Small and medium enterprises are apparently moving to the cloud still cautious. A recent survey by ad legend says that currently only 20 per cent of SMEs use ERP cloud solutions, in Germany there are even only twelve percent. So are German companies with up to 500 employees in a European comparison back. Only Belgium is situated even worse with six percent. In Spain and the Netherlands, a third of small and medium-sized enterprises already set for ERP on the Cloud
Here are the company -. Unlike 2012 – less wary of the cloud. After all, use 87 percent of European SMEs already cloud services. This cost savings of up to 50 percent were achieved in comparison to fixed solutions. Other benefits that will see the company in the cloud use, are choice, scalability and flexibility.
Therefore, it is hardly surprising that many SMEs are planning a move to the cloud. 60 percent of those who do not yet have an online ERP solution, plan to change the future. “We are clearly at a turning point for ERP software. The companies tell us. Now is the right time for a move to the cloud “is explained Christophe Letellier, CEO of Sage Mid-Market Europe
The fact that the subject of cloud solutions is used by some companies but still rejected , is, according to the survey results, primarily to safety concerns and a negative attitude of the IT department (36 percent each). In addition, a majority of respondents (57 percent) prepared in this context the issue of confidentiality concerns.
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