The “cave lion” has made him known among the general public. The MZ spoke with entrepreneurs Frank Thelen.
Regensburg. What prompted you, a jury member at the “Cave of the Lions” to be?
It was a difficult decision, because actually I’m not a media man. But then I have the American show “Shark Tank” regarded me that indeed was the inspiration – and was thrilled. You really learn a lot about business with this format: What is a start-up, how to get financing and much more
How many founders the lion may be actually present in front of the compilation of the program?
This is much more complex than many people think. Ahead there are weeks of filming. On a day of shooting we hear us a lot of presentations. And we strive to give a fair chance despite the many appearances each participant.
What is the quality of the candidates and their ideas?
In the first season the format knew hardly anyone. In the current series there is a real quantum leap. There are a lot of people have reported that wanted to present themselves. And you can also prepare well. One only has to look at the program.
Did you expect that such a format in Germany can be successful?
In addition I had, frankly, made little thought. Quotas are not an issue for me as an entrepreneur. But I am now delighted that we can place economy so prominent and successful.
In how many companies have now invested due to the mission?
In more than a handful in each of the two seasons in about. In my life as a professional I invest only in software. Now for this show I spend money for soups or skateboards. That makes a lot of fun. For me, the den of the lions is a new challenge and a great addition.
Do you have to play a certain role in the jury team?
No, each of us five is himself. Another could they not play convincingly and so long with a twelve-hour rotation.
Which of the companies in which you are involved due to the shipment, has the best prospects?
The Soup people from Augsburg are totally started with “Little Lunch”. That’s a brutal success. I think that’s one of the best investments of the two seasons.
How do you help the Augsburgers?
I have built their online store and I even dressed a suit to introduce product and concept for retailers. If I am involved financially, I’ll take that too seriously.
Helps you to broadcast to be known as an investor?
I knew a lot of top managers earlier. Finally, I set up the company for 20 years – since a few years successfully

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