The driver will be able to not only monthly but provide up to one year in advance, the dates in which they are not available for the three-hour operations for bus travel available loud club. Once a month, determined for a dispatcher of this information to schedule the next four weeks and provides this information on the Internet for a driver. If rescheduling is necessary within the current month, which was not a problem, it is the community bus association. Each person in charge of driving service accesses over the network to a database. This sounds simple, required a corresponding planning, emphasize those responsible. Club member and driver Henry Rosenfeldt drew up specifications, in which all the requirements described in the project. So it was about important that you wanted to make the input of data of the driver regardless of the device. In future you can enter your free dates not only at home on their PC or tablet, it is also about the popular smartphones from anywhere in the world possible. “We have gained for these purposes specially various devices to the test,” said Ingo Freitag, CEO of webad from Achim. Since 2000 this company has been active for web design in Achim. That such requirements, however, were not commonplace for the company, his business partner Frank Voigt was able to confirm. It had the complete planning process from the start of the input to determine the stakes are ready IT technology.
Since February now the entire planning process via the tool runs. “We were able from the beginning find high acceptance among drivers,” said Klaus Voigt, one of the five participants in the transport service of the association. “The drivers have to work with them immediately and without error, admissions on a home PC were not necessary,”
confirmed Reinhard Viohl who cares as much about the car service. Another goal revising the homepage Bürgerbus Association will be , “We are here on the experience and good cooperation with the company Achimer WebAd build,” said the chairman of the association, Herfried Meyer. Of course, the citizens bus will introduce this tool under the Achimer exhibition in May.

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