A software from the Occupational Medicine will engage doctors and assistants in caring for refugees under the arms. The software is free, only the data center costs must be paid.
The Hamburg company Medisoft provides charities a modified version of its operating physician software “base” for free. With her medical care in refugee camps or collection points can be organized. Only the accumulating data center costs have to be taken. In addition to the five reception centers in Hamburg are already several camps and reception centers in Schleswig-Holstein opted for the software. Also Bremen should be interested. Currently running considerations to expand the offer on the municipal social authorities and the services that take care of refugees after leaving the initial reception.
“base” is a version of the software, how they or company doctors in companies use in school boards. The patient is detected, photographed and medically examined. Its location identification is then provided with a bar code to facilitate the quick identification. The software has a laboratory interface, all laboratory values run on to the central database in which the investigation results and any accidents will be saved. The central storage in a secure data center is designed to provide the advantage that the anonymized data and diagnoses with ICD-keys can be statistically evaluated by the authorities not only, but can that medical ladder much quicker to recognize and act epidemics. According to Sebastian Oelker, Data Protection Officer at Medisoft, was done so in Hamburg coordinates the fight against scabies. (MHO)

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