To be safe from attacks from the Internet, the use of anti-virus software is recommended. Equally important to always keep installed programs up to date is. In this way, you close dangerous vulnerabilities, take control of your PC via the malicious programs.
Some programs are particularly vulnerable. In general, the common software, the higher the degree of hazard. This post shows popular free programs that you should urgently update for security reasons.
security risk Java
A great danger is based on Java. The runtime environment is required to run various programs or Web applications. Practical:. Java supports various device classes, so it runs well on PCs as on cell phones
This is attractive to attackers: they bring malicious programs in circulation, the exploit a Java vulnerability that they might operate under the same multiple operating systems. Java also runs on nine out of ten computers worldwide – the widespread use makes the use of a security risk
Download: Download Java Runtime Environment (32-bit)
Download: Java Runtime Environment (64-bit) download
Adobe Reader and Flash Player
Also common in use are Adobe Reader and the Adobe Flash Player. Although the distance to Java is huge – Java gets forty times as many attacks such as Adobe Reader. But the Adobe programs are due to the dangerous security gaps and over again in the headlines
Download:. Download Adobe Flash Player
Download: Adobe Reader
Practical update tools
Not every user brings the time and inclination to keep regularly for updated program versions out. Do you like it rather easily, taking a look at programs worth as Secunia Personal Software Inspector and SlimDrivers.
The Secunia tool checks by version number matching with an Internet database, whether installed programs are up to date. Are outdated applications on your hard drive, updated Secunia Personal Software Inspector they -., Or redirects to download sites with the latest versions
SlimDrivers cares to update your drivers, what happens almost automatically. Also worth a look is WHDownloader: Lets you create an archive of the most important Windows updates. Format the hard drive once, the re-download the system improvements Needless
Download:. Secunia Personal Software Inspector Download
Download: Download SlimDrivers
Download: WHDownloader download
Security Risk Windows XP
In front of a huge security problem are users of the deprecated Windows XP: You will not get any more updates for security vulnerabilities – even if they are known and attackers use them .
Security-conscious XP users therefore have only two options: to disconnect the PC from the network and even on media such as USB sticks and home-burned CDs, . sacrificing – or perform an update on a current system
Everything you need to know can be found in the article “Windows XP is dead: Compelling reasons for moving to Windows 8.1 and 7 “.
Additional security measures
Installed programs to keep up to date is important, but it replaces not use a virus protection program. The G Data “Computer Bild” Edition about protecting you against attacks, even if the shared vulnerabilities are not known yet.
To protect yourself even further is additionally recommended the installation of “Computer Bild” account-alarm. The practical tool regularly checks whether the credentials important accounts are hacked and shows at data theft a warning message
More on the topic.:
Antivirus free: Top 77 Programs – free to download
Source: “ Computers image “ . More Tests at
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