Sunday, August 30, 2015

Student from Jena developed in Potsdam Software for customers in search … – Ostthüringer newspaper

              "2015-08-30 20:33:00 GMT"> 08/30/2015 – 20:33 clock


         Those looking for sales opportunities in social networks, the need to invest a lot of time. Students of the Hasso Plattner Institute have developed a program that automatically checks the Internet and separates wheat from the chaff. Among them is Claudia Kanter, Abiturientin the Carl Zeiss High School in Jena.


Jena / Potsdam.
  Claudia Kanter (22), student of the Bachelor
 , Has developed together with five fellow students, a software that optimizes sales processes between business partners. By analyzing data from social networks sellers can reach more customers and sales departments work more efficiently, according to a press release of the Institute. Your score presented the six-member group now at HPI Bachelor podium more than 300 guests from politics, business, science and society. Social networks would offer great potential to find new customers, because of unmanageable amount of contributions, however, it was very time-consuming to find the interested companies, made from Jena derived 22-year-old looking back at workshops with project partners SAP fixed.
Here is the figure provided by the HPI-students “Noise to Opportunity” software at: Lesbian automated after sales related contributions, the contributions assigns a product and presents it then in a Web application. “Thanks to a single interface eliminates the work to maintain various social networks. Thus, the seller saves a lot of time and can concentrate better on the prospective customers, “said Kanter that four years ago the Carl-Zeiss-Gymnasium in Jena left to the High School. The surface has leant the HPI team to ordinary e-mail programs, so that unwanted contributions ignored and relevant contributions can be easily tracked and managed , The type of incoming messages, the seller can easily adapt to its range by filtering by region, product and company. The sales success can be measured immediately by means of the built-in statistics. “Another special feature of our system is its ability to learn. On the basis of measurable acceptance of contributions in the mailboxes of the users to evaluate the new posts will be optimized, “said Kanter . The work was part of the”
 Presents “the HPI, which presents since 2005 once a year, the results of practical projects. Show the student teams as they tackled practical problems of information technology responsibly and what innovative solutions they have developed it. Project donors are well-known companies and institutions from all over Germany .









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