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The announcement of the AOK Northeast to pay the first statutory health insurance a subsidy for health bracelets, meets with politicians and privacy advocates on massive reservations. Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe admits concerns, everyone should know that with such apps personal data could access the Internet, which are not expressly protected. That said the CDU politician the “Berliner Zeitung” on Thursday. Hilde Mattheis, spokeswoman for the Health Workgroup of the SPD parliamentary group, the Tagesspiegel said on Friday: spending “money of insured persons for Apps or Apple Watch, is questionable Firstly, the funds should not be harnessed to the cart of the provider, and secondly. is not clarified the issue of data security. “
privacy advocates warn because even before the new devices. Although the use may be at least ostensibly medically positive and provide added value for the individual, but mountains significant risks, says Andrea Voßhoff (CDU), the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection.
Politicians see significant risks
She warns that many of these subsidized devices sensitive health data users – partly highly intransparent -. Raise “The consumer should the risks and side effects of the disclosure of information, such as heart rate, fitness level or eating with the short-term financial benefit balance.
Johannes Caspar, Hamburgischer Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, expressed his concern that with such offers a breakdown of solidarity could be accompanied in the health system. “Here are ultimately healthy for the sick privileged, “says Caspar. Through reward individual behavior Caspar sees the danger of a development towards a sized or installed on health insurance. This is a” train of events that is can be difficult to stop, “says Caspar on.
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The competent supervisory authority as Ministry of Health in Brandenburg supports the initiative of the AOK Northeast principle. Devices such as bracelets or fitness Smart Watches should motivate them to be included as an insured in their own health promotion. At the same time warned a spokeswoman for the Ministry but that the recorded data are likely to “see no further use by the health insurance company.” The data security must “be secured in any case”.
AOK contradicts the views of data protection. The AOK Northeast pay a subsidy for Smart Watches as part of its health accounts, but raise no data. This insurance should be made aware of more exercise and a health-conscious lifestyle.
Insured persons who participate in the “AOK health account” shall, for the purchase of so-called wearables receive once in two years a subsidy of a maximum of 50 euros – but no more than 50 percent of the purchase price. According to the insurance company the subsidy applies to all devices, heart rate, distance, altitude, speed, calories burned, and another document.
Wearables are mini-computers that are worn on the body
Wearables are expressed simplifies particularly small computer that you wear on your body. This includes, for example, special fitness bracelets. They measure the number of steps taken, the pulse, the duration of sleep, some even calories burned. In general, the data is transferred to a smartphone on which the user can query it via App. These bracelets cost on average about 100 euros, but the price pressure is high. The Chinese vendor Xiaomi sells its equipment already for more than 20 euros. More expensive it is, if one wants to set a SmartWatch that can do more than measure the pulse. The Apple Watch about costs just 400 Euro in the best variant. Alternatively, you can invite specific apps on smartphone, which can be used to document the number of kilometers for example, while jogging. In a strongly reduced version they are often free.
The market is developing rapidly
Wearables are on the Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA), which from 4 to 9 September, the Berlin radio tower takes place, to be a key issue again. Many manufacturers are presenting new Smart Watches, Fitness bracelets, equipped with sensors and displays devices and health apps. Still, the German market in an international comparison is relatively small. Were in 2014 sold 150 million Wearables world, according to the consulting firm PwC, there were in this country just 3.6 million. This gave the German dealers a total turnover of 466 million euros. But the development is rapid. “The global market for wearables will reach a value of 6.3 billion euros in 2015 and by 2018 at an annual 21 percent continue to grow,” estimates PwC. Recent forecasts by market researcher IHS TMT are still significantly more optimistic. Only for smart watches had been expected in 2015 with a global annual turnover of six billion euros. A growing trend: As early as two years, sales will double
Large corporations invest in this area
In particular, the success of health services for smartphones, smart watches or fitness bracelets experts by surprise.. Good 100 000. Mobile Health Apps are now on the market. Large corporations such as Telekom, Google, IBM, Dell, Apple, Samsung or Merck invest in this area. Three years ago, PwC said the mobile operators association GSMA in 2017 ahead of a worldwide turnover with Health Apps of 23 billion dollars. How quickly move the reviews for this smartphone applications upwards, shows the sale of runtastic this week. Adidas buys the Austrian provider of mobile sports apps that already has 70 million users. Reviewed Runtastic is 220 million euros.
market leader in business with networked bracelets is the Californian company Fitbit from San Francisco. The analyst firm IDC, Fitbit controls a third of the market. Despite the new competition from the computer clock Apple Watch and the success of Chinese competitors Fitbit sales, revenue and profit increased significantly, as the company announced this week. Only from April to June, the company sold 4.6 million units – 1.7 million more than in the same period last year. Sales tripled, the profit increased by a fifth. As overheating are the market and the expectations of the providers, showed the stock market reaction: Fitbit shares lost more than ten percent, because analysts disturbed mind that profitability had not kept pace because of high marketing expenses with the growth
<. h3> The health insurance companies play an important role
By the AOK Northeast with its 1.75 million members subsidizes the purchase of wearables, it gives the market another major boost. She is not alone. The private DKV shoots up to 50 euros to buy a SmartWatch or fitness bracelet. In the Barmer Ersatzkasse you can buy a Motion Tracker, “Fit2go” app, download and so earn points for the bonus program, the DAK has adopted against it by their “Fitcheck app”, “due to technical problems” as it is called the. We are currently working on new models.
Clearly continues Generali. You want customers who eat a healthy diet, exercise or go for regular screening reward. Who enrols for the “Vitality” program, to get discounts – not only in private health insurance, but also in life and disability insurance. Fitness Apps to document the fitness, the (healthy) purchases could – by code card – to be registered already at the checkout. Still you are looking for cooperation partners. First products are expected to hit the market in 2016. But participation is voluntary in any case, says a spokeswoman.
Some insurers have reservations
In the Ergo insurance, for example, there is in the private health insurance “currently” no planning for such rates, emphasized a spokesperson. The Alliance rejects the system from even in principle. Special rotor or float-tariffs are too specific, the insured groups too small. And what should be considered when a runner or cyclist injured and can no longer work? “He would be punished for the disease,” criticized the head of the Alliance / private health insurance, Birgit König. In addition, only two to 2.5 percent of health spending in Germany could be attributed to lack of exercise. The measurable contribution savings through fitness apps would “in the parts per thousand range.”
Even physicians are skeptical
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, as it was formerly called. Applies today: “An app a day keeps the doctor away”? Not necessarily, because many apps are more likely with the aim to facilitating people with certain health problems life – between doctor visits: about an app for hay fever sufferers, the information on the pollen count at the current location. However is important that the software is tested professionally. Computer science professor Thomas Norgall the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits in Erlangen, deputy spokesman of the Fraunhofer Alliance Ambiant Assisted Living, therefore, considers that, if e-health devices and applications as medical devices.
Kerstin Kohler, senior physician at the Center for Cardiovascular Telemedicine at the Charité, considers it possible to use them for prevention. So could the smartphone people who want to move up the risk factor obesity to body, assist with nutritional counseling and calorie charts. As for physical activity and sport, the cardiologist makes restrictions – at least for their patients. “At heart rhythm disturbances or numerous chronic diseases I find their use problematic.” Devices that pulse or blood pressure should be measured, be accurate and reliable especially. Important was also the sports medical examination before beginning your workout. “Heart patients are better off in sports groups in which a knowledgeable one measures the vital signs.”
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