Improved bandwidth, a native Universal Messanging and integration with the Developer Studio environment designers draw from the new features of the new version of Apama Analytics and Decisions Platform. On an Intel system now could thus evaluate all location data of the population of the United States, it is called from Darmstadt.
Software AG announces version 5.2 of the Apama Streaming Analytics platform. The new version provides additional channels with improved bandwidth, integrated natively the universal messaging and also provides a new development environment, which can be integrated on other Software AG products. Forrester locates the Software AG in the area of streaming Analytics currently working with IBM, SAP, Tibco and Informatica as the market leader.
Streaming Analytics analyzes data flows. It can analyze business market data, mobile devices, sensors, clickstreams or transactions or data from the Internet of things. Often, however, such data have a relatively short shelf life, because often require these data a very fast response time.
In order to improve the performance of Apama yet, Darmstadt Software AG with new additional channels and bandwidth to more than 32 million events per second by a factor of 20 improved, as the company has announced. On a corresponding scale-out architecture so that billions of events can be evaluated per second. For the manufacturer to the split information streams in channels which are then processed in parallel. Interactions between individual data streams can be eliminated thereby.
In this way, the Software AG in the context of a benchmark on a system v2 with a Intel Xeon E7 data be simulated from 700,000 online stores. So 5.6 million site updates per second were processed with Apama. So now the Darmstadt offer performance that geolocational the entire population of the United States could be updated and processed with every 60 seconds.
But also in the financial sector comes Apama used, such as for high-frequency trading, the electronic Trading foreign exchange (eFX), market surveillance or risk management. For data from many different sources can be analyzed.
In addition, Universal Messaging Software AG is now natively integrated into Apama Streaming Analytics. Universal Messaging transmits data flows within the company, the web and mobile devices and provides the fast (low latency) core messaging component of the webMethods integration platform, Software AG.
In addition, Apama can 5.2 Studio now in Software AG Designer be used to shape the development of projects easier. This common development environment projects can create local and optimize the in and out of project code
“companies collect and analyze in less time increasing amounts of data. the streaming analytics products need to keep up with the pace and extent of this rapid pace of development. Software that exploits the full potential of multicore servers, enables companies in a position to significantly improve performance while reducing costs, “commented Wolfram Jost, Chief Technology Officer and Member of the Executive Board, Software AG.
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