Published: 08/12/2014 16:54
The non-profit organization supporting Git, Samba and Wine offers a supporter program. In order for the Software Freedom Conservancy follows other organizations such as Gnome, KDE and the Linux Foundation.
In addition to donations can now be supported on an annual Supporting Membership Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC). The SFC is non-profit and represents about 30 various free software projects, especially in legal matters. These projects include about Busybox, Git, Inkscape, Samba or Wine. The SFC is known, but the source code against the GPL release for lawsuits against companies that use the toolbox BusyBox.
For an annual fee of $ 120, about 100 euros, the donor will get a T-shirt and be listed as a supporter on the website if they wish. Such programs for long-term financial support from individuals provide, inter alia, Gnome, KDE, or the Linux Foundation.
Instead of simply collect only money, takes over the SFC for organized in her projects, especially tasks that require economic and legal knowledge. These include the defense of trademark rights, the enforcement of compliance with the licenses, the total administrative or tax issues.
In addition, however, the SFC provides multiple projects for the improvement of community management, shall publicly on the distribution of free software or attempts to create a free software for accounting of non-profit organizations. Likewise, the outreach program will provide organizational support, the under-represented sections of society to help the involvement in the communities. (Sg)
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