Neustadt / WN
Raiffeisenbank distinguished employees for loyalty from
Karl Völkl, Director of Raiffeisenbank Neustadt-Vohenstrauss, years of employees honored for their seniority. He spoke of the 16 jubilees present on behalf of the Executive Board thanks and appreciation for the long loyalty.
In his speech Völkl compared the Raiffeisen Bank and its employees with the hardware and software of a computer. The hardware is the office equipment of a bank building. Only with the software that may have to be continuously developed, the computer system is used. The employees of the bank were for him the necessary software, he stressed.
“Around 120 employees in the banking and goods operation provides us that the system works Raiffeisenbank. 19 of them will now be awarded for a total of 495 years of service loyalty,” the director praised the honorees.
Together with his fellow board members Robert Steel and Werner Bäumler he drew from the employees. For 15 years they honored Martin Baier, Kerstin Schaffer, Martin and Hans Schön Bulenda, for 20 years Birgit Rupprecht. 25 years Anna Ertl, Johann Hart, Gabriele Bergler, Donat Kiesl, Sandra Wildauer and Sonja steel Lawrence can look back. They were given in addition to the honorary certificate of Raiffeisenbank also a certificate of the IHK.
Already 30 years have Thomas Grötsch, Günther Gollwitzer, Beate Vollath, Gerhard Uschold and Gottlieb Bulenda here. For 35 years of loyalty Christa Prem and Hans Eger was the thanks of the Board. With 45 years of Rudolf Schieder is one of the longest-serving of the Raiffeisen Bank.
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