd64 Packages 500 unstable / main i386 Packages 100 / var / lib / dpkg / status 2.2.28-1 500 500 unstable / main amd64 Packages 500 unstable / main i386 Packages 500 testing / main amd64 Packages 500 testing / main i386 Packages  

Under the item installed of course there is not specified, since the installation of the apt-get update & amp; & amp; apt-get install inxi should only be made. In current systems, the -get are omitted. In a few seconds Inxi is installed and ready for use.

For distributions that do not lead Inxi in the archives, it is necessary to manually install the little tool. This is done quickly using the command line:

  cd / usr / local / bin & amp; & amp; wget -Nc & amp; & amp; chmod + x inxi  

If Inxi manually installed in this way, the user has to take care of the update. This is done with inxi -U . Some distributions have however this switch disabled. This can be changed /etc/inxi.conf in the file.

give Overview

Diversity the options and parameters can the user initially killed, but shows the man page for Inxi, or failing that, the command inxi -h two full screens of parameters to control the output and narrow. There will be case-sensitive application. Here, the developer is followed in that capital letters provide the most important information of a component, while lower case letters are in charge of the details. The parameters can be combined. In addition, it does not matter if the letters are written consecutively or contain spaces.

Short Out

But let’s look first at the regular speed output that the command inxi without parameters outputs:

  ~ $    inxi CPU ~ quad core Intel Core i7-6700 (-HT-MCP ) speed / max ~ 799/4000 MHz ~ kernel 4.5.0-towo.1-siduction amd64 x86_64 Up ~ 15 days ~ Mem 13790.1 / 31943.3MB HDD ~ 3250.6GB (28.1% used) procs ~ 340 ~ client Shell inxi ~ 2.3.0  

to ensure that only the main specifications of the system are listed. In this form Inxi is often used in IRC chats or forums. So are the people seeking help the supporters a first overview of the hardware used, without wasting too much space. Thereafter, the parameter -v can provide further information in scaled-down form. To complete the confusion, the parameter -x goes into depth. The ratio of -vn -x , -xx or -xxx is described in detail in the man at the end.

Dear detail

So yields inxi -v3 already a good overview. Even more are from inxi -Fv7 . Individual components may also be interrogated in varying degrees of detail. For example, shows inxi -P partition information for /, / boot, / home, / tmp, / usr, and / var whereas inxi -p here more goes into depth and displays all partitions.

also configurations shows Inxi on. So the parameter r presents about the source list for many distributions. Inxi can be called directly with various IRC clients, so that copying from the console eliminates the client. This automatically takes a switch is used, which filters out private information such as IP addresses. The purpose competent switch is z . Will these data nevertheless – as in a private chat room – See, you can do this with -Z . The color scheme of Inxi can using the c (1 – 32) are adapted to the preferences.

Inxi is in constant evolution. Just a few days has added developer Harald Hope (h2) the useful parameter B , which provides important information about batteries. So in addition to the charging status and the overall status is displayed. After a bit of training time hardware hobbyists are this tool does not want to miss.

Alternatives to Inxi

A graphic surface for Inxi called Guanxi is also in the works. All information about Inxi and other scripts from h2 can be found on the website of the developer. In the evening he is usually found on the server OFTC IRC channel #smxi and accepts suggestions and criticisms. As a graphical alternative I-Nex may apply, which is modeled on the Windows tool CPU-Z, but long can not be so fine-grained control. On most distributions, the tools and Sysinfo HARDiNFO also included, which includes but not reach Inxi.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Where malicious software lurking: Beware of dubious streaming portals – N24

film and series fans often resort to dubious or illegal offers. Besides legal trouble thereby threatens the infection of the computer with malicious software

From the new favorite series comes a new season -. Unfortunately, only on pay-TV or the US? Many then searches simply on the net for a streaming portal that “Game of Thrones” or “House of Cards” is free.

In addition to the known legal solutions such as max cathedrals, Watch Ever, Amazon Prime video or Netflix there are the net also many unknown and sometimes rather dubious deals – often it is unclear whether it still moves in the legal field. And just there a threat of considerable risks, warns “”, the malware Consulting Center of the Association of the German Internet Industry (eco). They range from malicious software on fraud to problems of copyright infringement.

An important warning sign for rogue portals are allegedly missing plugins for the browser or media player. This – it is alleged – need to be installed for the series episode runs. But often there is instead a media player malware. This also applies to malicious banner ads that appear suddenly and such calls look to download additional software. They are another way to unsuspecting fans Serie foist malicious software. Prompts a portal for installing software on, you should therefore steer clear of it.

This is a good idea in other ways. While streaming, so the pure retrieving a video signal, legally currently not considered a copyright infringement, it looks at the distribution of copyrighted materials is very different. Many a would-streaming provider uses for the distribution of content which is known from filesharing torrent or p2p technology.

Here, you not only receive video files, but sends it also equally as part of a network of other continue. Downloads before film release a reference to such illegal deals can be. Those who have already installed such plugins, media player or other software that can be downloaded from “” test and cleaning software.

Caution applies loud “” also in the conclusion of subscriptions. The transmitted personal data and credit card information could be misused. In addition, there is a danger to come to the attention of law enforcement agencies -. If it comes to investigations against illegal operators


Friday, April 22, 2016

Software Hold –

distance quote available the target price is
target price 31.66


Buy: 3 Hold: 12 Sell: 4










Warburg Research
€ 31

Credit Suisse Group
29 €

JP Morgan Chase & amp; Co.
€ 32

Baader Wertpapierhandelsbank
€ 38

Barclays Capital
€ 28

German Bank AG
€ 27

Société Générale Group SA (SG)
€ 27.50

Equinet AG
€ 26

Hauck & amp; Aufhauser Private KGaA
€ 34.50

€ 31

Kepler Cheuvreux
€ 30

€ 35

Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & amp; Co. KG (Berenberg Bank)
€ 27.20

Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
€ 36

Independent Research GmbH
€ 37

Oddo Seydler Bank AG
€ 38

Commerzbank AG
31 €

distance quote available to target price
target price 31 , 66

all software price targets


Wibu-Systems: Two new types of licenses proprietary software –

"2016-04-21 18:39:50" pubdate = "pubdate">
               Andreas Knoll

            Wibu-Systems presents at the Hanover Fair, the newly developed license types “lent licenses” and “Sliding licenses”. They allow the user the flexible yet secure loans and moving licenses proprietary software.

“The Stock Borrow worked either safe or simply” in the past, explained Oliver Winzenried, CEO and founder of Wibu-Systems. “Now we have combined the first manufacturer to safety and ease of use. And with the new idea, move licenses offline ‘we close another gap. As the first manufacturer we have moving licenses offline, ie without a direct connection between the license server and your local computer, developed and brought to market. “Using the example of a construction site, the benefits of off-shifting would particularly clear:” A company may for branch its employees from its pool of licenses is a license for the protected software, which then no connection is made to the company at the site, and precisely within the possibilities that the manufacturer has previously defined “emphasizes Winzenried.

part 1
                     of 2



Stuttgart is testing new software: number of burglaries has halved – Stuttgarter Nachrichten


By Rainer Wehaus "2016-04-22 06:00"> 22nd April 2016 – 06:00


Since in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe gef & # XE4; hrdete district st & # XE4; be illuminated more strongly, avoiding burglars these areas Photo: dpa

 Since in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe vulnerable quarters are stronger illuminated, avoiding burglars these areas Photo: AP

The number of burglaries is reduced in Baden -Wuerttemberg continue – at least in the areas where a new forecasting software for testing purposes in use. In Stuttgart, there is a significant drop in trend. Whether it is due to the new software?


Stuttgart – The number of burglaries is in Stuttgart on the wane. The police recorded in the first three months of this year, according to a spokesman for a decline of burglaries around 50 percent.

Already in 2015 was the number of burglaries decreased in the capital compared to last year by 29 percent. Previously, she had risen for years. Whether the recent decline with a new forecasting software related, which is tested by the Stuttgart police since November, is unclear. Even before the system was a decrease


In the new software the police computer with details about committed burglaries is fed. If professionals have been at work, all experience is high according to the likelihood that they strike in the same neighborhood in the days that followed again. The computer suggests in such cases alarm, the police can then more keep an eye on the risk area. The new software will be tested until the end of April in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe, where the numbers are also decreased further in the first quarter, rising by a quarter. Then, the Max Planck Institute for Criminal Law in Freiburg evaluates the experience. The result is expected for the beginning of August, at least as long as the software will continue to operate. It was developed by the Institute for pattern-based forecasting technique in Oberhausen and costs royalties. For the entire test taxpayers to pay around EUR 220 000


As the development nationwide is not as positive as in Stuttgart, the German government wants to encourage more private precautions against burglary: In future there will be the development bank KfW also subsidies for investments under 2000 euros. This was agreed, the groups of the CDU and SPD. From when this is exactly is still unclear



Software against burglars: In the fight against burglars man stands against … – Stuttgarter Nachrichten


By Rainer Wehaus "2016-04-22 07:00"> 22nd April 2016 – 07:00


start of the new forecasting software: end of October dr & # xFC; ckten a symbolic start button LKA-Pr & # XE4; President Ralf Michelfelder, Interior Minister Reinhold Gall, Landespolizeipr & # XE4; President Gerhard Klotter and Thomas Schweer . the Institut f & # xFC r pattern-based forecasting technique (from left) Photo: AP

 Beginning of the new forecasting software: the end of October, expressed on a symbolic start button LKA-President Ralf Michelfelder, Interior Minister Reinhold Gall, State Police Commissioner Gerhard Klotter and Thomas Schweer the Institute for pattern-based forecasting technique (from left) Photo:. Dpa

Police in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe test just released a new software that will help her in the fight against burglars. Enthusiasm keeps in Frontiers despite declining numbers. The turnaround you’ve also done it without the machine, they say.


Stuttgart – From the System “precobs” you have only heard good. Precobs stands for “Pre Crime Observation System”. It is intended to help prevent crime. Crimes such as burglaries, affecting the sense of security of the citizens particularly strong as it always is. Precobs was developed by a private institute in Oberhausen, the Institute for pattern-based forecasting technique (IfmPt). If you feed the computer with data committed burglaries, the system should facilitate the work of the police: The software predicts in which quarter burglars will strike expected to be back in the next few days. The police then goes specifically on patrol, the officials to be so efficient. That is the theory


in practice, the software so far in the will Switzerland used and tested in Bavaria. From there come reports of success, although this could also be because that Bayern began with the test already October 2014 – ie at a time when almost every month the number of burglaries reached a new high. Hence the decline of nine percent, the Bavaria is has experienced in the past year, partly attributed to the use of new software


In Baden-Württemberg it is different. Also there were the number of burglaries in 2015 back, by around ten percent. However, even without the new software. As the end of October the entire police command announced the start of the test of the new system in the police headquarters Stuttgart and Karlsruhe, the numbers were already massively from sinking. Accordingly even then held his enthusiasm for the project in police circles in limits. We have achieved the turnaround already without the new software, it said proudly. Quite simply, where you made the burglary crime to focus


Even before the police created a situation report

It is also not the case that the police have been driven out of the blue to catch burglars. Even without the software determined one the most popular with burglars quarter and territories. And also for this investigation used the police of course a computer


So it will be exciting. For Baden-Württemberg could be the first state to disenchant the new software. According to police management experience Namely rated for the first time by an independent body – the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg

The result is expected internally for the end of July / beginning of August.. No easy task for the scientists as one thinks in police circles. “We wonder how the want to objectively determine whether the software has brought something,” says an official. Although the number of burglaries have fallen sharply in the testing phase, but they did just as well even before that.

To the royalties a secret is made

And even if the Max Planck Institute should come to the conclusion that it would be helpful to use the new software permanently and perhaps even more widespread, the police leadership a cost-benefit analysis needs to make. Because the institute that developed the software that requires license fees, and although reportedly not too tight.

“Cheap is different,” says police sources, said the exact sum of a mystery is made. At the beginning of the tests in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe had only stated the whole thing will cost taxpayers and EUR 220 000. But one could also one or two police officers more to adjust.

Especially as the officials are already convinced in the fight against burglars that they are more efficient than a machine. While there are also proponents of the new software, but the trial has yet annoyed some officials. Up to twelve alarms a day there is what is called in the case: Twelve strips should get in vulnerable quarters. But as much officials has now not always available, especially since the software will be itself also cared for and fed.

Pending a decision by the software will continue to use

Officially says no what, all waiting for the results and on who will be the new interior minister. Until then, no one wants to burn your mouth.

The fact that the software is now operated via the testing period on, we must not be regarded as preliminary for the new system, according to an Interior Ministry spokesman. There go just that you do not power down a system that will then probably but considered the result to be useful, he says. . “. Nothing has been decided yet” And additionally cost some do not do this further operation the taxpayer also

