Apple software: Delete quickly QuickTime for Windows – THE WORLD
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Delete quickly QuickTime on Windows
Windows users are strongly encouraged, Apple’s QuickTime player quickly removing it. In the software gape two vulnerabilities, warn US experts. A security update does not offer Apple.
Windows users are strongly encouraged, Apple’s QuickTime player quickly removing it. In the software gape two vulnerabilities, warn US experts. A security update does not offer Apple at
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Photo: pa / dpa Using Quicktime can be with a Mac the contents of the desktop in a video hold
users of QuickTime for Windows should the program quickly remove from their computer. The advises the Department of Computer Security (US-CERT) of the US Department of Homeland Security.
base are two vulnerabilities in the software to play videos, on the criminals could install external malicious software and thus gain control of your computer. The US Agency refers in its communication to the Japanese security company Trend Micro.
The condition is that the victims have previously visited a website with malicious software or infected files are open. Although Trend Micro had been no known acute cases, while the multimedia player constitutes a security risk.
The only way to reduce this risk is to uninstall. In addition, Apple has discontinued support for its multimedia player for Windows. Consequently, there is in future a security update
The obsolete program -. The “latest” version has the version number 7.7.9 (Mac OS X 10.4) – can be uninstalled from the control Panel and the sub-item “programs and features” (Windows 7). An alternative for Windows is the VLC player. QuickTime for Mac OS X is not affected.
dpa / rct
The legendary operating system is 20 years old
20 years ago, a new computer era began. Microsoft introduced Windows 95 to the market and caused quite a revolution. PCs were now no longer just for nerds and office employees Source: N24
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