Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Facebook software detects people, even if the face is hidden – Engadget German

Facebook has decided to use a method also can be recognized by the people, if your face is not clearly or not at all make out: The experimental software, the other day on Conference Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition was presented in Boston, trying at all or partially concealed face detection based on other criteria such as typical clothes (Mark Zuckerberg has indeed always the same gray T-shirt on) the haircut, the body shape or posture. According to the head of Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence Department, Yann LeCun, people can thus be already identified with a success rate of 83 percent. [Photo: cc by Andres Rodriguez]


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Monday, June 22, 2015

MacFamilyTree: Software Tips for the next family reunion – ifun.de> Apple News since 2001 (blog)

<- uniformly from here ->

MacFamilyTree is a remarkable Mac App For 17 years, cherish the developers their software to discover the personal family history now, and the application is in spite of their relatively high price continues to have a regular place in the charts. the Mac App Store.

mac family tree

“Family Tree” at first sounds so totally frumpy, but the creation of such can be for entertaining evening jobs make the next family reunion. is providing a research assistant who systematically required information queries MacFamilyTree. Following you can offer your family knowledge query using the integrated family quiz., for creating books or PDFs, which can then be distributed to the rest of the family can be assigned to individuals pictures and other documents we certificates.

Granted this is all a bit hard to imagine if only because of the specific application purpose. The developer has therefore on its website and a free trial version of the app on, with you can make you a taste of the over the above-mentioned features significantly beyond scope of the program.

Currently MacFamilyTree Available in version 7.5.1. With the recent update, the developers have added many improvements and feature enhancements again. The app provides example new ways to print and export of family books, and improved local administration and now works with Apple’s new photo app for the Mac together. The regular price for the app is 49.99 euros, currently stands the 287 MB download in the Mac App Store yet, 50 percent discount available.

Author Chris

Tags: Mac Software
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Apple & Telecom: Software update points to VoLTE launch out – the future … – maclife.de

The German Telekom and Apple are preparing the forthcoming introduction of VoLTE. VoLTE stands for Voice over LTE and allows owners of an iPhone 6 or iPhone to guide 6 Plus also calls on the faster LTE network. The corresponding software update that VoLTE is possible, can be installed on Apple’s latest iPhones. The Telekom should enable VoLTE in the foreseeable future.

Soon to be owners of an iPhone 6 or iPhone can use 6 Plus VoLTE, unless you have a mobile phone contract with Telekom. VoLTE stands for Voice over LTE. Users can make calls with VoLTE via the much faster LTE network (4G). At present, the transmission of mobile phone conversations almost exclusively on slower 2G networks (GSM and GPRS) or 3G networks (UMTS and HSPA) will be held, as the LTE standard no “circuit switching” more uses, can be handled through phone calls.

The Telekom has the update “carrier settings 20.1″ already published. Owners of an iPhone or iPhone 6 Plus can update the software under “Settings” – & gt; “General” – & gt; Install “Info”. There iOS indicates that the update is now available for download. Users can also connect your iPhone to your Mac and install the “carrier settings 20.1″ via iTunes

Then get owners of an iPhone the current generation a new option under “Settings” – & gt. “Mobile network”: “Enable LTE” In the new menu item can now choose between the three options “Off”, “Language & amp users; Select data “and” Data Only “.

The Telekom has not yet been activated VoLTE. By telephone conversations with the iPhone 6 or the iPhone 6 Plus over LTE are possible, likely even take a few weeks.


RIB SOFTWARE Today an upside breakout – wallstreet-online

 With a strong growth of more than 7% spoiled today the shares of RIB Software AG investors. The value can be detached from a range of days that have passed upwards. The sideways movement since April could thus be terminated. The current law, however, should continue this positive environment. The short-term for the RIB-share, however, the chance to close running at an annual high of May 2015. <"25" div readability => even in the weaker recent weeks continued despite a break of an uptrend is no significant selling pressure

– Go down the stock seems, however well supported.

  Day Candles – RIB Software AG


 Currently with swing upwards. The annual high in his sights.


 The long-term perspective indicates that at the top of a previous SKS was present significant resistance. A rise above the May high and about 16 euros, however, should the stock continue upward run with target 18 euros.

 Your Stefan Salomon

 Chart Analyst wallstreet-online.de

  Note: The analysis was prepared by Stefan Salomon with the utmost care. No liability is assumed for the accuracy of the statements, forecasts and statements contained in the analysis. The content is for information only and does not contain any investment advice or solicitation to buy or sell CFDs, stocks or other Finanzprodukten.Die analysis not serve as specific trade recommendation. Liability for property damage is excluded. Declaration according to Section 34b para 1 WpHG: The author explains that he may be in possession of financial instruments to which individual analyzes refer. This creates the possibility of a conflict of interest. Charts: guidants.com


Sunday, June 21, 2015

GK Software Purchase – Finanzen.net

Analysts at SMC Research have expressed in their follow-up study to the GK Software AG disappointed about the result development of specialist retail software and therefore their earnings estimates as well its price target on the shares of GK Software significantly reduced. The rating, the research company nevertheless leaves to “buy”

With innovative products, a strong market position and the close cooperation with SAP:. Dispose, GK Software AG has the necessary ingredients to the success of earlier continue years. But earnings side, the company had three years came from the track . Due to the reluctance to invest in German retailing go through new business in the previous core market, a period of weakness, while the logical alternative, the expansion abroad, have been found to be significantly longer and more especially as significantly more expensive than initially expected.

Last’ve GK Software could announce some promising statements in North America and in South Africa , but the result they both last year and in the first quarter remained still below expectations of SMC Research.

The hope of SMC analysts that the profit situation would improve with the completion of a sufficient number of license sales “automatically”, have not been fulfilled. Rather, it seems at present that suffered by the expansion of the organization, the efficiency of processes and project management have. To return to the old profitability, it is sufficient in the opinion of the SMC Research therefore contrary to previous assumptions no longer “only” the number of transactions to increase. Rather took the enlarged structures, so SMC Research, apparently still a start-up time before they would run smoothly again. This keeps the SMC Research for the contribution of the acquired in March retail division of DBS possible.

The research house had so his earnings estimates reduced significantly and expect instead for the current year a high profit now get a small loss. On this basis, the DCF model deliver a fair value per share of 32.32 euros, making GK Software would currently fairly valued by the market. However, SMC Research ranks just after the further intensification of the SAP partnership the scenario of a takeover by the Walldorf-based group perspective as quite probable one, which is why the analysts, as in prior years, their price target with a 25-percent takeover premium calculate. The target price is so loud 40.40 euros, the rating leaves SMC Research on this basis remains unchanged at “Buy”

. (Source: Global Equities Research Guide)


DGAP-News: RIB Software AG (RSTA) has a Phase I iTWO 5D deal with the … – Finanztreff

RIB Software AG (RSTA) has a Phase I iTWO 5D deal signed with the days Group in China

DGAP-News: RIB Software AG / Key word (s): Contract RIB Software AG (RSTA) has a Phase I iTWO 5D deal with the days Group in China signed

19/06/2015 / 12:13



RIB Software AG (RSTA) has a Phase I iTWO 5D deal signed with the days Group in China

Guangzhou, China, June 19, 2015. RIB Software AG, a global leader 5D BIM Big Data technology provider for the construction industry, today announced the completion of a Phase I iTWO contract with the days Group, one of the largest on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange-listed construction and real estate enterprises, known. The iTWO 5D BIM technology is used specifically for the days Technology Building Project, during the long-term goal is a company-wide use of iTWO. A Phase II technology partnership in 2016 is therefore likely. The cooperation helps days herald a iTWO 5D management era and to fulfill the mission, to build a sustainable and liveable city.

days Group is a state-integrated company, listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 1999 is. Civil engineering projects as well as include the development, operation and maintenance of real estate to its main activities. Among the parts of the company belongs days Construction, a premier infrastructure-developer with national awards; Days Properties, a prominent real estate developer; Days Hotel Management and days Property Management, professional provider of facility management services for commercial and residential facilities.

days Group is dedicated to the goal of building a sustainable and livable city that aims to improve the living standards of people. The core values ​​of the company are innovation and the pursuit of excellence. The Chinese company has iTWO in the successful use with outstanding results met with China Construction Fourth Engineering Division and then chose iTWO. The iTWO 5D lean management platform is used in the days Technology Building project to create a benchmarking project and a knowledge database, which then will serve as a basis for company-wide implementation.

Thomas Wolf, CEO of RIB Group: “We are very proud to be in the to have another technology partner rapidly developing Chinese market, we are days helping her iTWO 5D lean management set platform and will support eco-friendly and smart projects to implement this is through energy savings, reducing the.. waste products and increase the efficiency achieved. We look forward to days to build together a sustainable city and to improve the living standards of people through new technology. “

About the RIB Group RIB Software AG is a pioneer in civil engineering. The company designs, develops and markets iTWO³ – new way of thinking, new ways of working and new technology – for construction projects in many industries around the world. iTWO is today the world’s first license / cloud-based Big Data BIM 5D enterprise solution for companies in the building industry such as project developers, construction companies, industrial companies, clients and investors. Since its foundation in 1961, the RIB Software AG pioneered innovations in the construction sector, for research and deployment of new technologies and new ways of thinking and working methods to increase productivity in the construction sector, thereby contributing to the construction industry as one of the most advanced industries in 21 . century shape. The RIB is headquartered in Stuttgart and is listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2011. With more than 700 skilled employees in more than 30 global offices RIB 100,000 customers, including construction companies, industrial companies, project developers, investors and governments, including the construction, infrastructure and EPC.

—– ————————————————– ————–

19.06.2015 Dissemination of a Corporate News / Financial News, transmitted by DGAP – a service of EQS Group AG. For the content of this announcement The issuer / publisher is solely responsible.

DGAP’s Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements, Financial / Corporate News and Press Releases. Media archive at and http://www.dgap-medientreff.de http://www.dgap.de


Sprache: German
Company: RIB Software AG Vaihinger Str
70567 Stuttgart Germany

Phone.: +49 (0) 711-7873-0 Fax
: +49 (0) 711-7873-311
Email: info@rib-software.com
Internet: www.rib-software.com
indexes: TecDAX
exchanges: Regulated Market in Frankfurt (Prime Standard);
Freiverkehr in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart

End of News DGAP News-Service
————————————– ——————————-
370049 19/06/2015

Source: dpa AFX


mvBlueGEMINI “Matrix Vision: Smart Camera with Web-based software – elektroniknet.de

           Andreas Knoll

            The web-based software “mvIMPACT ConfigurationStudio” short ICS, the new Smart Camera “mvBlueGEMINI” Matrix Vision is equipped. The camera is suitable for both beginners and advanced image processor.

                 The Smart Camera & # xBB; mvBlueGEMINI & # xAB; from Matrix Vision l & # XE4;. SST Also with low vision knowledge Configure
                  Source: © Matrix Vision
The Smart Camera “mvBlueGEMINI” Matrix Vision can also be configured with low vision skills.

As a software web-based ICS has several advantages: The program does not require installation and can also be of different devices such as tablet, smartphone and PC simultaneously over a network or – call via WLAN – with existing Access Point. The intuitive user guidance via wizards and the limitation to essential parameters, users can quickly develop applications. Furthermore, tasks can be divided retraining, where ICS select the right algorithms and the appropriate parameter sets. Image processing knowledge is therefore not absolutely necessary.

An application is to ICS for a number of single, easily understandable tools like “Take Picture”, find “object” and “Read Code”, which are summarized in a toolbox. All tools are based on the image processing library “Halcon” MVTec Software [1] and are matched to the hardware. Nevertheless ICS also offers the required flexibility of professionals. If a task requiring a custom tool, the software can be easily extended, even with user-defined libraries.

The “mvBlueGEMINI” hardware from Matrix Vision [2] with dual-core processor is optimized for ICS. It handles the JPEG compression for live image display, the debayering performs and ensures real-time I / Os. ​​

The camera is 65 x 34.5 x 99.5 mm in size and has a Gigabit Ethernet interface. Your electricity consumption is less than 5 W. is housed in an IP67-protected housing. As the image sensor used for 1.3-megapixel CMOS device EV76C560 e2v.


  1. http://www.elektroniknet.de/anbieterkompass/?anbieter=8861211

  3. http://www.elektroniknet.de/anbieterkompass/?anbieter=1044040


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Web Apps adhere to the taskbar, like desktop software – schieb.de

Web Apps have become an important part of our work environment – whether it is writing an e-mail in Gmail or editing a table in Excel Online. Everything in the cloud is convenient, but annoying: always because the browser has to be opened. Unless you pinning its web apps directly to the taskbar of Windows.

This is, for example, via the Chrome browser. By opening the corresponding web app in a new Chrome tab, about Google Drive. Now click the top right of the symbol with the three strokes, to display the menu. Here follows a click on “More tools Create application shortcuts …”.

In a dialog box, Google Chrome asks for now, if the shortcut on the desktop or in the taskbar should be created. Then just click on “Create” – done

Important: The Chrome feature Pinned web apps is not quite perfect!. Here’s are not, for example, the possibility of using more than one tab.

 chrome-app shortcuts

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Members of schieb.de Pro get every week an extensive, high-quality report in PDF format sent. In addition, members can invite free quality eBooks. And other extras.

Join Now. Just 5 EUR / Month.


DGAP-News: RIB Software AG (RSTA) has a Phase I iTWO 5D deal with the … – OnVista (press release)

RIB Software AG (RSTA) has a Phase I iTWO 5D deal signed with the days Group in China

DGAP-News: RIB Software AG / Key word (s): Contract RIB Software AG (RSTA) has a Phase I iTWO 5D deal signed with the days Group in China

06.19.2015 / 12 : 13


Guangzhou, China, June 19, 2015. RIB Software AG, a global leader 5D BIM Big Data technology provider for the construction industry, today announced the completion of a Phase I iTWO contract with the days Group, one of the largest on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange-listed construction and real estate enterprises, known. The iTWO 5D BIM technology is used specifically for the days Technology Building Project, during the long-term goal is a company-wide use of iTWO. A Phase II technology partnership in 2016 is therefore likely. The cooperation helps days herald a iTWO 5D management era and to fulfill the mission, to build a sustainable and liveable city.

days Group is a state-integrated company, listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 1999 is. Civil engineering projects as well as include the development, operation and maintenance of real estate to its main activities. Among the parts of the company belongs days Construction, a premier infrastructure-developer with national awards; Days Properties, a prominent real estate developer; Days Hotel Management and days Property Management, professional provider of facility management services for commercial and residential facilities.

days Group is dedicated to the goal of building a sustainable and livable city that aims to improve the living standards of people. The core values ​​of the company are innovation and the pursuit of excellence. The Chinese company has iTWO in the successful use with outstanding results met with China Construction Fourth Engineering Division and then chose iTWO. The iTWO 5D lean management platform is used in the days Technology Building project to create a benchmarking project and a knowledge database, which then will serve as a basis for company-wide implementation.

Thomas Wolf, CEO of RIB Group: “We are very proud to be in the to have another technology partner rapidly developing Chinese market, we are days helping her iTWO 5D lean management set platform and will support eco-friendly and smart projects to implement this is through energy savings, reducing the.. waste products and increase the efficiency achieved. We look forward to days to build together a sustainable city and to improve the living standards of people through new technology. “

About the RIB Group RIB Software AG is a pioneer in civil engineering. The company designs, develops and markets iTWO³ – new way of thinking, new ways of working and new technology – for construction projects in many industries around the world. iTWO is today the world’s first license / cloud-based Big Data BIM 5D enterprise solution for companies in the building industry such as project developers, construction companies, industrial companies, clients and investors. Since its foundation in 1961, the RIB Software AG pioneered innovations in the construction sector, for research and deployment of new technologies and new ways of thinking and working methods to increase productivity in the construction sector, thereby contributing to the construction industry as one of the most advanced industries in 21 . century shape. The RIB is headquartered in Stuttgart and is listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2011. With more than 700 skilled employees in more than 30 global offices RIB 100,000 customers, including construction companies, industrial companies, project developers, investors and governments, including the construction, infrastructure and EPC.

19:06 .2015 Release of a Corporate News / Financial News, transmitted by DGAP – a service of EQS Group AG. For the content of this announcement The issuer / publisher is solely responsible.

DGAP’s Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements, Financial / Corporate News and Press Releases. Media archive at http://www.dgap-medientreff.de and http://www.dgap.de

Language: German Company:. RIB Software AG Vaihinger Str 151 70567 Stuttgart Germany Phone : +49 (0) 711-7873-0 Fax: +49 (0) 711-7873-311 E-Mail: info@rib-software.com Internet: www.rib-software.com
WKN: A0Z2XN indexes: TecDAX stockmarkets: Regulated Market in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart

End of News DGAP News-Service

370049 06/19/2015


Friday, June 19, 2015

RIB Software AG (RSTA) has a Phase I iTWO 5D deal with the days Group … – FinanzNachrichten.de

RIB Software AG (RSTA) has a Phase I iTWO 5D deal with the
 Days Group in China signed

DGAP-News: RIB Software AG / Key word (s): Contract RIB Software AG
 (RSTA) has a Phase I iTWO 5D deal with the days Group in China

19.06.2015 / 12:13


RIB Software AG (RSTA) has a Phase I iTWO 5D Deal with the days
 Group in China signed

Guangzhou, China, June 19, 2015. RIB Software AG, world
 leading 5D BIM Big Data technology provider for the construction industry was,
 today announced the completion of a Phase I iTWO contract with the days Group,
 one of the largest companies listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange building and
 Real Estate ventures known. The iTWO 5D BIM technology
 is specifically used for the days Technology Building project,
 during the long-term goal is a company-wide use of
 iTWO is. A Phase II technology partnership in 2016 is
 therefore likely. The cooperation helps days a iTWO 5D
 Management era usher and the mission to build a
 sustainable and livable city to meet.

days Group is a state-integrated company that has been
 Is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1999. Civil Engineering activities include
 as well as the development, the operation and maintenance of
 Property for their main activities. Among the subregions of the
 Company belongs days Construction, a premier
 Infrastructure developers with national awards; Meet
 Properties, a prominent real estate developer; Days hotel
 Management and days Property Management, professional providers
 of facility management services for business and
 Residential facilities.

days Group is dedicated to the goal of a sustainable and livable
 To build the city, which is intended to improve the living standards of people.
 The core values ​​of the company are innovation and the pursuit of
 Peak power. The Chinese company has iTWO in which
 successful operation with outstanding results in China
 Construction Fourth Engineering Division met and then
 chosen iTWO. The iTWO 5D lean management platform is in
 the days Technology Building project employed a
 Create benchmarking project and a knowledge database, which then
 should serve as the basis for company-wide implementation

Thomas Wolf, CEO of RIB group. “We are very proud to provide a
 other technology partners in the developing rapidly
 To have the Chinese market. We will help her days iTWO 5D
 Establish lean management platform and will support them
 implement eco-friendly and smart projects. This is done by
 Energy savings, reduction of waste and increasing
 the achieved efficiency. We look forward together with days
 to build a sustainable city and the people’s living standards,
 improve with new technology. “

About the RIB Group RIB Software AG is a pioneer in
 Building. The company designs, develops and markets iTWO³
 – New way of thinking, new ways of working and new technology – for
 Construction projects in many industries around the world. iTWO is
 today the world’s first license / cloud-based Big Data BIM 5D
 Enterprise solution for companies in the building industry such as
 Project developers, construction companies, industrial companies,
 Clients and investors. Since its foundation in 1961, the RIB
 Software AG pioneer of innovations in the construction sector, for the
 Research and deployment of new technologies as well as new
 Thinking and working methods to increase productivity in
 Construction sector, thereby contributing to the construction of a
 advanced industries in the 21st century to make. The
 RIB is headquartered in Stuttgart and is since 2011 in the Prime
 Out Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. With more than 700
 qualified employees in over 30 offices worldwide
 supervised RIB 100,000 customers, including contractors,
 Industrial companies, project developers, investors and governments,
 among others in the fields of construction, infrastructure and EPC.

06.19.2015 Dissemination of a Corporate News / financial news
 transmitted by DGAP – a service of EQS Group AG. For the
 Content of this announcement is the issuer / publisher responsible.

DGAP’s Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,
 Financial / Corporate News and Press Releases.
 Media archive at and http://www.dgap-medientreff.de

Language: German
 Company: RIB Software AG
                 Vaihinger Str. 151
                 70567 Stuttgart
 Phone: +49 (0) 711-7873-0
 Fax: +49 (0) 711-7873-311
 Email: info@rib-software.com
 Internet: www.rib-software.com
 Indices: TecDAX
 Exchanges: Regulated Market in Frankfurt (Prime Standard);
                 Freiverkehr in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Munich,

End of News DGAP News-Service

370049 06/19/2015


AXC0080 2015-06-19 / 12: 14


GK Software AG: Earnings weakness longer than expected – FinanzNachrichten.de

Analysts at SMC Research have expressed in their follow-up study to the GK Software AG disappointed about the result development of specialist retail software and therefore their earnings estimates as well as its price target on the shares of GK Software significantly reduced. The rating, the research company nevertheless leaves to “buy”

With innovative products, a strong market position and the close cooperation with SAP:. Dispose, GK Software AG has the necessary ingredients to continue the success story of previous years. But the earnings side, the company has come from the track for three years. Due to the reluctance to invest in German retailing go through new business in the previous core market, a period of weakness, while the logical alternative, the expansion abroad, have been found to be significantly longer and more especially as significantly more expensive than initially expected.

Last’ve GK Software could announce some promising statements in North America and in South Africa, but the result they both last year and in the first quarter remained still below expectations of SMC Research.

The hope of SMC Analysts that the profit situation would improve with the completion of a sufficient number of license sales “automatically”, have not been fulfilled. Rather, it seems at present that the efficiency of processes and project execution have suffered through the expansion of the organization. To return to the old profitability, it is sufficient in the opinion of the SMC Research therefore contrary to previous assumptions no longer “only” the number of transactions to increase. Rather took the enlarged structures, so SMC Research, apparently still a start-up time before they would run smoothly again. This keeps the SMC Research for the contribution of the acquired in March retail division of DBS possible.

The Research House have therefore significantly reduced its earnings estimates and expect for the current year instead of a high income now get a small deficit , On this basis, the DCF model deliver a fair value per share of 32.32 euros, making GK Software would currently fairly valued by the market. However, SMC Research ranks just after the further intensification of the SAP partnership the scenario of a takeover by the Walldorf-based group perspective as quite probable one, which is why the analysts, as already previously calculate their price target with a 25-percent takeover premium. The target price is so loud 40.40 euros, the rating leaves SMC Research on this basis remains unchanged at “Buy”

. (Source: Global Equities Research Guide)


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Skype: software translated now also in German – THE WORLD

times quickly call up in France or China, without speaking the language? With Skype’s real-time translation to the now German-speaking users can. Five other languages ​​are available: English, French, Spanish, Italian and Mandarin. Conversely, works in these languages ​​and the conversion into German. Who wants to just send text messages, it can translate in up to 50 international languages ​​and can translate them back.

Photo: AFP The conversations are recorded to translation – the user must agree

The transfer of the spoken word in the translated text or synthetic speech output is completely machined. Skype users must ensure, however, agree that their conversations are recorded without reference to their user accounts. So are analyzes of the translations and fixes the translation algorithms are possible. As a user you

also has the choice of whether you want to hear the other party as a computer voice in their own language or text translations prefers. How Skype employee Yasmin Khan describes is the translator also useful for users with hearing problems, because they can display subtitles. The translation process consists of four steps: First, the speech input is recognized and stored in text form. The computer then adjusted them by linguistic features, pauses or noise words. Then translated into the target language. Finally translate a text-to-speech program, the translation into synthetic speech output.

To use the translator, the caller has to the Skype desktop 8.1 use app for Windows. The called party can use other versions and operating systems, but need to install additional software.

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Microsoft dominates the data center software – silicon.de

Microsoft dominates the software market for data centers. With Microsoft software can claim a revenue share of 72 percent of the total market. This is shown by current figures from Synergy Research. The Zahlten mentioned relate to the period of the second quarter 2014 to the first quarter of 2015th


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Vulnerability – Vulnerabilities in Apple software – Süddeutsche.de

Scientists have loaded in Apple’s official store even infected malware.

Six IT security researchers have succeeded, basic protections of Apple to override. Passwords on a Macbook? Are vulnerable. Data that is stored in Apps? Unauthorized access by third parties is possible. The hedge AppStores deal to upload an app that contains malicious software? Also, researchers have hinbekommen, the news page The Register . In short, the gaps are catastrophic. The researchers describe their discovery in a scientific paper and they leave no doubt: “Through our research we have discovered a number of vulnerabilities with a big impact.”

Researchers have claims to Apple in October 2014 their findings confronted. Apple had then requested a period of six months to correct the error. This is common in the industry. Companies should be given the opportunity to protect their products, so they can not be attacked by criminals. Apple but unresponsive after six months – so the researchers are now going public. But that also means that the Apple software is still vulnerable

The problem, according to researchers in the way Apps communicate with each other: In most cases, check the operating system and more error-prone app, who demand as well for information or data. We have investigated and found that almost 89 percent of the applications have been prone to error 1612 Apps for Mac OS and 200 apps for iOS. The researchers have succeeded by its own account to access photos that were taken with the messaging app WeChat. Also, it should have been possible to save notes, used to make the user an app called Evernote

They have shown in several videos as they were able to exploit the gaps:. You it is also managed several apps , infected with malicious code, upload in the Apple AppStore – the security precautions were therefore bypassed. A total of six researchers at the Indiana University, Peking University and the Georgia Institute of Technology were involved. For users, there is currently no way of knowing whether they are affected by the attack.

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600 million smartphones by Samsung gap in third-party software … – ITespresso.de

Which specializes in mobile security company NowSecure has warned of a vulnerability in Samsung smartphones. It is located in the software of SwiftKey keyboard, the estimates according NowSecure is installed on over 600 million mobile phones. An attacker could take complete control of an affected device remotely if necessary.


IDC MarketScape: VMware “Leader” in Client Computing Software – FinanzNachrichten.de

Zurich – VMware, the world’s leading expert in cloud computing and virtualization, has been called “Leader” in the current providers comparison: rated (Document # 256606, June 2015) “IDC MarketScape Worldwide Virtual Client Computing Software 2015 Vendor Assessment”. Independent analysts convinced the comprehensive strategy and the solution competence of VMware in delivering virtual desktops and applications using the VMware Horizon solution portfolio and services. They include VMware Horizon 6, Horizion Air, Horizon FLEX and VMware app volumes include.

According to the IDC report “reflects the position of VMware, the current market position of the company and its commitment, resources for an extension of his EUC provide -Produktportfolios and infrastructure. ” It is further stated in the report, “IDC believes that IT organizations are increasingly asking for comprehensive and easy to use endpoint management solutions in the future, the distributed and different environments consisting of physical, virtual and cloud architectures, scalable . “

” We are proud of the leading position of VMware in the current IDC Market Landscape report, because it highlights the great …

View the full article …


Doom is loud id Software no frills shooting game – PC Games

After the gameplay premiere of Doom at E3 2015 set out the broad concern, the first person shooter from Bethesda is an unpretentious shooting game. When presenting the hell beings were almost effortlessly cut down. As asserted executive producer Marty Stratton, however, was the opposite is true. Doom is a forderendes game.

On Bethesda’s E3 press conference saw the first game scenes from Doom . see In a gameplay trailer of Doom Marine Imps, Revenants and other hell creatures felled seemingly effortlessly. This gave rise to the impression that Doom was an unassuming person shooter with a low for the next level of difficulty. But the opposite is true, as executive producer Marty Stratton insured by id Software. “I’ve seen people and hear even say: ‘Oh, that looks simple’ It’s not easy.” Said Stratton in a guided at E3 2015 interview. “The game is challenging, it pays tribute to the original Doom tribute.” The employees of Bethesda, the Doom played during the press conference of Bethesda, had been a professional.

The publisher should have organized an internal competition to determine which employees are best for presenting a certain level is in Doom. The executive producer also responds to the criticism, the behavior of the enemy was scripted and therefore to understand the player quickly. Stratton replied that to move the monsters in the new Doom freely through the game environments. They would jump over gaps, flying around and can climb. id Software uses a special technology from the apocalyptic shooter Rage. Art director Hugo Martin confirmed that two gamers in a level is not the same game experience will have. Doom appears in the spring of 2016 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One

Source:. GameSpot

Doom: gameplay scenes from E3


From Max Falk Star

Max Falk star is since July 2011. Online Editor for pcgames.de. He estimates Dark Souls, tasty food and good conversation with friends.

Something missing in the article?
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American Truck Simulator – SCS software it moves back to the US – gameswelt.de

After Euro Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2 goodbye SCS Software with its Trucker simulation once in Europe. Instead, it verschlägt you this time again as the studio of E3 2015 announced in the context in PC gaming show in American Truck Simulator in the United States.

changes on gameplay is however nothing: As a delivery driver, your task is to transport different cargo from point A to B – and to break possible in their original state and without any traffic laws. SCS Software promises, past conduct you to journeys across the US to many, known consider worthy of the country.

A concrete release date, there is not yet.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

In 36 months, the majority of companies defined by Software – Data Center Insider

The results of a study commissioned by CA Technologies “The Battle for Competitive Advantage in the App Economy” show how important is speed in the Application Economy. And this is the future for any business.

It is not about hardware versus software, but the existence or non-existence of business if it is said that software will govern the economy. So companies with advanced software strategies significantly lower time-to-decision. 45 percent confirm this for the present and 61 percent expect that for the next three years

So are increased agility and faster time to be at the top on the list of the most important factors for a successful strategy in the Application Economy, ie the digital economy.

The study was conducted by Oxford Economics, while leaders from business and technology world were after their application strategies and questioned their impact on business success. The findings of the study clearly show that companies in the Application Economy adapt with increasing speed, which they are trying to stand out among the competition in order to gain a strategic advantage.

An app is the Contact point

Additional results counts for customers that 43 percent of respondents are convinced that the ability to provide their customers with fast innovative apps, today is one of the most important factors for a strategic competitive advantage , In the outlook for the next three years this figure rises to 78 percent.

Supplementary on


About the survey and the interviewer

“It is encouraging to see that European companies have already recognized the potential of application Economy and adapt accordingly”, commented Sven Mulder, Vice President and Country Manager, Germany, CA Technologies. Because other studies have shown that especially SMEs have not yet understood what change to expect. Around 40 percent of these clients do neither with the terms “Digital Economy” and “Application Economy” what to do, nor do they see a need for action.

CA Technologies is new and takes up the mass trends in IT in

Apps are the window into the company

18:11:14 – Jennifer Hyman, co-founder and CEO of the Internet Company Rent the Runway and Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter on stage together – surprised even more than during the “CA World” that happened, so the annual conference of CA Technologies. However, the current CEO, Mike Gregoire, the company is expanding to and engages sent current concerns and needs in all Enterprises on. Read …

According to the global study by Oxford Economics, the focus has to a more driven by software business a positive impact on the market share (47 percent) , the development of new products and services (42 percent) and the commercial success (36 percent). Some of the most important further results:

  • More than half of participants (51 percent) indicate that they in the past three years in new software as mobile apps, API have invested enabled software or the like. Almost as many respondents intend to increase their investments in this area in the next three years.
  • 54 percent develop new strategies for interacting with their customers.
  • Increase 49 percent of respondents back the proportion of in-house software development and 47 per cent took over other companies in order to increase their software development capacity, or will do so in the future – a clear indication of the strategic importance of software
  • “There. is no longer enough to have the better product or service. Success today depends on providing the best customer experience “, says Otto Berkes, chief technology officer, CA Technologies. “Companies are experiencing a digital transformation and need to focus on the customer experience, because it is the key differentiator to distinguish themselves from the competition.”