The IT security company Eset from Slovakia indicates a new variant of malware that is in February in circulation. Unknown to use the torrent Locker called malware to encrypt the content of external computers. The aim is to bring the owners of infected computers and locked to pay a ransom. Only if it is paid, the malware can be removed and the computer will function properly again.
The Eset experts have dealt with the extent of extortion attempts. Their findings suggest that almost 40,000 desktop computers were infected in the latest attack. It should be a number of countries affected, including, among other European countries, including Germany. The vast majority of victims were but located in Turkey (11,700 units), Australia (9415) and Italy (4576). In Germany 240 computers were infected.
Of the thousands Torrent Locker mourners have paid 570 According to Eset the demanded ransom in the form of Bitcoin. Although the success rate seems low given the infection levels that make online predators with Torrent Locker good business. The amount of loss – difficult to quantify precisely due to the constantly fluctuating Bitcoin course – lying converted from 240,000 to 475,000 euros, estimates Eset. Based on an observation period in the last week of November 2014, the company assumes that at present day nearly 700 computers are infected with malware.
Eset believes these are the Torrent Locker makers responsible for the development of the banking Trojan Hesperbot. A better-known representative of the blackmailer programs, also known as ransomware is Crypto Locker: The makers of this program had managed to extort even the police. In November 2013, the officers had seen at a police station in the State of Massachusetts no other option but to pay. Prior to the service computer had been infected with the pest and disabled.

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