Software from Brunsbüttel lowers electricity costs at the waterworks –
For three years has Jörg Bülow (li.) tinkering with the system, now has his boss Jens Christian Magnussen VCCPM the software mentioned apply for a patent. Thus the program is legally protected.
Three years of development work and a half year trial run in the waterworks of the water board Süderdithmarschen – now the Brunsbütteler Magnussen EMSR GmbH has its method of energy-saving pump control patent pending
Currently, the Water Board operates in Odderade and Albersdorf a total of 14 wells from which each promotes a pump water. In some of these deep wells modern pumps are already installed that consume less power. Nevertheless came Jörg Bülow, Head of Software Department at Magnussen, to the realization: ". As goes more" Da Bülow knows the operation and maintenance of waterworks, Magnussen EMSR there has renewed the control a few years ago, he got down to work. This is initially been quite simple: Of the pump manufacturers he settled the datasheets come. Based on specific characteristics of flow rate and energy consumption Jörg Bülow then set to work. In the end he had developed a software that let actually save even sparing classified pumps even more power. The program controls themselves, but can be in any manual intervention when needed. The principle: The pump in Odderader Waterworks no longer run on high performance level but in combination to a certain extent in the economy mode. The system calculates the energetically optimum operating point of power consumption and capacity. Five of the pumps are already equipped with the "Visualized Characteristics Controlled Pump Management" (VCCPM), a sixth will soon be added to the control program.
Harald Schwaldt, operations manager at the waterworks, is enthusiastic. After all, the plant that is one of Germany's ten largest must prove an energy management. Using the software from Brunsbüttel him should succeed the now. He cites two examples: The worst wells have devoured 340 watts per cubic meter of pumped water, after using a new pump and VCCPM the power consumption have reduced to 112 watts per cubic meter. The best fountain with new pump technology plus VCCPM has been reduced from 208 to 118 watts per cubic meter. "You can see how much energy is saved you." EUR 30 000 for the power consumption of the retrofitted pump in - based on an annual capacity of 60, 000 cubic meters per well
As a side effect of the system. the Harald Schwaldt as well like: As the water is pumped out of the wells at reduced power, can at depth (120 meters) of water in the development area continue to flow evenly. Individual wells are not so heavily loaded.
The consumer feels from the reduced power nothing, the water is held in huge pools and only then released into the pipe network. Up to six million cubic meters of water can be produced annually in Odderade and Albersdorf. There are daily current 16,000 cubic meters, on hot days fast of value towards 20 000. But, says Harald Schwaldt which were only peak values.

Ralf Pöschus
created on 01.Aug.2015
| 10:44 clock
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