itemprop "headline" class = "article__header__heading"> Administration Software – Berlin Bürgerämter reopen

Photo: dpa Picture-Alliance / Gregor Fischer / picture alliance / dpa
queuing before the Civil Office in Sonnenallee in Neukölln.
Sabine Gundlach
Two days citizens offices were closed. Now it comes with a new PC program. How well it works, you do not even
restart with new software. Berlin citizens offices are open from Tuesday to again and go with a new software to the start. Because she had to be installed, the offices in all districts last Friday and on Monday were closed. Already on Thursday, 21 January, was also everywhere only offered a shortened consultation.
<"p_2" p class => The time was it needed to cover up about 7.6 million data. Documents already applied as identity cards or passports could during the long transition period not to be picked up – and remained lying“The untapped software dated back to the 90s, and was long gone. more up to date, “said the charge of the civil service in Pankow City Council Torsten Kühne (CDU). As Kühne emphasized the conversion but is not linked with the basic problem in the Berlin municipal offices which are overloaded in view of the lack of staff known, which means for citizens to online appointment waiting times of six to eight weeks.
” The basic problem is, we need more staff, “said Kuehne. To convert even he could not say anything at this stage. Just as much, “in an emergency we can always fall back on the old system.”
“We have to see how it works in practice,”
Also Dagmar King (CDU), Städt Councillor for Citizen Services in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, updating the software considered necessary as urgent. “The software is used as a working basis for around 90 percent of the reporting tasks. It needs to be modernized necessarily.”
As the new program functioned, one can of course only after the first experience of this working with evaluate the new system, as king. “Crystal balls we all have not, now we have to wait and see how it in practice runs”, the District politician Ronald Schäfer, head of the civil offices on Monday said the Berliner Morgenpost.
in the district center, referred on Monday to demand also that after “the real operating an assessment of the functionality of the new software VOIS in the public offices” is possible
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