(Screenshot: internalpositioning.com)

Find: open source software tells you which room ye is
To find the path to a particular address, GPS has established itself and has become a normal part of our lives. But what to do if we want to find an exact location within a building? One way around that allow it to use the surrounding us WLAN signals for. With Find, there is now an open source software that makes exactly possible.
To use Find, users must first generate a kind of fingerprint of all wireless routers around. The containing their respective MAC address and signal strength. Using these data, can calculate Find later exactly where you are in your home or your office straight. The necessary software is available for Android smartphones, notebooks and the craft computer Raspberry Pi.
The Find- App for Android in pictures
All 4 images
indoor positioning: Find source code is available under open source license
The principle behind finding is not directly re. Unlike other programs of this type, the software is, however, under the open source GPL license version 3.0. Those who are interested will find the source code on GitHub. The Android app of the project you can either compile it yourself, or download directly from Google Play store.
An iPhone version will not happen in the foreseeable future, however. The possibilities for wireless scanning iOS are severely limited by Apple. Since the makers of the find will not provide iPhone app that only works via jailbreak, they also want to develop no separate app for the Apple operating system to the removal of this restriction.
Also interesting in this context is our article “Indoor navigation for large properties: As easy as it is possible”
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