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The Apache Software Foundation celebrates its 15th anniversary. The releasing exclusively on voluntary co Foundation is home to numerous free software projects which are of outstanding importance for the IT. For the anniversary, there is a look back.

Apache Software Foundation
The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) was founded in 1999 and at that time had the same Web server as a single project. Today the Foundation include information about their 505 individual members and 4,081 developers contributing code (“committers”) to. 50% of all downloads of open source projects account for Apache projects, of which there are now more than 200. Common to them all is the Apache License 2.0, a free license that permits any use of the Software, including the incorporation into proprietary software. Apache is funded by the donations of some companies and in return offers companies and individual developers a neutral platform for cooperation.
The anniversary published timeline begins before 1999 began in this period Brian Behlendorf, patches for the then-dominant Web server NCSA HTTP to collect server. It was formed in an “Apache Group” of eight developers who published the first version 0.6.2 of the Apache web server in April 1995. On December 1, 1995 saw Apache 1.0, a year later was the most widely used Apache web server in the young Web.
In 1999, the ASF was then established as tax-deferred non-profit organization. The projects Jakarta and XML were the first further projects of Apache next to the web server. In addition, the establishment of an “incubator” was discussed, can be developed in the new projects until they meet the requirements of the ASF, and still exists today. This year, the ASF was already found numerous awards and the first Apache-conference ApacheCon place, which has since been held every year and is now in several editions on different continents.
In the next few years, many new projects were added, Apache-Perl on the Apache Portable Runtime, SpamAssassin, Maven, Struts, Directory, Derby, Lucene, ActiveMQ, OFBiz, CouchDB, Hadoop, Subversion to CloudStack. Apache participated in the Java Community Process, the second and most current version of the Apache license was worked from 2002 and published in 2004, and the Apache Labs were established in their projects, new ideas without the strict rules of the ASF can be tested.
In 2010, Apache moved in dispute with Sun back from the Java Community Process. 2011 Open Office became an incubator project. 2012, the 17th anniversary of the Apache web server was celebrated with the release of version 2.4. In the last four years, the number of members and employees of the ASF has doubled, which means accelerated growth of the organization and promises for the future much good.

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