Two Americans have announced that they want to rebuild the intelligent operating system Samantha, in the Joaquin Phoenix “Her” falls in love in the movie. The reported just the tech-savvy news magazine “Wired”. Anyway, it sold the message that way. In the message itself actually was only the operating system should be able to form their own opinions, to disagree and learn. In the long term it should enable us to be able to communicate with our mobile phones as well as with our fellowmen.
Whether the programmers have thereby explicitly thought of Samantha, is not so clear. No matter. Let us, like us in the near future those gentle voice from the solitude of our metropolitan Hipsterdecken tickles, as she tells us: “.? Hey, you have a meeting in five minutes Want to try to get up at least you” Undwir think for a moment, Samantha was really there, lying next to us, bite us in the neck – we know how it will end
What. is much more interesting: The idea that one could build Samantha, represents a new level of male Pygmalion fantasies because whenever in the fictional past men women created, but then to have a docile, one’s own self is anschmiegendes opposite. , Eve from Adam’s rib. Pygmalion’s ideal woman out of his stone. The machine doll Olympia, in which Nathanael at ETA Hoffmann so much in love that he is mistaken about her, from her father’s hands, the professor Spallanzani.
Olimipia often says, “Oh, oh!” When Nathanael reads her poems. He indicated that as an expression of great emotion. But he would have loved it more if she had told him it was already quite nice to start with, but he would perhaps still practice a bit? Resistance is not part of the Women creation program. He remains the male creatures reserved, Pinocchio or Frankenstein’s monster. And now this double emancipation: a thinking, contradictory and even disembodied software? Quasi the intellectual counterpart to sex Gummipuppe? Pure spirit, only slightly dependent on the will of the Creator, the operating unit does not destroy
But big disappointment: The intelligent, opinionated operating system shall be called Fin. That sounds very masculine. And somehow totally asexual, not to fall in love. That is why we thought about: If they are so good at reverse engineering, then they could please maybe first Joaquin Phoenix rebuild, not only the voice? That’s certainly faster, and he must say not all that much.
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