Medical Journal, 10/01/2014
Eight years ago, the group practice Martinsried has introduced a computer-based Vaccination. With success. The vaccination rates increased significantly. The program also facilitates the work of “colossal”, the practice manager.
From Jürgen Stoschek
GP Dr. Jörg Schelling in Martinsried operates a modern Vaccination together with special refrigerators in his practice.
© Jürgen Stoschek
MUNICH. With the increase in vaccination rates GPs and pediatricians play the most important role, says the specialist for general medicine Dr. Jörg Schelling in Martinsried near Munich.
Although there are countless actions, campaigns and initiatives to increase the willingness to vaccinate the population. However, if it matters, the brunt of vaccination lies still with the family doctor or pediatrician, Schelling stressed.
years ago, soon eight the group practice Martinsried of brothers Jens and Jörg Schelling has introduced a modern Vaccination, the led by initially tough start to rapidly achieve significant and measurable increase in vaccination rates.
The practice, in addition to the two Schelling also the salaried GPs Dr. Christine Hessing and Dr. Julia Ernst as well as a training assistant operate the software seed doc® uses, the Institute for the Medical Information was developed in Berlin.
With its software-based implementation of the Impfmanagements Schelling 2013 has “The innovative medical practice” involved in the competition, which is initiated annually by the specialist publishing group Springer medicine and the biopharmaceutical company UCB. Schelling was there in the top ten among the candidates.
vaccination program thinks
The software integrates into the practice computer, so exchanged over an interface patient data and impfrelevante will.
“With one click you can instantly access the current vaccination status of a patient and see which vaccinations up to date and are due in the near future,” explains Jörg Schelling.
In addition, the vaccination status is represented by a traffic light symbolism.
will be considered by the program not only age and sex of the patient, but also his medical history and duration diagnoses.
“In one patient, for example, with splenectomy, the software would be in addition to the STIKO recommendations include further vaccination in the vaccination schedule,” Schelling explained.
Of course, should the doctor the current STIKO recommendations know in order to verify the necessary proposals of the software, Schelling admits.
“With his recommendations for vaccinations and Impfabständen however, the program facilitates us Vaccination colossal,” he says. Misinterpretations or vaccinations are so preventable.
In addition, the software includes a serial letter function, so that patients can be reminded by mail to their regular vaccinations.
vaccination certificate reproducible
A further advantage: A lost vaccination records can always be restored completely
The fact that with the introduction of Impfmanagements to a significant increase in vaccination rates. came, not least also reflected in the extra-budgetary revenues and benefits in the quarter accounts for the KV. But
Schelling wanted to know more. In his capacity as head of the department of general practice, University of Munich, he made contact with the Institute for Medical Information in Berlin in order to initiate a study with general practitioners on the path that had not worked previously with the software.
In the study were first collected from October 2010 to September 2011 using the program vaccination data from 110 medical practices in Germany in anonymous form to the coverage rates using the example of measles, pertussis and influenza before and after introduction of vaccination doc® to . compared to
now analyzed the vaccination data from women of childbearing age, ie 18-45 years, men of the same age, for men and women between 45 and 60 years and between 60 to 90 years.
Approximately 125,000 patients are now evaluated. Three theses at the University of Munich are currently working with the data specific issues.
vaccination rates under the microscope
First, preliminary results show significant increases, in all areas, Schelling reported. The increases were higher than we can achieve actions of health authorities or training sessions with other interventions, such as training.
So the vaccination rate for women was between 18 and 45 years at the one-measles vaccination before the start of the study about 33 percent and increased after the introduction of vaccination doc® in the first year to 37 percent.
After four years, it reached almost 48 percent. Recommended by STIKO twice measles vaccination had previously 17 percent of women after one year and 21 percent after four years, more than 30 percent.
Similar wrappings have been instituted for the measles vaccination in the TdaP vaccination, the STIKO since July 2009 once recommended for all adults or for influenza vaccination, Schelling reported.
To implement the effective Vaccination, are in practice for the vaccines two lockable special refrigerators with an externally visible temperature display.
The vaccine administration with a complete proof of vaccines including the batch numbers and use will also run on the practice software.
“So we can always prove who and when to get which vaccination against on the KV,” Schelling explained.
Innovation Award 2014: Apply now with innovative ideas for practice!
Do you have an innovative idea, you want to implement in your practice or implemented? Have your practice perfectly organized, so that you can withstand the supply pressure by more and more patients, without having to provide themselves becomes increasingly work performance? Do you have smart ideas on how to motivate your team practice? Work with modern medical technology, with hardware or software?
If you can answer any of these questions is yes efficiently or otherwise see in your practice management innovative potential, then you do with the competition “The innovative medical practice in 2014″ .
The award is an initiative of the biopharmaceutical company UCB and the Springer Medicine, which also includes the “Medical Journal” belongs. The prize will be awarded for the fourth time in 2014.
you can win with your idea one of three practical advice from the company HCC Better Care (Cologne). The application can be done online. Among you will find a form where you can describe your idea and the implementation of short
The idea is to show where the innovative character your idea is: if they can improve patient care and increase the efficiency of your practice or whether you broke new technical ground. You can also upload additional documents for more detailed description of your idea and the implementation. An independent jury will select the three winners. Your data will be used only to determine the winner and not forwarded to third parties. Applications will be accepted until November 30. (eng)

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