Minority Report op Kölsch: Burglaries in the urban area are to be fought in the future, even before they happen. Is made possible by Commissioner Computer: A software to predict crime
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You are getting bolder, beat in broad daylight and on the run, they tend to violence: burglar. This perpetrated over 500 Wohungseinbrüche alone in December 2014 in Cologne. To advance this finally put a stop driving, the police will now take a look into the future and predict intrusions. Precrime am Rhein so -. In principle similar to the movie “Minority Report” (Photo)
These wants the State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) in Cologne from mid-2015 have a software to be used, with the data of all burglaries is fed. From this data set, the computer then calculates where probably lies ahead for next burglary. And then what follows, now show before the colleagues in Munich
There migrate all the data of the police in a so-called “Precrime Observation System” (short.: “Precobs”). This software divides the map into color sectors of 250 by 250 meters. The color can read the official sector in which a high probability of a break-in will take place. Through increased patrols in the sector of the criminals should be possible even caught red-handed or even chilled. This method is in the US as “Predictive Policing” already common: They used to predict crimes such as car theft or shootings.
NRW would thus be to Bavaria, the next state, the aufspränge on the train of “predictive policing”. Apart from Cologne to Duisburg in 2015 to serve as a test laboratory. However, it is debatable whether the method is effective at all. Independent studies on the subject are not yet available. It is also still unclear how to proceed in the event of a successful test run. It is conceivable, as an extension of the scope to other offenses. (Photo: imago / United Archives)

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