By raising or lowering for example the arms varies the pitch. The intensity of the movement controls the range of notes that resound (image: Nagual Sounds).!
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The Brandenburg Startup Sounds Nagual has developed a software that uses Microsoft’s Kinect camera of dance movements of arms and legs in real time translated into harmonious songs.
The idea behind the music software Nagual Dance is that everyone can create their own unique piece of music through dance. Musical knowledge is not necessary – instead, arm and leg movements as well as a camera that can recognize these movements. The fact that this, finally, a harmonious song is produced, but the sounds of selectable so-called interactive songs care, reports the magazine Technology Review in the online article “The body makes the music.”
influence by the movement
At the beginning of next year, the software will be available for the mass market. Users can then download Nagual Dance on the Xbox. Microsoft’s Kinect camera detects human skeleton and the joints. The user selects between predominantly electronic music styles like House, Ambient, Dubstep and more. Within the genre, is an interactive song available which forms the musical base. This is the default setting, which instruments can be heard and how their sound is. As the user created this base, is left to him by his movements.
The software arranges the hand and foot bones from the image of Kinect to the relevant instruments of the song. By raising or lowering the arms it varies for example the pitch. The intensity of the movement controls the range of notes that resound. Everything happens in real time, the sound produced could in turn encourage them to Weitertanzen.
application in music and medicine
While the product is intended for parties to provide entertainment, the developers want to extend the set of interactive songs. So the software is to be opened later so that music producers can give a title to the repertoire. But even away from the music market Nagual Sounds wants to bring its product to apply. Currently underway, for example, studies in which the software is used in physiotherapy. “Because there is a direct feedback by the sound should be checked whether the motivation to move positively on the treatment effect,” explains Matthias Strobel of Nagual sounds.
Read more on Technology Review Online:
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