15 measuring points around the airport, how loud the starting (red) and landing (green) flyers are
photo:. Screenshot
Whether they come from New York, Paris or Tokyo or want to go there – aviators who fly or leave the Düsseldorf Airport, can now be followed exactly. On Monday presented the airport is a special software on the homepage.
“TraVis” gathers half a dozen information (route, altitude, speed, destination, airline and aircraft type) and displays it on a digital map with a slight delay.

hundreds of fliers and land every day at Düsseldorf Airport. About the “TraVis” software can be downloaded free of charge since Monday a half-dozen detailed information about the aircraft movements on the Internet.
Photo: Dusseldorf Airport
Airport CEO Thomas Schnalke excited about the new offering: “With this service we will inform as widely as possible. For flights to or from Dusseldorf buffs and aviation enthusiasts can follow each flight track almost in real time. “
But the software is not just a gimmick for plane spotters. Even residents get useful information about “TraVis”. In addition to the flight data and weather information, the system also transmits information to aircraft noise. 13 fixed and two mobile monitoring stations along the departure and arrival routes are distinguished on the noise level of the aircraft and feed it into the system.
On the home screen, the user is then shown the current volume level in decibels.
The service is free and can be tried online at www.dus-travis.dus.com.

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