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apartment owners that their own four walls regularly rent out to vacationers, life should be made more difficult. The Senate plans to tighten the law “On the prohibition of misappropriation of housing”, which will come into force in early 2016 at the latest. “We are in constructive discussions with the SPD and the Senate Department for Urban Development, to rectify” the CDU expert for Construction and Housing, Matthias Brauner told the Tagesspiegel.
For example, the Data Protection Clause should be adjusted to the districts of the systematic search for suppliers of apartments on the Internet to make it easier. The Berlin Data Protection Commissioner had been concerns that the addresses of apartments that can be read only after payment on the home page to let read with corresponding software. This would make the search for “black sheep” but facilitate
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6305 apartments reported
In addition, it is planned to penalize not only the rent, but already offering an illegal apartment, Brauner said. By law, up to € 50,000 may be imposed for infringement fines. Should also be clarified that the prohibition of misappropriation of living space applies equally to second homes. The Berlin state law can take this opportunity to legal interpretation to.
In addition proposes the CDU faction prior to equalize the approval deadlines, so the district offices do not need to edit at a stroke several thousand cases. Because for dwellings that were used already before 1 May 2014 holiday apartments, a “permit-free transition period” of two years applies.
The condition is that the owner no later than the end of July 2014, the misappropriation of her apartment to the competent have displayed district office. This applies to 6305 apartments, which are concentrated in Mitte, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Pankow and Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. The Councillor for Public Services in Mitte, Stephan von Dassel (Green), Berlin has far 17,000 additional dwellings identified that have not been reported.
With lawsuits is expected to
As of August 1st, 2016 when the transitional period expires definitively, is to be expected in any case with many applications to be able to continue to operate Vacation allowed. The districts must decide within six weeks about by applicable law. This could be the very offices burden. Brauner therefore advocates “to procure air” the approval process in time.
The prohibition on misuse is estimated by the CDU experts already positive effect. “From discussions and feedback from various quarters can be seen that numerous providers of holiday go back to the normal rental.” Still is, once the transition period expire to reckon with the resistance of those affected. “Some will complain through the courts,” Brown said. With harmful effects on tourism is not expected due to the lower Proposed apartments.
Read about even our multi-Berlin-Dossier “urban warfare”.
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