Kinetose, also referred to as motion sickness or motion sickness, many as a disincentive to try a virtual reality headset. However, according to developer Valve disease
would no longer be due to the hardware.
Software is loud Valve blame Kinetose
Kinetose arises when the brain moves be fooled that are not actually present. This results in many people more or less rapidly to nausea. Consequently, the developers of virtual reality headsets have been working hard to improve the hardware so that this motion is minimized or even eliminated completely Sickness at best.
The Entwickerlstudio Valve now commented on the issue. Provides Valve at an exhibition the coming VR goggles Vive before, then one often has to contend with the fact that many do not want to try the demos. After all, the visitors are afraid that it is evil to them. That was a big problem, because if the people in advance afraid to use a VR headset, how do you then sell it to them?
The Motion Sickness would no longer be due to the hardware. Valve believes that the software makes users sick. Developers should ensure that their software is designed so that it does not cause motion sickness. Besides, many design decisions are taken into account. What exactly are, that would not betray Valve. However, Valve is also true that the conventional Steurungsmethoden can cause you suffer from motion sickness. Therefore, the company continues with its own Headst Vive on the self-developed Lighthouse system. The player is scanned in the room and the software allowed him by a movement radius of a maximum of five times five meters. Again, this should significantly reduce motion sickness. / off

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