The Skeleton cultivation of hemp for the production of hashish in the Netherlands to be more difficult.
The Forbidden cultivation of hemp for the production of hashish in the Netherlands to be more difficult. The electricity grid operator Stedin has developed claims to software that can locate from local distribution points from the excessive and often illegal consumption of large amounts of electricity in major cities.
“We are seeing that the criminals in hiding hemp plantations always innovative have become, “said Dave de Wit of Stedin. Thus grown indoors hemp can form the hashish resin, it must be illuminated with lamps. This produces heat – also the power grid is usually tapped illegally. Meanwhile, the plantations would be better ventilated and insulated in attics or other spaces, De Wit said. They are more difficult to detect with thermal imaging cameras from police helicopters.
According Stedin was discovered 1352 hemp plantations last year. They want the software to meet not only the hemp growers, but all electricity thieves.

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