Thursday, March 5, 2015

Over 10,000 software jobs at the hardware Dresden – Computer cent,

 Even in the sick and the elderly k & # XF6; Nnten tablets and apps soon a gr & # XF6; & # xdF; ere play role in Dresden after the young software company & quot; . Care Social & quot; goes Photo: Care Social

In the sick and the elderly could tablets and apps soon play a greater role in it goes to the young Dresden software company “Social Care”. Photo: Social Care

Many companies programming of interfaces to traditional industry

Dresden , March 5, 2015: Actually, Dresden is rather for its hardware known for locally produced computer chips. However, the software industry has evolved into a major job creator in the Saxon capital. Meanwhile employ approximately 400 software companies here more than 10,000 employees, as Deputy Mayor Dirk Hilbert (FDP) announced. “The software and IT industry fueled strong economic growth in Dresden,” he said.

Dresden Wirtschaftsb & . #xFC; MAYOR and O-candidate Dirk Hilbert (FDP) Photo: Heiko Weckbrodt

Dirk Hilbert (FDP). Photo: Heiko Weckbrodt

The mayor, who himself had originally learned Electronics workers in the GDR computer Kombinat “Robotron”, sees the strengths of Dresdner software companies, especially at the interfaces with traditional industry. Furthermore, both the University as well as the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (HTW) offer computer science courses with fairly good reputation. And: “Since the salaries are now common in the industry, we can more and more young people after graduation keep here in Dresden”, Hilbert estimated a

Computer and Chip workers want to work together to do everything crafty

And the role of the local software companies – and thus also the career opportunities for aspiring programmers and other specialists – are likely to increase in the future, says T-Systems Manager Frank Schonfeld, who in the Saxon high-tech association “Silicon Saxony” working group “Software” forwards. “Software and IT to take a key role when it comes to technological answers to the questions of the future. Whether Smart * City, Smart Mobility, Smart Health or Smart Education -. For pioneering solutions in the Internet of Things ** we need an optimal combination of hardware and software “The economic region of Saxony to draw the by the particularly close integration of Microelectronics and Information Technology

Smart Care and clever columns: 6 Software company founder from Dresden to CeBit

Intelligent charging station for electric cars, which was developed by the Technical University spin-off energy EA architecture. Photo: hw

Present will Dresden and Saxony now at CeBit as software sites. In addition to established companies and six software start-up companies (“start-ups”) will be presenting on the digital trade fair in Hanover. These include, for example, “Exelonix” (Senior Assistance Systems) or the “Social Care GmbH,” writes smartphone apps for nurses and nurses in nursing homes, thus documenting the care services and to plan. The “EA Systems Dresden GmbH” was founded in 2012 shows at the fair, meanwhile energy management systems. Together with the Dresden University of Technology Institute for Automotive Technology has developed a charging station “easy charge” for electric cars are still young software company. The special feature: The column can be programmed so that the electric car, for example, only gets green electricity or is only fueled when the power is just to have a special low price on the net. Author: Heiko Weckbrodt

* The adjective “smart” (smart) set high technology marketers today everything has to be installed in their opinion, the more electronics. Example: “Smart Health” = = Cunning health, we are all full of chips

** Internet of Things: Everywhere chips come clean (see “smart”) plus: everything is then crosslinked

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