Published: 07/10/2014 07:40
Karlsruhe researchers are working on a software natural language directly into machine-readable source texts translated. How soon should also be able to program amateurs.
Programming could be possible in the future without any special knowledge. Computer scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are working on a software to translate natural language into machine-readable source code.
With the software, users should be able to create your own computer applications without programming experience in a few sentences. “We want to get away from complicated sets of rules for user – nothing other programming languages - to intelligent machines that enter into dialogue with us,” , Mathias Landhäußer, a researcher told the Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization (IPD) KIT with.
So far programs can only control with language if they are designed exactly on it by the manufacturer, such as the sending of text messages on a smart phone. Computer scientists at KIT mind working on a software that sets up a voice interface for any program.
instructions are automatically sorted
Using this button users open their mobile apps not only by voice, but also operate. In one application, the heating, lighting and window controls in smart homes, the researchers have already successfully incorporated such an interface by its own account.
The biggest challenge for the scientists: people describe operations not always strictly chronological. The analysis tool of the KIT researchers automatically assigns the instructions now one behind the other, as they will run the computer. “Our goal is that the computer adapts to the speech of the user – not the other way around” , Landhäußer said.
The new software, the KIT scientists analyzed time-related signal words that indicate that a text eingesprochener temporal sequences linear maps not strict. Such signal words indicate whether something before or after, first or last occurs – regardless of where the information is available. Computer scientists organize these linguistic terms is now logical formulas to produce a chronological sequence in the source code. So far, however, the assignment only works in English.
use of meaningful related words as a problem
In addition to the ordering problem, the scientists identified additional challenges when programming with natural language. So the volunteers replaced about individual words with similar meaning terms or pronouns: That the concept car to the same object relates how the word car in the next block, but computer can not yet be derived easily.
the software is therefore still far away from a market. “Until we can not only use complex software with language, but actually programmed, it will take” , Landhäußer said. (Be)

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