WhatsApp is one of the most used apps on the smartphone. Nevertheless via a vulnerability everyone who knows your number, record your online status and to evaluate – and can thus detect when you are up or who you chat
The popular WhatsApp Messenger app can claim more than 500 million users of its own. The users share every day confidential messages, photos and videos with each other. This content can not be accessed by others. This does not apply to online status. Anyone can see if you are just using WhatsApp online, even if you specify that the settings “Last Online” and “Status” “No one can see.”
Phone number ranges from
Computer scientists from the University of Ulm and the University of Ulm could monitor the online status of several participants on a self-written software and find out as many details about the private lives of the subjects. A total of 19 persons participated in the study (PDF) in part and granted the researchers insights into her life
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About the WhatsApp server computer scientists were able to monitor the online status of the participants. For this, the researchers needed only the phone numbers of those affected. The self-developed computer program then collected four weeks data. Based on the status information, the researchers were able to identify when a subscriber gets up, whether it is at a party or WhatsApp uses in the office. Even chats between the subjects could identify the computer Ulmer. Stalking via WhatsApp is a breeze.
researchers want to point out consequences for privacy
In interviews with the participants of the study, the conclusions from the data confirmed. Evil intentions, however, do not have the Ulm researchers: “With our research we wanted to demonstrate the ability to monitor and point out what consequences this may have for privacy,” explains Andreas log book, first author of the study. For example, companies and countries could use the vulnerability to spy on employees and citizens in detail.
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