Every day is flashing any program on mobile phone, tablet or computer and want to download a new version. But normal users are so often overwhelmed – and that can be dangerous.
Because, again: The icon for the App Store the small red circle, it is a number. Today it is the four, the lights on the smartphone screen. Again four apps that want to be renewed. Overall, more than 500 megabytes come together there. What for? The one does not know for sure. “Minor bugfixes”, it is often only quite succinctly, correcting minor errors. watch now bare, not draufzuklicken accidentally go. Otherwise it was namely this month with the fast mobile Internet, updates eat Flatrate on.
Annoying, is not it? After all, most of it works so at least. And when Apple also every update needs to be confirmed. After a few minutes, the new apps are loaded – provided fast Wifi. If Android can set one against the fact that apps are loaded automatically. While this saves Herumgetippe with every update. But you can be pretty sure that the Laderei exactly straight then goes off if one’s time can just do not need. Also good: When the phone was a few weeks is not turned on, it is then once an hour after barely usable – because of the many updates
but can also come much worse.. After a system update that Apple had spread recently, went on many devices once nothing more, on the other functioned not as essential things like links.
As a user you therefore caught in a dilemma. On the one hand is well known that updates, especially the operating system, taken seriously, say, should be executed. On the other hand, you never know exactly what you look so again einhandelt everything. The most harmless case is still when the program icons in place.
Especially bad is the thing with the PC. As much as it is sometimes advantageous if the user engage deeply into the system and so everything can make as he wants it: The wide range of options just creates a number of error possibilities. And unlike smartphones there are many more things that are supposed to work together, and thus more sources of error. From meats such as graphics cards to printers that also scan yet, copy and fax, everything is there.
is Worst of all, if the update urgently needed is not supplied
Legendary is how Microsoft’s Vista operating system was a monster flop because many computers and especially many peripherals were not prepared. But anyone who thinks that this is now over, was mistaken. The software of Microsoft’s own Webcameras who sold yet quite expensive a few years ago, the company, is not running on Windows 10 – the new operating system of their own home. This Windows 10, the group tries to push its customers almost brazenly in the eye. Sure, the update is free until the summer for private users of versions 7 to 8.1. Due to the many anger, to have caused the automatic update program the continuous reference and even recording, there are now at least a small program that hides the constant reminders and leaves it to the user, if and when he wants to switch to the new version.
with memories many other PC programs coming back around the corner. So annoying that’s: If it is one to which one can not do without, the update should be made. However, many users are simply not PC experts, the continuous reference only confuse. Although there are tools that are a decrease that, but bring new evidence on the screen, which can only be understood if you know your way.
At worst, however, is when a system update actually may have to be played in you but none gets. But Google’s Android system is currently the most negative example. Google develops it regularly, but the group itself does not build devices that can possibly which from partners like LG finished. The bulk of the equipment comes from independent producers, and understandably want not that the phones that yes externally often face very similar, even in the software the same as peas in a pod. So they put it over Google’s system’s own interface. Sometimes they even succeed, in order to do it better, mostly it’s just different, often even worse than the original Android
And at one point, it is definitely a disadvantage. For since the often intervene to change quite deep into the system, it takes time to be completed and tested the changes for a new version of Android. If that is so far, the network provider must still consider the new versions – that’s why it takes so long until it also gives a new version of Android for Samsung, LG, Huawei and so on
. on smartphones only the apps should be that you actually use
the whole thing is so complicated and expensive – no longer than two years, it is therefore in most cases by having updates. The is there just yet for new devices. And cheaper mobile phones, there is often no updates. This is annoying, because a new features are denied, often enough but also downright dangerous, because vulnerabilities that are discovered in older systems and exploited by criminals, simply left open.
The only salvation then alternative Android versions such as cyanogen, yet so simple, it is in many cases not at all, to get on a cellphone; who do not know a hundred percent what he is doing, risking to make his device unusable.
Since you are but still blame themselves. The situation is different when devices simply refuse without further provided an update their service. For Microsoft’s Xbox: If there is an update, nothing remains as it einzuspielen. Just stupid when then bits slowly trickle through the line. Or the so-called Smart TVs. Because updates can ever delete apps that you like to use, and other load that you do not want.
Often has then to do with the deal, which the manufacturers concluded with the providers of the app , This too is an annoyance of the first rank, it comes to smart phones the same way as on PCs of many manufacturers. The very aptly called bloatware programs – software so that does not really bring anything but the space zumüllt – can still remove from PCs usually. On smartphones or tablets but manufacturers put them in a protected area, to which one does not approach as a normal user.
What to do? As a normal user you is the update hell delivered quite defenseless. On smartphones only the apps should be, that are actually used – saves have many updates and saves memory. The same applies to tablets and PCs. Who knows himself so not enough, should leave his device by checking every few weeks times from someone on updates in the know.

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