As the legacy QuickTime player can be removed from your Windows PC, Apple says on its website. Free alternatives to QuickTime are the most pre-installed Windows Media Player or VLC Media Player
Apple is on its website detailed instruction how to proceed to uninstall the QuickTime player.
before you uninstall:
If you use a registry key for QuickTime 7 Pro, you should store the key before uninstalling QuickTime. 7 It is located on the “Register” in the settings of QuickTime Player ( “Edit” & gt; “Settings”).
If you are not sure if QuickTime for a program is required, contact the developer of the program. Most current media-related programs for Windows, including iTunes 10.5 or later, use QuickTime no longer playing modern media formats. These programs provide the media, either directly or again use this integrated in Windows Media support.
The uninstall QuickTime 7 will also use the older QuickTime 7 Web Plug-in removed if present. For better playback quality of videos on a wide range of browsers and devices without additional software or plug-ins sites are increasingly using the web standard HTML5. By removing older browser plug-ins your computer’s security is increased
Instructions for uninstalling:.
Uninstall QuickTime 7 on the Control Panel, as you would make it to uninstall other programs on your PC. If you follow the instructions from Microsoft for uninstalling programs, choose QuickTime 7 as the program to uninstall.
Alternatively, you can use the Windows Search “Uninstall QuickTime” enter and begin the process in this way.

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