It was a scene with symbolic power. Four well-known Microsoft specialists, including the journalist Paul Thurrott and Mary Joe Foley, sat at Microsoft’s DevCon Build smirking in the front row and wore hats with a grinning Penguin.
This is the unmistakable trademark of the free operating system Linux , Microsoft’s former CEO Steve Ballmer had “open source” software such as Linux in 2001 still referred to as “cancer”. Bill Gates hated. Now was Ballmer’s successor Satya Nadella before Penguin hats on stage and presented “Bash” for Windows before. This is a software environment that will run on the real Linux program commands on Windows PCs
One commentator on Twitter summed up his astonishment thus:. “Bash to be like Star Trek on Windows must for Microsoft , were as for the first time to fly Klingons “another short”. hell is just frozen “Satya Nadella is the master of ceremonies of the new openness.. With charm, patience and persistence explains the 48-year-old with Indian roots, which is at the forefront since 2014, as the world has changed on campus in Redmond, Washington.
The former omnipotence of Windows teams, which all had to subordinate is broken. An estimated 70 percent of all Web sites that call the people today run on servers with open source software and Nadellas message is clear: I want to have them all – their developers, their data, their business. Windows or not. Until now, Linux developers have preferred to buy a Mac from Apple. That is now a thing of the past
On the glass facade of the Moscone Center emblazoned on these days only a big word. “Build” – the motto of the exhibition. Logos Microsoft was sought out in vain. Some of the thousands of participants could not believe what they have seen, and the atmosphere was finally good again on the parties in the evening. Forget the years are the doubts, which is from Microsoft.
Through a trellis clapping employees are software professionals went to the “Hololens Academy” to small apps for everyday work with the new data goggles Hololens to Create and deliver a mass battle with digital balls at the end. The old giant is considered at once again as cool and innovative.
There’s “Bash”, with the now open source development on PC easier than ever will. Then comes the now free “Xamarin”. This can be in a snap apps for Windows phones and Android phones and soon also Apple iPhones create and test. The auditorium thanked with standing ovations.
Behind everything is not necessarily Windows, but Microsoft’s version of the Internet cloud. The new backbone is “Azure”, a gigantic computer infrastructure on the Internet with unlimited computing power. This World Computer Azure, replete with artificial intelligence and data forms the basis to make chat programs such as Skype or competitors like WeChat or WhatsApp Facebook intelligent or crosslink BMW drivers worldwide with their cars and their lives.
the face to the customer is to take Windows Cortana are, the digital assistant, wagered on the Nadella his future. Detached from the PC they will be present on all platforms. Cortana will respond to questions, advice, search, find, buy, order, plan, write down dates. Everywhere, from the 14-dollar mobile in India on tablets from Apple and Google to Skype, Office in the office or in the luxury BMW in a traffic jam in Unterföhring.
Cortana needs but also the largest failed hope of Microsoft replace: Windows Phone 10. the OS version for smartphones found in the Build no mention in the great strategy speeches. While the Surface tablet has still blossomed after a tough fight to billion dollar business, Microsoft’s smartphones are only a shadow of itself. And they are ultimately unnecessary if Cortana can run on all devices again. Not so with Apple: iPhones bring around two thirds of revenues. Every year, every new model has to be a hit
One must Nadella but succeed. Just as he was able to convince the software professionals of the new openness, he has to convince the buyers and the companies in the world, at Cortana and to put their skills. The advantages and trustworthiness of digital and self teaching assistant with artificial intelligence have to be so convincing that no one wants to miss him. How difficult this task is, Microsoft has, however, also have recently experienced. because Twitter users that – The controlled by artificial intelligence chatbot Tay, with Microsoft on Twitter wanted to find out about talks between man and machine more, turned after a few hours in a “Hassbot” the anti-feminist, racist and hateful tweets gave himself had hijacked the project.
If the new Microsoft concept despite such small setbacks but rises Nadella has a weapon that can beat hardly anyone. Only Google and to a lesser extent Apple can keep up at all here. . But Apple is still missing the gigantic cloud intelligence, Microsoft, Google and to a lesser extent Amazon already offer
Bill Gates dreamed during the 1975 founding of Microsoft from a PC on every desk, in every home – Satya Nadella There was not enough that. He wants Microsoft have created where the person resides. Even if no longer perceives it in the end.

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