It sounds like science fiction: With the help of software the police want in Bavaria foresee and prevent burglaries. Privacy advocates beat the hands together above his head
It is probably the dream of every policeman. Prevent crimes before they happen at all. With burglaries that could work sometime maybe. The Bavarian police has been testing recently in Munich and Nuremberg software that can predict dips should. In Zurich went with the program the burglary cases by 14 percent. In the most monitored areas by as much as 30 percent
Developers and investigators making themselves a knowledge advantage. Many professional burglars come within a few days at a crime scene. Researchers call the “near repeats” (mutatis mutandis: repetition nearby)
In certain regions accumulate dips with a very specific pattern. “Two burglaries within a radius of 300 to 500 meters and within seven days, “explains lead Kriminaldirektor in Nuremberg, Karl Geyer. Data from thousands of burglaries in the past seven years were “Precobs” entered into the forecasting software. Listed are the exact scene of the crime, the time of the crime, loot and commit way
For professional burglars go after a particular pattern before. You want to be fast in it, and away quickly. Mostly they steal jewelry or cash. And: “The offender returns to crime scenes where he knows where something is to pick up where he knows the escape routes and where he had success,” says Geyer. Professionals weigh risks and benefits – and if a scene seems good, they come back. Only these dips can be predicted with the help of “Precobs”. Relationships or deeds opportunity and acquisitive crime by drug addicts fall through.
happens now a new intrusion within a red area, the software triggers an alarm. Investigators can now assume that it comes to the crime scene to a further collapse within the next seven days in a radius of 500 meters.
The probability is at least 70 percent.
“We do not rely blindly on the system “, but stresses Karl Geyer. Each alarm would be examined by an experienced detective. And only if it recognizes it as relevant, it is decided whether more police cars are sent to the area or more civil servants. The presence of the police burglars should be deterred
The trial run is to run for six months. After that it is a political decision whether the software is used. He could hardly imagine that it will be rejected, Geyer said. With the privacy he sees no problems. “There are only anonymous data collected -. So neither victim nor offender data” The Bavarian State Commissioner for Data Protection, Thomas Petri wants to investigate in more detail the software anyway. “We will let us provide the system documentation, check that and then make a first assessment”, says Peter.
Bavaria is the first German state that uses such software. In the United States and Great Britain being researched similar programs. Even in the EU, such projects are funded for some time. Matthias Monroy holds these new monitoring methods for very problematic. Your privacy activist says: “I think it is problematic when software is used to fight crime because as a result of Google search, the user holds the result to be true..” The police controlling people, “because a software that determines”
skepticism is always appropriate for new digital investigation tools. “Experience has shown that they are getting bored and expanded, if they exist only once. “

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