Wednesday, February 25, 2015
In the US, “Predictive Policing” is already a reality. A software tells the police where crime will happen. In Germany, the method is used in Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia is now following suit. Is the effectiveness measured?
For the Munich police solve crimes is not enough to look at the data that they have. You want a glimpse into the future. So they take the information and feed it into their “Precrime Observation System”, abbreviated “Precobs”. The software marked on maps in color blocks of 250 by 250 meters real, as is likely to take place there a burglary. This makes Bavaria pioneer. In no other state such software is currently used. That will change soon.
“All states are interested,” said state criminal director Dieter Schürmann at the European Police Congress in Berlin. In its authority in North Rhine-Westphalia interest is particularly high. So the LKA Last week the project out to tender in Dusseldorf. Wanted is the right software to test Predictive Policing in Duisburg and Cologne. Schürmann’s called “predictive policing”
First, the LKA will obtain the appropriate program, then implement it, its officers train -. And use the middle of the year. During operation, a group of internal and external experts to monitor how effectively the system works and whether it can prove certain contexts -. As whether decreases in case of rain, the probability of a burglary
“responsibility is passed”
Standing at the end of the trial period in NRW a higher number of arrests after break-ins or simply less crime is, the evidence for the effectiveness of the tool, says the national chairman of the police union GdP, Oliver Malchow, in conversation with n -tv.de. However, the classic investigators had thereby never replace: “The patrols can take over a program.” However, it would be a useful addition to policing. He contradicts padeluun by the Association Digitalcourage that a political decision sees the introduction with which even jobs would be destroyed, “As someone trying to sell something The responsibility for bad decisions is passed to a system, man nods only from.”.
The program is automatically or manually fed with data, and predicts where the officer can prevent a crime. It sounds simple. However, there is no independent, reliable investigation of whether the so-called Predictive Policing is also effective. Not even in the US, where the method in some regions, such as Memphis or Los Angeles is applied. There predictive policing has for years been in regular operation for all kinds of crimes such as car theft or fire fighting.
The name of the program used in Bavaria “Precobs” was actually a joke. As the manager of the Oberhausen company in 2002 had the idea for the program was just “Minority Report” in the cinema. There, the “Precogs” have prevented future visions of offenses Tom Cruise as a policeman then under the heading “Precrime”. He takes the perpetrators, who are not yet fixed just before the fact. It is the ultimate end of the presumption of innocence. Although
“Precrime” of the film is not the same as predictive policing, but recalls. The analysis results of the various existing software solutions are not infallible as in “Minority Report”.
Not as innocent as it seems
In a much smaller scale than in the US now wants to the state police in North Rhine-Westphalia use the method, however, limited in time. The project had a model, says Schürmann. Beginning of next year should be available to the effectiveness results. The authority is limited to residential burglaries. What data for this are really necessary, is not also detected. However, the LKA in NRW commits himself to one thing: the software will not be fed with personal data, the Authority insured on demand of n-tv.de. Accordingly, the Authority use in the pilot stage only own, as well as geo and weather information.
More about“In NRW does not happen a lot more than pins on a map put “padeluun says about the connection between spatial data and actions. Privacy advocates consider Predictive Policing ie in the extent provided as harmless, but remains the same? Emerging problems padeluun sees in the future: “The further stages are the real danger,” he says. “At some point you will notice: insufficient data and the more data, the more error-prone the system.”.
The LKA in North Rhine-Westphalia do not want to specify what followed the trial in Cologne, Duisburg will. If the test run is successful, it could arouse desires to use the tool in other areas. Depending on the security situation -. And the then available data
Source: n-tv.de

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