In the studies in the exhaust affair internal auditing of the vehicle manufacturer is to be met with a letter from the supplier Bosch. According to a report of the Bild am Sonntag VW Bosch had already in 2007 pointed out that the delivered software he had been provided only for testing purposes and not for normal driving. Accordingly, he informed the Wolfsburg that the proposed use is illegal.
A VW technician should have warned in 2011 against illegal methods in the measurement of emission values. According to information from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, these findings were submitted to internal inspectors on Friday. It was not clear why this warning at the time had no consequences and who had been informed about it.
Meanwhile, the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) increases the pressure on Volkswagen. The Authority has the legal department of VW asked in writing to submit to 7 October a “binding measures and timetable” whether and by when the vehicles will comply without manipulation software imposes binding emissions regulation, the newspaper reports.
In a two-page letter it is stated, the Authority is due to the legal situation compelled ‘to order the necessary measures to ensure that the vehicles produced conform to the approved type matched become”. If Volkswagen does not comply with the invitation, the approvals of the car could be withdrawn. Then the affected cars should not be sold or moved.
Worldwide, eleven million vehicles of different brands of the group affected by the exhaust scandal, of which 2.8 million in Germany. At the core VW brand there are according to information from Wolfsburg total of five million.
A Volkswagen spokesman said the company will present an action plan and “then say when we expected to launch a recall”. The conversion would be no charge for the car owners. It will give, for example, a software update. “We are at full throttle off, disclose that,” said the VW spokesman. The vehicles with the manipulated exhaust software were identified, then the vehicle’s numbers would have to be determined. Once on the basis of the chassis number had been found where befänden the cars that dealers could be informed, in turn, would contact to the customer.

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