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Photo: DAPD
The BKA has with the State Trojans to race against online companies again lost. This was predictable, commented editor Jörg Breithut.
Stuttgart – It is a bitter statistic: Three years software specialists from the Federal meticulously crafted on a new version of the State Trojan. Since February, the spyware can now be used, if a judge allows. But for investigators monitoring software is practically useless. Because suspects only need to install a different operating system than Windows 7 or simply on the smartphone chatting via Whatsapp together to escape surveillance.
This is especially true the citizens. Because the development of the software has cost around five million euros in taxes. A lot of money that has been burned to the development of a useless program in recent years. A predictable software flop. For the billion budget from Microsoft, Apple and Co., the authorities can not keep up, to crack the encryption
The defeat could lead to another privacy debate. Since the back door remains blocked, the authorities are now vehemently demanding the access through the main entrance, to capture data as directly to the companies. And in the future, the fear is well again misused against terrorist attacks, the citizens are more likely to move to abandon some of their privacy
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online monitoring
Bundestrojaner peeking only Windows PC

the BKA has tinkered three years for several million euros on a new version of the State Trojan. Now you can see: The Ministry of Interior spyware works only with Windows 7.
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