is in the accident on the stairs in the house of his brother in the US He fell after midnight on a water glass, which he had carried in his left hand, reports the magazine “Wirtschaftswoche” on Wednesday. “He’s almost bled to death, was unconscious, was then dragged out into the street – he gave us so told last week,” citing the “Wirtschaftswoche” SAP co-founder Hasso Plattner but
McDermott could his. Work pursue. “In early October we meet before the Supervisory Board meeting in Walldorf,” Plattner said. The 54-year-old manager was at the meeting here and “fully operational”.
McDermott announced in an interview with the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (Thursday edition) that he will again in October to come to Germany and continue the Software Group result. “I am fully for SAP because, fully in my job. Of course I was all the time in regular contact with the supervisory board and its chairman Hasso Plattner, “McDermott said the” SZ “.
McDermott commutes usually between Germany and the US, but since the summer he was no longer in the German SAP headquarters in Walldorf. Him it was important to go with such a personal story to the public, the Manager of “SZ” said: “Anything can happen to you. It is important to stand up again, if you fell down. “

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