Why pay good money for a software, when you can obtain for free a roundabout way? Illegal’s finally only when one is erwisch! And embarrassing only if you can catch a superstar in this case if you use pirate software, although it actually has enough coal to buy the complete software company. Which DJs work with geklauter software and spend their money on jets and luxury cars, we have found for you.
You travel in luxury jets around the world, drinking gallons of champagne and live in huge mansions. But when it comes to their DJ software, they are stingy. So strange, considering that star DJs earn their millions with music. And it’s true: Some DJs are still working with cracked software . Just stupid when that comes out in an interview. .
A big “ Shit Happens ” – actually experienced Martin Garrix early 2014. He just celebrated his chart breakthrough and told the Future Magazine of his music and all the money he deserves now. We reported. If he had not given the interview in front of the PC, it would be the embarrassment have been spared that now the whole world knows that he does not spend any money for music software:
Photo: Screenshot youredm.com
Just as it was with the Swedish shooting star Avicii. He wanted to purchase his $ 60 million villa not spend more money and therefore decided to just $ 139 to save for Sylenth1 . Tim Bergling was betrayed by an inscription in the program. How embarassing:
Photo: Screenshot youredm.com
Dim Mark record boss and DJ Steve Aoki seems the same program also to have been too expensive. About a year ago he gave an interview by talking about his work with Linkin Park for “A Light That Never Comes”. While Aoki wanted to demonstrate how he mixed the sound, he also was with cracked software gets . His explanation: his road crew have installed the program. And that’s only for the laptop and not on the studio computer. Is clear:
Photo: Screenshot youredm.com
Whether the DJs have now bought lisensierte software? We do not know, but would hope that the big pay quite normal for their products. Or what do you think
Photo: Screenshot Future Music magazine via Youtube

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