Chancellor Angela Merkel with the carol singers on 01/05/2016 at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin (photo: dpa).
Anyone on a clear or at least compassionate word of the Chancellor to the terror alert in Munich or to the excesses of violence in Cologne has been waiting on Tuesday, was disappointed. Both events lie back five days and have not taken place in Burkina Faso or in Finland, but in two of the most important cities in Germany.
The only official original sound, it gave Merkel on this day, comes from . Merkel’s meeting with the carol singers at the Federal Chancellery, where the Chancellor said:
“The word Respect … comes from the Latin language Inside is the verb.” spectare “It means:.. look, can see something That is I must first be open to look at me something new – a human being, an object If I had a man look at me, then I have to be willing to be surprised and to discover something, which I do not yet know. have. I then must also be prepared that you look at me as well and that I am the subject of consideration. Then I can not simply look away, look down or close my eyes, but then I watch itself and gives way to look at it from “
And again:
“. We are all the conviction … that we have all over the world, we do not know, respect. In our fundamental law is: The dignity of man is inviolable ‘This applies not only for the Germans or not only for the people who live here in Germany, but that goes for the people who. live in Europe. But also because it does not end, but it applies to all people – for every human being as God’s creature “
And finally:
“. You know that we again have a lot of work to be , That points at already in the first few days, when you hear how many difficult things in the world happens when we think, for example, to the war in Syria, when we remember that people are executed; All of us here are against the death penalty. Many events will accompany us this year. But we must it not be driving, but must we always encourage each other, that you can also apply some for good. Some things are for good to develop . “
We want us here not stop at exegetical details, although it is notable that Merkel in this context no longer speaks of “civil war” in Syria, but the “war” – a not insignificant nuance in the previous presentation of the West. Of course, here is striking that the close allies of the US and Germany, Saudi Arabia, is expressly not named as the organizer of executions – a development that has the whole Middle East again set on fire and be tantamount is that the aggressive attitude of Saudis lead to new mass expulsions and thus the refugee crisis in Europe will kindle again.
is really amazing the fact that Merkel has not noticed that their Mantra the “We can do it” on New Year in Munich and in Cologne in air dissolved has. In Munich, was the people the feeling that the terror in Germany is omnipresent. The day after the dramatic appeals by the Bavarian police to the population not to panic, it was announced that one except for a few “Arab name as common” have no basis for the remained of the alleged perpetrators.
In Cologne there is apparently unprecedented violent excesses came – as well as in Hamburg and, earlier in Stuttgart. The Cologne police, which is now supplied pushed the buck, speaks of a “new dimension” of the crime. Yet are the precise backgrounds in the dark. It is believed that nothing can be understood. The police speaks of offenders with “Arab and North African appearance”. That’s about as meaningful as a name as common Arabic.
The national German public has taken note of the events in Cologne four days late note. But by Monday evening all major German media have extensively and quite unmistakably reported that there had been a crime spree in which mainly women have become victims of sexual violence, humiliation and theft. At least now should have shrill alarm bells at the Chancellor. The N24 brings a credible testimony of a person concerned, ZDF even a very harrowing account of a likewise affected. In the Süddeutsche Zeitung gives an eyewitness to protocol:
“ In this situation, I noticed for the first time that everything was full of Arab or North African-looking men One must be careful. when they say something, but I really noticed. And I come from social work, I have friends from all sorts of cultures. I stood there and did not understand a word of what was said around me. Again and again suggestive remarks were made. The insults I have but then understood. During the night I was repeatedly bitch ‘thrown at his head, cunt’ and ‘stupid whore’.
Eventually I made it to the vicinity of the subway. In front of a bakery shop, I wanted to wait for my friend. Then I saw a young girl. I remember that they had long blond hair. She was totally crying, had a torn pantyhose, the skirt askew, she was exhausted. “
The human dignity of these women has been trampled underfoot. The perpetrators have no respect shown. The “New” from the talks, the Chancellor in her lifted world has proved to be a grimace of contempt for women. In Cologne, neither the Basic Law nor the view were to man the image of God. Here you can not “develop for the better”. The apparently many women were not “object of contemplation”, but victims of sexual and property offenses.
Angela Merkel left a few hours later announce their spokesman, the Chancellor told the shocked Cologne Lord Mayor on the phone have that the “rule of law to enforce with all severity” was. Since the perpetrators were long gone. The victims will never be justice.
However, the rule of law is not Angela Merkel’s ideal world. She wants Germany to be “friendly face” shows. It is unclear whether the pastoral Chancellor would go so far as to advise the people should turn the other cheek. This recommends the gospel, too.
The Chancellor of a Western European State is not the Upper pastor of 80 million citizens. It has solely to ensure prevent harm to their people. There is law and order for this purpose. With the opening of the borders – at Merkel today clings stubbornly – Merkel has broken European law. She has officially declared the Dublin contracts for “obsolete”. As a result, Hungary has foreclosed the first, in recent days, known as a very humanitarian Scandinavian countries Sweden and Denmark have followed suit. Schengen has become obsolete through. The East Europeans refuse to accept refugees
With its friendly face Merkel has two causes:. The really seeking help, so the refugees who are entitled to asylum, come under general suspicion . Similarly, all Muslims living in Germany – and it is grotesque that anyone still a fundamental contradiction to the official Cologne statements noticed: The criminals are said to have been drunk, so devout Muslims ceased to be a culprit. Therefore, the discussion about the masculinity culture of Muslims will bring nothing – except votes for the AfD
But as for the eastern Europeans and Scandinavians applies since New Year’s Eve in Germany the bitter for every humanist knowledge. We can not do it – at least not in the way Merkel imagines. With a friendly face that just will away smiling the total overtaxing the local authorities and the security services .
Angela Merkel’s silence on the extremely disturbing events, as their technocratic-appellative policy nor produce a second result: right-wing extremists of all groups will be more The policy of denial of reality will bring those feed, which are on the hunt for scapegoats and long the refugees, Muslims and asylum-seekers have been identified as enemy.
The CDU, the protest follows the Chancellor, may triumph is precisely why in elections. However, the CDU will have to govern a country that has become ungovernable – not because the Germans do not obey the law, but because no one can say who is staying in this country; because it is no longer clear, will be played according to what rules; because cosmopolitanism is something other than open borders that mainly provide a broad gateway for terrorism around the world. Germany is on the way to a prescriptive anarchy. Not even the establishment of the State Police may be a solution.
A woman who is himself a victim of violence in Cologne, said on N24 that she would never celebrate New Year’s Eve in Cologne. You do not want to discover again what it has never known before obviously. That is the reality of Germany at the beginning of 2016. The Chancellor will sooner or descend from their illusory world later. It is the eyes of the citizens can not escape.

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