The spy software “Regin” has been discovered, according to a media report on a computer in the Chancellery. A Head of Unit of the European policy department have taken a document on a USB stick with private home, reported the “image”.
There she continued to work on her personal laptop to the document and brought back the memory device to the Chancellery. When the woman put this in their service laptop, hit the virus scanner, therefore, because of “Regin” alarm.
It’s hard to see
The existence of “Regin” was the end of November by I T security companies have been made public. The software is particularly difficult to detect. Media reports had been associated with the US monitoring service NSA and its British partner GCHQ.
What “Regin” anything can
The software spreads from infected computers in several stages and it is trimmed, long to remain undetected. The hidden acting Trojan program can make according to security researchers, among other recordings from the screen, steal passwords, monitor traffic and recover deleted files for the attackers
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