hundreds of articles for a penny, the equivalent of 1.3 cents: shopping because of a software error was British online shoppers at Amazon for little money much , Hundreds of articles have been offered for about an hour for minimum amounts.
debt was a mistake the Amazon software Repricer Express, corrected the prices down automatically when it is found that competitors lower their prices. Although Amazon could make up a large part of the transactions reversed claims to fear some online retailers will have large financial losses. You have now joined forces and to act jointly with an attorney to Amazon.
As the British “Telegraph” reported, joined the software error last Friday between seven and eight clock in the evening. Headphones, mattresses, furniture and clothes were to have at once for a fraction of their price – sometimes for only a penny
Some online shoppers made immediately use of the. supposedly great deals. Joely Thompson, a British Amazon customer, tweeted: “. Amazon has a problem on the site and sold a lot of things for a penny I have bought a scented candle holders, I do not even need,” wrote the client
For online retailers, however, the frustration is great. Especially in the important weeks before Christmas they want to make money with sales through Amazon. However, on Friday the opposite happened, many lost money.
“I have overnight 20,000 pounds lost,” Judith Blackford said that for on Amazon ” Kiddy Mania “doll clothes sold. “Someone has to take responsibility for this,” she said.
She was not the only one who is affected by the software error. Mehboob Rasool also lost a lot of money on Friday. Within minutes, 12,000 pieces of furniture and other products were purchased, Amazon computed according to him, more than 4800 pounds, the equivalent of 6045 euros, in fees for it.
Amazon wants to make things right
“At Christmas, we sell more than usual from Amazon, so let’s talk about millions,” he told the City Journal “City AM”. According to the newspaper still transactions would be handled with incorrect prices, although it was not clear who bears the cost.
Like other online retailers, so also fears Mehboob Rasool that the error in the financial ruin could drive it. According to him, would therefore come together several interested dealers and turned an attorney.
Amazon points out, however, that it is in the Repricer-Express software an external program is. “We responded quickly and were the vast majority of orders cancel,” a spokesman told the “world”. For the traders would arise in the case of canceled orders no costs and no fees.
Chief of the software company shows remorse
” We are now going to review the orders that were already processed and contact us directly to the affected dealers, “the spokesman said. However, it is not possible to cancel orders that have already been delivered to customers.
The CEO of Repricer Express apologized to the website of the company for the error. “I’m sorry that we have our customers prepare such trouble,” Brendan Doherty wrote.
The company is currently working on it, the causes of the error to find. “We are conducting mechanisms so that this can not happen again,” said Doherty.
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