Andreas Knoll
benefit from the new license types both manufacturers and users: The manufacturer can make the parameters for the loan and move its proprietary software define and be sure that its specifications are strictly adhered to. The user can borrow licenses for the protected software according to their needs as and move as he needs just, even offline without an Internet connection.
“The Stock Borrow worked either safe or simply” in the past, explained Oliver Winzenried, CEO and founder of Wibu-Systems. “Now we have combined the first manufacturer to safety and ease of use. And with the new idea, move licenses offline ‘we close another gap. As the first manufacturer we have moving licenses offline, ie without a direct connection between the license server and your local computer, developed and brought to market. “Using the example of a construction site, the benefits of off-shifting would particularly clear:” A company may for branch its employees from its pool of licenses is a license for the protected software, which then no connection is made to the company at the site, and precisely within the possibilities that the manufacturer has previously defined “emphasizes Winzenried.
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