So much scorn and displeasure with a really hot coveted Apple product did not exist long. Now, Apple responded to the problems with the new iPhone models. A software update had been circulated, the U.S. company said. iOS 8.0.2 will fix the recent problems.
In first reactions on Twitter, users made about the re-updating Vesuch funny and celebrated themselves as pioneers .
The software version 8.0.1. the operating system iOS had been previously withdrawn. Many users had complained after the installation, including simple calls to mobile networks was no longer possible and the fingerprint sensor was defective. After updating to version 8.0.2, the most pressing problems seem to be but fixed. Most Tweets reported accident-free installations.
In addition, customers were on the Internet, that the iPhones are supposed to be easy to bend. Under the title “Bendgate” joke campaigns have since been conducted on the Internet. Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller share this with via email: “In normal use a bent iPhone is extremely rare after the first six days of sales is only nine customers have reported with a bent iPhone 6 with us.”
The housings of the devices were made of solid aluminum and tested for load capacity. The devices are also reinforced in several places with titanium.
The three-point Verbiegetest in Cupertino
In an unusual step for the traditionally secretive company Apple on Thursday allowed some journalists insight into his lab in Cupertino, where the stability of the iPhones is checked. These included the technology blog “Recode” and “The Verge”. In the laboratory, according to their reports simulates, among other things, what happens to an iPhone when it sits down.
It also said there was a “three-point -Verbiegetest “where on the iPhone in the middle of pressure is applied while it is supported on the top and bottom edges. In this case, an iPhone is not bent 6 Plus under a weight of 25 kg durable, it said.
Also, competitors jumped on the “Bendgate” train on. Samsung said in a tweet, its smartphones have extra and not by chance curved screens. BlackBerry CEO John Chen encouraged at the launch of a new smartphone on Wednesday those present, to subject his device one will bend test.
“We do not bend, we break”
The candy brand “KitKat” saw in the situation a perfect transition to her usual advertising slogan. “We do not bend, break us,” it said in a tweet to a photo by broken chocolate bar.
What else to do with the iPhone? In recent days, especially the model was shot through 6 Plus, among other things, frozen with liquid nitrogen, dropped from a height of about two kilometers and shredded in a blender.
Apple shares were sacked on Thursday by four percent. Result, the company had lost in Silicon Valley some 24 billion dollars in market value. With the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Apple wants the South Korean rival Samsung slimming market share in the highly competitive smartphone business.
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