The page the Antassia GmbH caused with their questionable bills and subscriptions for long vortex. Now the owner of the website and its debt collection lawyer Olaf T. had to stand trial. But this week burst of the process. What happens next is unclear.

Top-of-software: The backers of this page were tried in court now. Image:
The page the Antassia GmbH based in Mainz worked on the same principle as other Internet subscription traps too. On the side information has been offered to free computer programs. Especially in the evenings was advertised for the page massively on Google. Who was in search of free programs, software was directed top-of-their banners on Google on. More precisely, on so-called landing pages, so websites that were optimized for the given phrase
Then who was not paying attention, sitting in the subscription trap.. Because if one of the free program download typed his data in the hope and Conditions confirmed a bill came a little later into the house. You’ve signed up for a paid subscription, the alleged sender is therefore one must pay 96 euros. Those who refused lawyer got mail. The lawyer Olaf T. was still active in Osnabruck, collection letters sent, where he also called plus the 96 euro fee for themselves.
The scam was obviously good for years. According to the investigation were alone in the period from January to October 2010, around 1.6 million Internet users reminder in terms of top-of-software sent into the house. Some 25,800 victims actually paid – a prey to a total of 3.5 million euros
Finally, police and prosecutors struck.. The owner of the site, two have been dialer times, well known in the scene and an alleged accomplice brothers were indicted for commercial and gang even fraud. Your debt collection lawyer Olaf T. to stand trial for aiding and abetting.
Go to start of the trial, the defendants denied the allegations. The lawyer said he had no influence on the design of the pages. The operators of top-of-software again declared that they had clearly shown the cost of service on their side.
After more than twelve days there was in the Prouzess an unexpected bang. The Economic Chamber of the District Court Landshut decided to stay proceedings. The judges saw namely “urgent Nachermittlungsbedarf” by the prosecutor.
The judge criticized a report, among other things, that the documentation of the pages in question is more than sketchy. So there are only four screenshots of landing pages of top-of-software, moreover, only about a day. It should be known that these very pages were constantly changed. In addition, a number of confiscated data were not evaluated. Therefore, one can not rule on the case, the judge. “The prosecution has fudged massively”, was the attorney of Olaf T. to the point.
If and when the trial will be reopened is unclear.
are too early, the accused, of course not: Even in Darmstadt them to the process are made. There, the prosecutor brought in 2011 against all four suspects charged, also because of commercial fraud with subscription traps in the network. It is about the rip-off to the sides and in the years 2008 to 2010. Why the main method was not already open, is unclear. examined witnesses to top- of-software
Who then made screenshots of the top-of-software-sides and is ready to testify to the time and circumstances of the shots, welcome to contact We are happy to conduct this to the prosecutor’s office in Landshut on.
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